Thank you Babypips

It’s a shoutout to this amazing site. As a beginner, I followed the advice of many experts on this site. Over the course of a week I’ve changed a $200 investment into an $1000 investment! I’m temporarily putting everything on hold until next year.
Happy holidays!

Congrats! and happy holidays to you

This site is amazing! Still not there and I am the first to admit it but this site has given me the fundamentals and an amazing insight into the forex markets. I do it for fun.

I make VERY small gains and now I am beginning to understand where I went wrong in past trades and what I should have done better. But at the end of the day they are still gains and most of that is due to this site. Price Action by NickB has completely changed the way I trade. I love candles now, where in the past they meant nothing and the only gain back then was to go against what way I thought the direction would go ;)… I had all these indicators that looked really cool but in the end took focus away from what I should have been looking at.

Merry Xmas everyone!

Good for you.Happy holiday to you all.

Baby pips is a first forum which I join as a beginner , It helped me a lot in understanding forex market . I read its preschool lessons before doing demo trading . I am thankful to babypips that make me enable to face forex market , I am making good profit now .

hi perplexion,
Nice to here it from u, Can u please share u r trading strategy or can u help us with a that u traded to achieve this.

thanks in advance

Well done !!!

Though I haven’t started trading live yet. I too have got to acknowledge the fact that I’m moving forward rather faster than I ever would have imagined with babypips forum alongside.

Keep it up. Practice. You’ll only get better. That works almost in every case or scenario. Of course with a bit of passion and talent/eye what ever you want to call it.

Babypips is a great platform for trading beginners to learn each and everything about forex market. Several experts are available here to provide their best.

I could not agree more @Stenk. There’s a lot ways to utilize Babypips, like myself i use it to learn more and share ideas, interact with new traders and infinite things to do. A great platform to improve aspiring traders!

Thank you Babypips!