Thank you, no really :p

Im am a complete noob to Forex and have no intention of trading real money for, at the VERY least six months. I have hoovered up all the info from the BP’s school (seriously, i wouldnt go on to the next module until i really got my head around the previous lesson) and i just wanted to say that BP’s rocks. The humour in the school is so refreshing given that Forex in general is a fairly heavy subject :wink:
I understand that i still only know about 0.1% of Forex but BP’s has allowed me to get a great grounding to build upon.
Also, I have been following the Cowabunga system everyday too, it helps like you wouldnt belive lol
So ty BP’s and respeck! :slight_smile:

I don’t think you qualify as a newbie anymore.

  1. You know you don’t know it all
    and 2) Your willing to learn.
    Most newbies know it all and don’t need to learn. Stick around and you will see what I mean…

Whats really going to get you later on you will find out you know enough to trade mechanically. Your just missing the biggest parts of the equation, yourself, and a system. Between knowing yourself, and trusting and knowing your system, the system is by far the easiest so spend some time getting to know yourself first. It will pay off in the long run. Don’t loose sight of your personality.

There are hundreds of systems I’ve read about or learned about that more then likely work fine, but they don’t match my personality so they don’t work for me.

I wish you the best of luck, you seem to be on your way!

Congratulations on going about this thing the right way! And welcome to this forum!

We get so many questions from people who won’t put in the time and effort to study the Babypips School — but, then, they expect someone to hold their hands and lead them step by step.

It’s refreshing to hear from someone who has the initiative to tackle this subject matter, and to do the hard work required to master a whole slew of new concepts and skills.

Again, congratulations, and welcome!

Thanks for the advice, i will continue reading the forums and keep an open mind as to which way to trade in the future