The £10K Gamble - [The Journey]

Not sure I 100% agree with this statement. I do marvel at some that balk at 2% - 5% per month. I think the highest you’d get here is 12.5% per annum at a bank and as far as I know that’s pretty high (but of course we pay serious interest too). So even a paltry 2% per month here is still good. Talking from an investment or savings point of view obviously. But of course one has to weigh up or quantify the risks involved.

Anyways. Whatever. As of this morning my life got t-boned by the equivalent of a fully laden freight train at 200km/h. So bottom line really is that on a minute-by-minute basis it’s sure starting to look like this is no longer a means to tide me over for a few months but rather the only thing that I can turn to in order to survive. Caught between trading and a gun to the head. How do you like that one. Talk about living on the edge. Anyways. Suppose I’d better get to it i.e. try building up a business here. Truth be told it wasn’t that far removed from my longer terms plans for the future anyway given that what I’ve been doing for the last few years is no longer an option. Just didn’t expect it to become an immediate requisite in life.

I meant if you’re making big gains on a diddly squat account - its no benefit to anyone. Unless you’re using it to build a track record and then go on and trade a decent size account.

What’s the deal with your trading? Do you have just one strategy that you stick with or you’ve got multiple things in the bag?

You must be able to mix it up to start getting the cash flowing in surely.

Only one strategy. Day in and day out. Been trading it off and on for the last five years or so. But on a part time basis. Now and then will take trades based on two other trading systems but those trades are very sparse and few and far between.

Not sure about how to go about the second part. Only thing I can do is plod along, keep posting minute details for as long as I’m able to hold on, and maybe somebody gives me a shot. I’m at least confident in what I can (and cannot) do now. And is seems as though the ESMA (all hail to them) has been instrumental in exorcising my last (last known anyway) demon (over trading). So yeh. They say everything happens for a reason. Never really been one to buy into that sh*t. But who knows. Certainly not I. If anybody had told me six months ago that I’d end up in my current situation I’d have laughed at them and told them to get on their bike. So evidently I don’t have all the answers.

You made a lot for a 38 pips, what a size.
Still way to go for me. Congrats by the way.

@The_Baller, @dpaterso, I have been watching this thread with interest since the OP, thinking OK, maybe we have a trader that knows what they are doing… a self confirmed (many times) professional trader that is making thousands of dollars per month and more recently has become a wanna be Fund Manager trading other people’s money… and believe it or not, wants to hang out in a beginners forum… Spending more time and space telling us about the trappings of success than show us all his strategy, his techniques, helping us all to become the demigod traders that we all aspire to be.

The more posts I read the more I realised that this is pure unadulterated BS… and has suckered you all in… hook, line and sinker… Now I know I am going to be flamed grilled by the good folk of BabyPips, but continue reading and I’ll paint a compelling picture of the rubbish that is being peddled here on a daily basis.

First of all our Superstar trader only gives you the bare minimum in information from his Ctrader platform. Not enough to really tell a true story of his trading prowess… for all we know that 38 pip 15k trade could have been opened 15 mins prior to it’s close… and I won’t even go into the 11 pip 4k win… which at a monumental 404 pound per pip position is little more than a scalp? Of course our OP states over and over that he doesn’t scalp…

He plays the long game right? (See Below)


Now see the information that I displayed when running the 25% in a month thread… You got the lot, Open, Close, Commission, Lot Sizes, Gross, Net and an accruing total balance to show a true indication of where the account stood. The total balance figure will also confirm that you are not flicking from one account (Demo) to the next to get the preferred screenshots…(See Below)

Now we come to the really interesting part (See Below) the margin to cover the 15k position is over 10k… even on a 1:400 account where even a 10 pip reversal will result in 4k of DD. This is outside the realm of any risk aversion strategies that I am aware of…

So sit back and have a think about what you are seeing in this thread, fact or fiction… We’ve all seen these big hitters come and go over the years.

Conclusion… There is no envy, no sour grapes in this post, all I’m requesting is transparency in your outlandish claims…So… I’m asking you @The_Baller, to in future display the same complete information that you Boys et Girls are attempting to ridicule in this thread, and lets just see if the thread can continue with it’s illusions of grandeur and excess and or it can be proven to be the real deal…

Now… let the games begin…


time to get the popcorn out

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Yip. Oh don’t worry. I’m on my way. Just busy tying up some other loose ends (threads).

if you can stop by the shops and get some caramel popcorn that would be even better


Would you like a Coke with that or some beer??? Milkshake???

ohhhhh, beer please!

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Sorry. I’m running late. Got a possible potential situation on my hands that I need to monitor for a while.

Find something to amuse yourselves with in the meantime.

And matter of fact: be nice to get some input and help around here.

No sweat I’ll just chill here and wait.

What input and help are you talking about/need?

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Hey. Thanks. I’m sorted. Be here shortly!!! LOL!!!

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I was just out and about getting punched in the head but I’m back now

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Not sure where you are based but you might need some sort of certification before you trade other people’s money for a fee.

Thanks for your concern.

Anyone can make their cTrader account full screen - it proves nothing.

I’ve posted a screenshot of a live account. Whether I choose to scalp on it or not is my problem.

I make money. You think you make money - only difference.

Basic maths for those that have trouble working out margin.

I wonder why the balance is £14,630 - let me see.

It’s impossible to have that much margin. Yeah right - get back to your 5 mins charts.

The Ctrader “Create New Order” calculator shows that was the Margin needed to get 15k pounds from 38 pips… I don’t make this stuff up out of thin air… your LIVE account displays 1:500 Leverage…

@The_Baller, here’s a few (Demo) trades I prepared earlier… Complete information…

Where’d all your huge numbers go… Not screen grabs of various accounts…


All your accounts are demos most likely. Just post the full screenshot showing its a live account.

Hi Guys, I have been watching this thread for a while and your profits seem good. Have you got a verified track record on myfxbook that can be viewed by the public?