The £10K Gamble - [The Journey]

As long as you find some value somewhere, and take it away with you. Job done.

The rest is all noise.

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Only open positions for the week.


Why not show if they are long trades or short trades? Surely this small group couldn’t affect them. Keep on balling!

These trades are good to see @The_Baller as I had exactly the same ones still open, except for the AUDUSD. So hopefully, that means that I’m “getting it”. Just hope that we’re both long or short the same.

@The_Baller. You are QUITE THE MAN are you not.

I was not going to get involved here. Until you chose to involve me last night by quoting from a PM that I had sent to you (which let me make clear was part of a far longer PM i.e. it was not the reason for my contacting you privately in the first place but feel free to make that public too although I think I’ve already done that on my own thread so sorry for you). But you are now at liberty to quote the entire content of the said PM, two PMs in which the subject came up as a matter of fact, as I have made my peace with those concerned. Frankly and were it not for the quote below as received from you last night: I would have left it at that too. But you overstepped the mark.

It’s not like you’ve got anything to lose right about now.

Big mistake you arrogant POS.

Let me tell you this: you’re partially correct. But I still have my good name and integrity and not to mention my pride. And let me now make it clear to you: you had better be on the level here. I may have a financial problem at the moment (which may or may not be resolvable) but I do have other resources at my disposal that do not cost money to utilize. You know. Call in a few favors owed from contacts made over the years in this industry. And if you are a fraud: I will make it my business to expose you.

Oh I have many questions now about what’s going on in this thread. And they will follow I assure you.

But let me address an issue or two here in the meantime.

At no point did @Trendswithbenefits attempt to sell me anything. At the time we just happened to cross paths on these forums: he wanted to explain his grid trading strategy to me and went to great lengths to do so on that particular evening. I could not (and still do not quite frankly) grasp the concept. And I got the impression that he was frustrated by this and it did indeed make me feel uncomfortable at the time. Hence my mentioning this to you in my first PM to you and then in a second PM to you after he posted here asking for proof of concept (and let me make it once again clear that neither PMs were sent to discuss him at all i.e. they were comments made in passing). At the time and as you well know: I couldn’t actually fathom his reasons for just jumping onto a thread the way he did and in the manner with which he did hence the topic coming up in the second PM to you as mentioned. But it resulted in my then starting to take a much closer look at what’s going on here on this thread. And up until now I’ve chosen to stay away. But as noted above: you have my reasons for now taking a very keen interest in what’s being bandied about here.

With regard to your blatant abuse of trust re: quoting from private messages on a public forum:

Two can play at that game.

Me (after seeing a portion of my private message to @The_Baller appear on this thread last night):


Please remove the excerpt from the PM that I sent to you in private if you don’t mind.

Sorry but that’s supposed to be an unwritten rule i.e. not quoting in public what has been sent in private. Same as quoting publicly from an email notification received of a post made but withdrawn by the poster.

Response received from @The_Baller:

I’ve removed it for now.

What’s the problem though. Proof is proof.

Unless you think he will easily know its you. It’s not like you’ve got anything to lose right about now.

“For now”. Is that a threat or what??? BIG MAN. As for the second comment emboldened: already explained very nicely to you.


It is a thing called trust.

Response received from @The_Baller:

Its a forum… if its true then its true.

Either everyone mans up or doesn’t share anything.

Incorrect. That which was sent to you was NOT on a public forum but rather in PRIVATE messages. In addition: my personal opinions expressed to you in both PRIVATE messages are by no means fact and therefore cannot be construed as either PROOF or TRUTH.

In light of the above: be very careful what you express IN PRIVATE to our resident BIG MAN here. And sadly and thanks to you: it now no longer stops with you. I will be thinking very carefully from now on what I discuss IN PRIVATE with ANY forum member from this point onward.

So that’s it for now BIG MAN.

And one last little nugget for you:

It’s not like you’ve got anything to lose right about now.

That’s a double edged sword BIG MAN. Translated: don’t f**k with somebody who has nothing to lose.

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Now moving on and getting down to where the rubber meets the road.

I challenge ALL of you posters that ALL OF A SUDDEN and AS IF BY MAGIC just happened to start posting on this AND ONLY on this thread RAVING about HOW WONDERFUL and HOW PROFITABLE this method of trading is. C’mon. Let’s see some charts. Let’s see your SR. Let’s see your trades. Amazing how members with NO OTHER POSTS ANYWHERE just jump all over this thread raving about the “method”.

I’ve now taken the time to go through this thread. And I do not see one SHRED of detail here other than some half hearted mention of some old system that the OP dug up and that his friends are trading. As a MATTER OF FACT: the closest I have seen to ANY proof of concept has IRONICALLY come from @Trendswithbenefits, Now HOW ABOUT THAT ONE.

So let’s see @The_Baller disciples. Let’s see those charts and trades. Not interested in snapshots of opened and closed positions. Let’s see charts of those trades to back up the screenshots posted.


I agree, it would be fantastic to see screens of charts and reasons explaining why the particular trades have been opened.


Actually a waste of time to be honest. With all of these “virgin post disciples” here we’re probably having a chat with the same person.

And come to think of it: for me it’s gone way further anyway. I sure don’t have to sit here and count my blessings by the number of people that have been willing to stand by me right now simply because there aren’t any. But I sure do have loads of time to obsess about what I’d like to do to those that have kicked me while I’m down. And presently that’s exactly ONE. Guess who!!!

You never know: with a lot of luck things could turn around on a dime for me. Probably not going to happen. But you never know. I am owed one sh*tpile of money should things turn around for me. So maybe a short visit to the UK would be JUST what I need to put some distance between myself and this debauched situation I have found myself in. Might see you there MATE.

Thanks for your life story.

If you can’t handle the heat, then get out of the kitchen.

You can’t handle the heat, I don’t need your life story just because you sent me a PM and then decided to backtrack because it hurt your pride.

Focus on your bigger problems, as there are quite a few.


I very much doubt it.

You were the one that messaged me asking to trade someone else’s account. Should I put that out there as well.

I gave you advice, nobody is going to let you trade their account based on your snail slow strategy and being on the other side of the world.

Just because I said one of the requirements was to meet face to face doesn’t mean popping over to the UK solves anything.

You can put the ENTIRE PM out here now (BOTH as a matter of fact). As I said: I’ve made peace with the people concerned. And I’m in no way ashamed of having reached out to you asking for your help. So be my guest. No issues AT ALL. And if you no longer have access seeing as you “removed” yourself from the PMs then do let me know and I’ll do it FOR you.

And if it came to that: I’d not be popping over to the UK for the purposes of having a face-to-face with an investor I can assure you. Capiche???

You can do what you want, just do it on your own road to ruin thread with all the other noise.

You certainly need a face-to-face with someone.


Then I’d need to be very pushy and try to flog you something, if you know whataimasaying.

You already know the underlying concept, if a chart meets the criteria then you jump in - its that simple.

Why am I short NZDUSD - that.

Nobody got time to sit and explain every single trade - that’s basically a signal services job.

I find a trade, I take it, I get back to doing what I’m doing.

When something is so simple, its either easy to understand or just to difficult to get your head around.

There are a bit of both on this thread.

The latter is probably something to do with too much screen-time and very little friends.

When something is just too simple, it can’t be packaged up and sold on, if you add some complexity to it, then you can start flogging it to others.

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I am still watching this thread and find it useful. Even with this rumpus around which can be called ‘noise’. But I think it would be great to post some charts from time to time as well, to show others what made you take this trade and which direction etc. Keep up the good work

I would love to give everyone some sound technical analysis answer but the truth is, there isn’t any other answer which you haven’t heard.

I have a strategy consisting of support and resistance and the lagging span which is considered my template, every chart I open up has this applied to it.

I have a glance, plot support and resistance, check what the lagging span is up to.

Then I go in or give it a miss, that’s it.

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It’s purely because the screenshot is very small when uploaded.

But they are all short.

I’m short on them all right now.

You’ll be getting it don’t worry.

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Yes. Yes. Yes.

No. No. No.


CHFJPY looks fruity as do quite a few others. Will be jumping into a bunch of trades this week, all shorts.

I like keeping it simple and looking for places where support has now become resistance and vice versa.

In hindsight, I prefer shorting, just something about giving a pair another kick on the way down.


Apart from that, pizza is on the way.