The 3 Duck's Trading System


I’ve been keeping my eye open for 3-ducks set-ups on around 8-12 pairs, EUR/USD&JPY, GBP/USD&JPY, AUD/USD&JPY, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, USD/CAD, EUR/GBP, NZD/USD etc.

I think the key is waiting for pairs that show strong trends, this past week we didn’t seem to have a lot of strong signals. [I](On second thought, maybe there were some good signals this past week but I just missed them)[/I] :56:

Next week I’ll be keeping my eye on AUD/USD&JPY, EUR/JPY, USD/JPY and NZD/USD. If these pairs continue behaving as they did this week into next week, we might have some nice trading.

Welcome, I’m glad the ducks are working for you. IMO it’s one of the best trading methods on the whole babypip site!

Thanks D-pip, i’ll see if i can get some trades using this next week and i’ll report here

i recently started to learn forex (again) after 5 years off it

If you already haven’t take a look at the Tech Templates threads started by Tess and her associates.

Tess’ methods and the 3 ducks go together nicely like chocolate and peanut butter!

You are welcome Buddy.

d-pip many thanks for your help in answering questions on this thread - I owe you a coffee too!


Hello FEARLESS Duck Hunters,

[B]When Trading Forget Fear & Listen To Logic[/B] - Lately the Euro has been weak and is still under selling pressure across the board.

The 3 Ducks is a very “Black & White” logical approach, it tells it as it sees it.

As soon as you look at your 1st Duck on the 240 min chart it favors shorting these 3 pairs;

[B]1. Eur.Usd (selling Euro)
2. Eur.Gbp (selling Euro)
3. Eur.Jpy (selling Euro)[/B]

As a currency trader it is your job to logically observe and make money by selling the weak currencies.

[B]Mind your Emotions - What FEAR Can Do[/B]
[B]1.[/B] Fear will often stop you from entering a good trade or make you jump out of a good trade too soon.

[B]2.[/B] Fear will often put doubt in your mind.

[B]3. [/B]Fear will confuse you and give you many different scenarios and get you over analysing your charts.

[B]Trust Me[/B]
Most new trader look at their charts emotionally and trade emotionally. Its going to be very difficult (probably impossible) to trade consistently and to make money if you are full of fear in your trading.

Use your 3 ducks to look at your charts logically and always try to trade logically too. Trust me, as soon as you start doing this you will progress into a better trader.

[B]What I’m Logically Looking at[/B]
In the coming days I will be looking for the selling opportunities on Eur.Usd, Eur.Gbp and Eur.Jpy when my 3 Ducks line up, will you?

Best wishes with your 3 Ducks Trading,


These are not trade recommendations. The 3 Ducks Trading System is best used as a set of guidelines with discretion in addition with your own market analysis and trading ideas. I do not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oi oi oi

The Aussie Dollar is very weak at the moment against a number of pairs and The US Dollar is strong at the moment against a number of pairs.

Your Job
Selling Weak Currencies against Strong Currencies

What Your Ducks Are Saying
Your Ducks are smelling the weakness and flapping their wings and favor shorting the (Aud.Usd) pair when they all line up.

Keep a close eye on this pair into next week Duck Traders.


Hello Duck Hunters

Good trading to you for the week ahead.

[B]Top Pairs[/B]
Keep an eye on these pairs over the coming days - 3 Ducks favor shorting;

  1. Eur.Gbp
  2. Eur.Usd
  3. Aud.Usd


Greetings Duck Hunters,

[B]The Euro is Alive and Breathing – Well, Just About[/B]
The Euro has been let up for a breather today and we are seeing some pullback on the Eur pairs. Pullbacks are going to be a natural part of the trend, they are nothing to be afraid of or we don’t start going bullish just because there is a pullback within a down trend.

[B]In The Coming Days[/B]
Keep your eyes on Eur pairs over the next few days because your 3 Ducks still favour selling when they line up on:

  1. Eur.Usd
  2. Eur.Gbp
  3. Eur.Jpy

[B]Risk versus Reward – A Bite at 2.1[/B]
Sometimes with our 3 Ducks trades its about taking small bites out of a currency pair at a good risk versus reward ratio.

Best wishes with your 3 Ducks Trading,


These are not trade recommendations. The 3 Ducks Trading System is best used as a set of guidelines with discretion in addition with your own market analysis and trading ideas. I do not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

Some days it seems too easy! LOL :44:

Thats because YOU are are brilliant trader.


Good Trading To You All For The Week Ahead.

Aud.Usd is well worth trading over the next few days, your 3 Ducks favor shorts on this pair.


At 12:00 gmt I sold the gbp/usd @ 1.5772; SL @ 1.5808; TP @ 1.5742. I used 1H nearby S/R for stops. I have an Alert set @ 1.5750 for perhaps early profit taking or to move the TP if the pr is going my way - which it isn’t at the moment. I didn’t like the 40/20 SL/TP, a little too close IMO. d.

edit: SL 21.5808 hit, -36 pips. BUT tomorrow is another day!!

Once again the 3 ducks AUD/USD short is in play.

As per Andy’s earlier post, AUD/USD did retrace up above the .9900 level. And again it has dropped down through the .9900 level and is printing below the 60 ma on the 1-hour chart!

Similar price action with NZD/USD. :slight_smile:

Good duck hunting!

Indeed, selling Kiwi and Aussie… :wink:

Greetings Trend Traders,

A “Yes-Yes” - Keep the wind at your back
Keep your eye on these pairs over the next few days because your 3 Ducks still favor selling

1. Aud.Usd
2. Eur.Usd
3. Eur.Jpy

A “No-No” – Hot air
Usd.Jpy is a “no-no” for me at the moment. Reason is; US Dollar is currently strong and the Japanese Yen is currently strong too. When you put two bullish currencies together you don’t really get a trend because neither currency has a real advantage over the other. What you see a lot of the time if you put two bullish currencies (or even two bearish currencies) together is volatile intraday and daily up-down-up-down movements or no movement at all – flat as a pancake.

Best wishes with your 3 Ducks trading,


Hi Captain,

I have a question regarding your super interesting system. Please look at this chart (that you’ll probably know):

Now I have made a trade and I’ve made a nice profit. However I decided to close the trade at 17:30.
If the duck will continue to be aligned, when do I trade again? I mean, should I wait that prices cross again the 60sma and then go lower than the last minimum or what?
I hope I’ve been clear enough!
Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon!


I’ll take a quack :39: at your question, I would say no. You do not need to wait for a re-cross of the 60ma. If the ducks are lined up and you have a break of the recent high or low level in the direction of the trend I would call it a valid entry.

Your EUR/USD chart shows a good example for a re-entry. After bouncing off the 1.2567 area price retraced up to around the 1.2592 level. Then started to drop and broke the previous low 1.2567 level, IMO a valid entry.

But having said that, generally the closer the break is to the 60ma the better the risk/reward. Notice I said generally!

Demo the 3 ducks method for a while, it’s a common sense trading method that really works. Unlike some of the popular threads & methods currently in vogue here at babypips, the ducks won’t get you all twisted up like a pretzel trying to figure out if you should be looking for longs or shorts! :wink:

Thank you very much d-pip!
I have another question if you don’t bother…
When do you think is better to trade? Do you think is safe trading after London close? I mean when only NY is open?

I don’t know what the real numbers are but I’d guess that 75% to 85% of the best price action takes place during the London/ European trading session. From time to time you will see some nice price movements during the New York afternoon & Asian session but that’s more the exception than the rule.

The other huge benefit is it’s so much easier to diversify your instrument base.
Rather than become exclusively married to EUR/USD, you can quickly scan a large selection of pairs thus offering you the opportunity to pick up trades in currencies that you would probably have overlooked.

Obviously, some of them aren’t suited to intra-day trading due to their slightly inflated spreads and/or smaller daily ranges, but there are still plenty of pairs available with acceptable average daily ranges & reasonable spreads to offer you a variety in which to choose the most appropriate & relevant set up.