The 3 Duck's Trading System


I agree, the 15 or 20 moving average on the 15m will better represent the 60ma on the 5m. I’m also disappointed that Robo isn’t factoring in the break of the recent high/low.

When you’ve used and begin to understand the ducks you realize it’s a momentum method/trigger not a moving average cross method/trigger.

Even though the ducks uses the moving averages to signal a heads up, it’s the break of the recent high/low than confirms the continuing momentum of the major trend, very important and key part of the 3 ducks method.

With out factoring in the break of the recent high/low, or at least anticipation of the break I suspect Robo’s results will come back whipsawed to death looking like most other crappy methods using moving average cross triggers.

fingers not even crossed…:56:

[B]Great Guidlines, Not To Be Automated.[/B]
The 3 Duck’s Trading System is a bit like the SatNav in a car.

[B]Simple Like SatNav[/B]
The SatNav in my car tells me which direction to drive in, it does not control or drive the car for me, I do that bit.

[B]Solid Logical Approach [/B]
The 3 Duck’s Trading System is a solid logical approach that you could be trading for years. It is a great set of guidelines to help you simply trade in the direction of trends and buy and sell at levels that confirm strength.

[B]Hands On Steering Wheel[/B]
The trader always needs to us their judgement and you should never attempt to automate this method, that is not it’s purpose. Just the same way as you would never let your SatNav drive your car for you.


while I agree with you Andy the results now posted will be useful for new traders perhaps looking for something to give them some added confidence. It cant be bad that your approach, even when systematised gets the highest rank score on the blog so far

Hello Duck Hunters,

[B]Thought for Today[/B]
How well you execute your system is important because;
[B]1.[/B] Good System + Bad Execution = Negative Results.
[B]2.[/B] Bad System + Good Execution = Negative Results.
[B]3.[/B] Good System + Good Execution = Positive Results.

[B]3 Ducks Trade In Coming Days[/B]
A strong currency pair that I think could offer us some profitable 3 Ducks trades in the coming days is;

Hope this help you,

These are not trade recommendations. The 3 Ducks Trading System is best used as a set of guidelines with discretion in addition with your own market analysis and trading ideas. I do not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

Hi guys, just little puzzled with how Robopip gets a profit of 252 pips with 23 wins and 50 losses? if SL and TP are both 30 pips, shouldnt it be (23x30)-(50x30)= -810 pips? I must be calculating somethnig wrong here.

average losing trade is clearly shown as slightly over 9pips. You dont understand what he has done and need to reread his explanation

thanks Tony. Did not see the crossover rule. Thought stop loss is also fixed at 30pips. Greetings to all duck hunters :slight_smile:

OK, where is Robopip’s explanation? Or is it on another thread? d.

Hi Dobro - he has set it out in his 2 blogs along with the full test results. Not how any of us use the approach I expect but interesting non the less.

A nice textbook 3 ducks entry on GU around the NYSE open. Both 240 & 60 time frames are in a strong up trend.

A clean 123 pattern on the 5m before the break of the recent swing high level at 1.6105. I jumped the gun a few pips and entered at 1.6102.

I don’t know how it will play out, general market sentiment seems to be risk off so I’m keeping a tight stop in place. :44:

PS nice set-up, bad trade, got stopped out. :56:

Seems a little counter productive with his test since it’s missing a Major key ingredient. But like you said, interesting non the less.

Matt, I didn’t get back in on the later option you highlighted. Euro markets were closing, US stocks seemed to be having a big risk off day, and it was lunchtime here on the US East Coast. :19:

I had my stop 20 pips under the entry at 1.6082 and I don’t mind getting stopped out when the set-up is valid, it’s just part of the game.

GU is not my favorite pair to trade, it seems a bit wild sometime. I guess if I had used a wider stop it would have eventually come home.

I do like those 123 pattern entries on the 5m!

Greetings New ‘n’ Old Duck Hunters,

[B]A Quack Question[/B]
In what year did you first download The 3 Ducks e-Book?

The 3 Ducks e-Book was published in 2007.


hi captain
I once more want to use this opportunity to say thanks for your system. i must confess it is a very consistent one. I sent you 3 times an email to get the ebook but never had a reply. I would like to have it for a read and a re-read to get a good hold of the system.

Just check your spam folder Buddy, If I got an email for the ebook I would always respond.

Also make sure you are sending your emails to the correct address.

I will email you the ebook If you send an email to: <[email protected]> Subject Line: ebook

hi captain
I just want to say I am sorry for my first post. I just opened my inbox and got my ebook waitng for. maybe i was too anxious to lay my hand on it. anyway once again sorry and may God bless us with many pips.

Good trading to you for the week ahead.

2 pairs you could be keeping a close eye on over the next few days are;

[B]1. Eur.Gbp[/B] - looking for the selling oppertunities.

[B]2. Gbp.Usd[/B] - looking for the buying oppertunities.

Don’t forget this Friday is Non Farm Payroll.


Hello Duck Hunters,

[B]Eur.Gbp[/B] - this pair has been on my “TOP 3” pairs to trade over the last few weeks. The Pound has been waaaay stronger than the Euro recently and hasn’t been this low in almost 2 years. Your 3 Ducks have been flapping their wings trying to tell you to sell, sell, sell when they line up. I will be looking for the selling opportunities in the coming days when my Ducks line up.

A 20 pip Stop-Loss and a 40 pip Take-Profit might be a good strategy on this pair at the moment.

Best wishes with your trading.

These are not trade recommendations. The 3 Ducks Trading System is best used as a set of guidelines with discretion in addition with your own market analysis and trading ideas. I do not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

Hi Andy,

I have sent you an email for the ebook,

however - what currency pairs do you normally trade? (or have found to be effective with the system?)

Thanks in advance

Hi Captain,

I haven’t been trading long, just over 2 months now. But I must say, your 3 ducks system is very easy for a novice trader to pick up and run with.

So far, I’ve used it for 20 trades and I’ve got a winning ratio of about 70%, with trades lasting 1-2 days on average, trailing SL at 30 pips.

Your system makes it easy to trade at a glance and I am able to factor in macro events more easily to decide on trades as I don’t have to constantly compare 2,3 or even 4 indicators, like some more complicated system.

I do have other systems set up on my charts and your system seems to be making a more consistent valid signals.

So, thank you for making trading simpler! :wink:
