The 3 Duck's Trading System

just realized that this trade is right in front of a ranging train…closed the trade with 5 pips loss, still better than the orig SL of 10 pips.


Yeah the ducks certainly preformed today, I got bold and went with longs on G/U, EU and EJ, all did well!


USD/JPY might not have been the best pair to trade today.

Here’s a tip, look for pairs where the 60ma on the 240-minute is pointing in the direction of the trade, pointing down favor shorts, pointing up favor longs.

Today for example, even though USD/JPY was below the 60ma on both the 240 and 60-minute charts, the angle of the 60ma on the 240-minute is pointing up.

Compare today’s 60ma on the USD/JPY 240-minute chart against the 60ma on the EUR/USD 240-minute chart, you should quickly see the difference.

The 3-ducks is a good method to learn, keep at it! :wink:

PS; I should also post charts but I’m on my laptop and don’t have the right software, sorry.

got that d-pip, thanks!

The easier way would be to wait until the consolidation is dissolved. Above 0.8085 i`ll ccancel the order.
Explanations are on the chart´s.

Happy trading!


Perfect… that’s the way to plan a successful duck hunt! :39::39::39:

I’m currently looking to long GU, prices are both above the 60sma on H4 & H1 with good angle pointing up.
It’s just the m5 that is currently trading below the 60sma…what do you think?

One concern is the daily chart seems to be respecting resistance…m5 continues to go down the 60sma…

My EUR/GBP was stopped out. :31:

Here a new trial with NZD/USD today.

does this system still and really works??

nzdusd stopped out. 3 losses in a row -> i have to make a break.
Next week, the games go on.

Happy trading!


Hi yogesh12, yes it does, just comply to the rules and it will work with common sense.

along with rules what we have to notice?? news?? price actions or pivots?? what exactly u mean by common sense?? are they those that i mentioned??

Sorry yogesh12,

please read the thread, read the ebook of captain currency and think about it. Then you can ask questions. but after reading you probably do not ask more.

Happy trading!

First trade: EUR/GBP

About criticism or instructions I would be grateful.

Happy trades

Second trade: NZD/USD

There’s really very little to critique or instruct with this type of technical approach salty as it’s pretty much self evident.

You don’t appear to have any trouble correctly identifying & locating the appropriate pairs to engage with.
Your entry, risk & profit objectives are clear & concise, as are your graphics.

This is a no fuss, no frills logical price action based approach that quietly goes about it’s business.
Keep it rolling!

Greeting Trend Traders,

Two currency pairs that are currently looking good for Duck Hunters are;
1. Eur.Gbp
2. Aud.Usd

Over the next 48-72 hours you could be keeping an eye on these pairs, your Ducks favor shorts on the Eur.Gbp and longs on the Aussie.

Bite, Run, Bully
Hopefully you get a chance to trade and take a bite out of one of these pairs at a good risk versus reward ratio or let a winning trade run or even bully the pair and add to your winning 3 Ducks trade.

All bets are off
For me all long bets would be off the table on Aud.Usd if we get a break and hold below the 1.0000 area in the coming days.


These are not trade recommendations. The 3 Ducks Trading System is best used as a set of guidelines with discretion in addition with your own market analysis and trading ideas.

Update EUR/GBP-trade

I canceled the sell-stop-order because price doesnt move in my direction. I´m not worry about it. It looks like a nice pullback. In near time we will see a good oportunity to trade eur/gbp.

Collect pips and are happy!

Now a freetrade, look at chart!

Thank Captain Currency share the great article!