The 3 Duck's Trading System

Are you all sitting on your hands? At least I try so, did someone See some opportunity?

Greets, Mike.

Hello Duck Hunters,

Olympic Gold Medal for Traders
If you fancy going for Olympic Gold and scoring a winning 3 Ducks trade over the next 48-72 hours then Aud.Usd could be worth a look. Your Ducks favor longs (buys) on this pair when they all line up and this pair has been swinging higher over the last few weeks.

All bets are off
For me all potential long trade set-ups and bullish interest would be off the table if we get a break and hold below the 1.0450 area in the coming days.

Retracements and Pullback will be a natural part of any trend. Donā€™t flip from been Bullish to Bearish just because of a current or recent pullback.

Get yourself into a winning trade,

These are not trade recommendations. The 3 Ducks Trading System is best used as a set of guidelines with discretion in addition with your own market analysis and trading ideas. I do not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

Greetings Fight Fans,

Bashing Bulls is the name of the game recently over on Usd.Cad and your Ducks favor been Bearish and looking for sells on this pair when they all line up.

It could be worth a bash for 3 reasons

1. Aggressive Sellers, bullish pullbacks have been getting sold back down fairly quickly.

2. This pair has been swinging lower over the last few months.

3. You are trading with the wind at your back, trading with the trend, the odds are in your favor.

Good trading to you for the week ahead,

These are not trade recommendations. The 3 Ducks Trading System is best used as a set of guidelines with discretion in addition with your own market analysis and trading ideas. I do not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

Anybody short the Usd.Cad?


Anyone following catcherā€™s advice from earlier in the month probably will be.

Yes. Took profit today on short EURCAD and long Brent Oil as well. I donā€™t trade intraday though so my trades are longer timeframes, but still the same kind of thinking as you employ.

Looks like the USD/CAD short is in play again today, I took a short at .9889 with TP at .9814 :39::39::39:

I shorted from 0.9911 and thought Iā€™d get stopped out at BE, but today the pair is again headed south. Iā€™m just aiming for 0.9850-ish though.

Wow, I have 7 pips profit so far! :24: Was a bit of a roller coaster ride as NY opened. My TP at .9814 might be a little optimistic. Iā€™ll let it run overnight and see how things workout going into Friday and the weekā€™s end.

Iā€™ve also got a NZD/USD long going at .8074, but not an official 3-ducks set-up. I fudged and used the 8-hour & 1-hour duck, it seems to be working, slowly moving in my direction. Only mentioning the NU trade because I know itā€™s along the lines of what youā€™ve been working with.

[B]1st Duck Favors Longs[/B]
Eur.Usd is the pair that is taking all the glory at the moment and your Ducks favor longs (buys) on this pair when they all line up.

Hope you have caught some pips,

Captain Currency[/B]

Iā€™m catching some Andy!

Indeed catching some pips. It really is amazing how easy things are once you stop trying to trade against the trend and just take trades that go with the flow. Also amazing how long it took me to understand this very simple and logical principle.

Greeting Duck Hunters,

If you are like me and prefer to see it rather than reading about it, you can now watch the short video (1 min 38 sec) 3 Ducks | Eur.Usd

If you fancy following your Ducks and putting the odds in your favor over the next 48-72 hours then Eur.Usd could be well worth a look for 2 reasons;

[B]1. [/B]Eur.Usd has been in a decent up trend since it broke out above the 1.2400 area over a week ago and our 1st Duck only favors longs (buys) at the moment.

[B]2.[/B] The Euro is stronger than its neighbour the Gbp at the moment, so I would much prefer to be buying the stronger pair; Eur.Usd rather than buying Gbp.Usd.

[B]Here is the deal[/B]
What we need to see over the next few sessions is our 3 ducks lining up in the same direction on the 4hr, 1hr and 5 min chart to confirm a long entry.

[B]All bets are off[/B]
For me all potential long trade set-ups and bullish interest would be off the table if we get a break and hold below the 1.2450 area in the coming days.

The types of trades you will be taking with the 3 Ducks approach will be momentum trades in the direction of the 4 hour trend. Trading in the direction of the 4 hour trend or trading with the wind at your back can be very profitable.

I hope you can make some money with this 3 Ducks trade idea

Captain Currency[/B]

These are not trade recommendations. The 3 Ducks Trading System is best used as a set of guidelines with discretion in addition with your own market analysis and trading ideas. I do not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

Hello Duck Hunters,

A Bit of Trading Wisdom ā€¦
Every now and again trade with care and ā€œsaveā€ yourself 20 pips becuase it all end up on your BOTTOM LINE at the end each month.

Trade with care this week espically on Friday as itā€™s NFP FRIDAY (The Graveyard For Pips) :cry:

Captain Currency

Hi Andy and others

Got more than 150 pip over the last week.
Doing well generally indeed.


Throwing up some pretty fair opportunities of late.
Make hay while the sun shines. Summer vacations are winding down & liquidity is winding up.

Iā€™ve got a nice little run going on the NZDUSDā€¦

You canā€™t really go wrong lately shorting into Australian & Kiwi weakness via any of their major pairings you care to choose. Whichever is profiling the sweetest on the day or week, dependant on your ambitions, is pretty much good to go.

When the momentum kicks on youā€™d be silly not to get onboard & take advantage of it, & youā€™re not going to have too much trouble identifying the likely candidates using this approach as your guide.

Point, aim & fire.

Sums up the beauty of this system really. I started looking at it last year and have spent this year adapting it to my own particular trading preferences. Because of time constraints and the way I like to trade, 5 or 15 minute entries arenā€™t for me.

So itā€™s a case of identifying a trending pair on the daily (straightforward higher high, higher low/lower high, lower low stuff and keeping away from obvious areas of support and resistance), watching the ducks on the 4hr and 1hr then getting in on pullbacks.

All very simple really and using this system as a foundation. I presume others have adapted it to their preferred styles too? Or maybe youā€™d prefer this thread to be kept strictly ā€˜on-systemā€™ Andy, in which case let me know and Iā€™ll happily delete this.

Great Post! Thatā€™s how I do it!