Are you lonely at the top…don’t be you will notbe forgotten, just maybe put on the back burner so to speak…just kidding. I do thank you for starting the Adam Theory thread as it has been enlightening. As for including other methods into Adam I think it is a stand alone theory if the rules are followed, but what I mean when I say using Supply & Demand along with S&R levels is for those levels to considered along with the Adam projections. That is just my view, but more research would certainly be needed.
The Adam Theory appears to be designed to keep you on track with the prevailing trend & warn you of a probable reversal ahead. I have read the book three times to completion & have read the section on plotting the theroy even more times & everytime I am amazed at how simple it all really is. Almost to simple. From my crude (acetate) way of plotting the second reflection it appears that Adam & what actually happens are together about 50-55% of the time. With the indicator that just might show an increase in accuracy. As for what time frame Adam should work on all time frames, but longer is probably going to be somewhat better. Maybe the indicator will shade light on that.
Dale a tip of the traders hat to you & Jedster for all you guys do & share with us. After many years of trading I am still learning everyday.
Everyone have a great weekend.