The Art of The Argument - (Western Civilization's Last Stand)

this is a book by Stefan Molyneux (watch some of his stuff online - if you need convincing)

"The Argument" here is a synonym for civilized debate and logical discussion - NOT two people standing opposite and shouting or throwing stuff at each other)

Psge 1 is headed ;


This Book will help you understand arguments, why they matter - and How to win them. I want you to use the contents of this book to fight for truth and virtue in the real world. “The Art of TheArgument” is an outright battle manual, not a prissy academic paper.

the next paragraph discusses the shortconmings of “Academic Logic”
it continues;

State funded academics have taken your tax money by the billions, while trurning logic into wingdings and leaving you utterly undefended.

My goal in this book is to give you the skills and strength to fight a lion, not to get you to memorize it’s latin name while being eaten alive. I speak as Socrates taught, in the language of the people. Academics may quibble : it is with a sigh and a swig and a swing that we must save them too.

Triggered yet ?.

I certainly hope so.

Let us begin.

Most if not all of us here of above average intelligence and Many of you are young. Buy this book it will show you how to think independently about things going on around you and how to properly judge what people say and write - About £12 - but it may entirely change your life !

It will certainly let you inderstand how seemingly ridiculous proposions become massively Strong Assertion which you cannot defend against - UNLESS you have read this book - or worked out some lesser version for yourself.

  • Will it help the committed “Anti - SJW” ? - immensely

  • Will it help the unbiased seeking for reason ? - Absolutely - it may even change your life - it will certainly enable you to understand with more clarity.

  • Will it help those cynically trying to Obtain financial rewards or other benefits by preaching to others into becoming “Useful idiots” (Activists) - No it will not and they WILL instruct their “Useful idiots” NOT to read it (lest they see the flaws in the preaching and change their minds.)

As an example of this I cite one of the “1 Star reviews”;