The Crypto Market is Collapsing

Interesting read! :open_mouth: Although I feel like the way it was written was a bit too dramatic (particularly the beginning. :sweat_smile:)

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Weā€™re going to get down spikes as long as the dollar is this strong against a non-yielding asset like crypto. Still loading up on BTC at these levels.

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To be calm over such short periods, I choose to only look at the Coinmarketcap fear and greed index webform. In the last few months it had been in the high 60s, and I will only look to adjust my portfolio contributions if it falls below 50 or rises above 75. That has been my position since Jan24. Perhaps I made my move to favour alts too soon, as far back as March. But these headlines on news of 10% shifts in value are about as useful as a chocolate fireguard. Most people in BTC are there for the long term, not a quick buck for a 10% swing. For those who do trade BTC or ETH, the only ones licking wounds will be those who chose any leverage. You donā€™t need leverage on an asset that has grown by 200% per year every year since its inception. That is just asking for trouble.



Some see this as a buying opportunity!

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This is a great buying opportunity, nothing else.

I remember many threads like this before the previous halving too, stay tuned folks.

Just bought 10 shares of MSTR for a leveraged BTC play.

Wow, it has changed quite a lot in less than a week. From 55 to 44, that is a 20% swing in sentiment.


Might be the way to go! :open_mouth: Reading responses to this is kinda giving me the idea to get back in on BTC. :thinking:

Thanks for this Mondeo! :blush: Maybe I should also just look at this chart. :open_mouth:

Yeah! :smiley: Haha. Hopefully, since itā€™s altcoin season, BTC will continue to go down and I could get in. :pray: Did you also buy some yourself? :smiley:

No, I havenā€™t bought any yet, but itā€™s an interesting time to watch the market.

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Definitely. :open_mouth: I feel like things will get even more interesting in the coming weeks, given the dropping of BTC and ETH. :thinking:

Bought more on the dip!



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Niceeee! :blush: Good job on getting some more before price began to rally again! :smiley:

Looks like it is the start, BTC has just surpassed the $65,000 mark.

I plan to buy as much as possibleā€¦ every paycheck will go in to $MSTR. Saylor just said this is nowhere near the peakā€¦ BTC to $10 Millionā€¦

Commodities historically have been ā€œlowā€ when interest rates are high. If this is true, itā€™s just the start of the next 10x bull run. Gold is ready to breakout as wellā€¦

Has it stopped collapsing yet?

Weā€™re in for a massive bull run in the coming years. The longer USD rates are at 5.5% the more compressed the spring becomes when the Fed must lower rates (sharp drop in inflation, unemployment rising). Really looking forward to it.