Anyone who knows anything about the delta phenomenon?
I have the book
[Edit - I just looked, I have the study guide as well ]
What is it all about?
And btw do you use footprint charts?
Ive seen nothing about this charts on babypips
Traders who believe in astrology tend to be the ones who know about it, because it’s based on phases of the moon.
This page will tell you more about it, if you want to know: The Delta Phenomenon
Charlie’s being very discreet and reserved, there. I’m pretty sure that what he really wanted to say (but was too polite) was that the Delta Phenomenon is based only on mystical, mythical mumbo-jumbo and that you should have absolutely nothing to do with it at all.
Haha thats a new one
There is some truth in that. It does seem to have a link to lunar phases, which at first sight seems ludicrous, but in fact Evolution has used lunar phases and “lunar” cycles (28 days) to govern all sorts of actions and physical / psychological responses in a great many species of animals and fish.
I haven’t actually made the effort required to study it - although a couple of the reviews are quite positive.
The AUthor is Welles Wilder who invented a number of the most respected chart indicators.
I like to go deep sea fishing when it’s a full moon, no idea if I should trade at the same time…
I suppose the same can be said of “Fibonacci numbers” - but sometimes things work without anyone being able to show any theoretical reason why they should.
If you give enough monkeys a typewriter then one of them will replicate a Shakespeare novel - it still doesn’t mean that monkeys can write a novel.
This is true - but would you be able to sleep at night trading a $100k account on a system which makes money now, but a system that also has no theoretical backing or understanding? I know what I’d choose.
Yes, I only fresh water fish, but some strange things, like that and barometric pressure do seem to influence results.
I know the full moon produces either spring, or neap tides (can’t remember which) becuse of the interaction of the gravity fields of the earth and the moon, and it is proven that some species of birds can navigate their migrations by the magnetic fields of the earth. “sunspots” are known to produce all sorts of wierd phenomena on earth from weather cycles (el Nino for example), magetic storms which have been known to knock out power supplies to entire regions of countries (Canada springs to mind).
It is true that randomness will sometimes produce things like “100 year storms” within about 10 years sometimes - BUT statistically there are literally millions or even billions of “100 year events” and only 1 of these has to happen before people are jumping up and down proclaiming something like “Climate change is man made” - lol
Humans do have a great propensity to see “Patterns” where none exist.
However, that is not to say that some effects on the human psyche will not eventually be shown to have connections to planetary or other “magnetic” influences.
I know a lot of traders believe “Fibs” are very relevant, although equally “etherial” and even Gann recognised some retracement values and extensions very relevant to his work, very similar to “Fibs” although I don’t think he was aware of “Fibonaccis”
I also know that a highly respected trader appeared on Bloomberg TV shortly after the bear market bottom on the DOW c2003 having forecast the exact Day of the bottom some 15 months prevously on the same channel.
His forecast was based on “Something etherial” - and although he would not go further at the time, he did disclose later what it was (in his forum) - That of course could have been sheer chance as well.
[Edit - seemed bl00dy impressive at the time though. ! ]
It doesn’t just “seem” ludicrous.
It IS ludicrous.
Certainly, but those are natural phenomena, and the influence of the moon on them is scientific and in accordance with the laws of physics.
The same isn’t true of its alleged effects on financial markets.
Let’s not confuse natural and artificially constructed worlds, here.
And it is, by many people who study it objectively.
But Fibonacci numbers aren’t an example of that. They’re nonsense, too. There’s never been anything more than anecdotal evidence arising from heavy selection-bias for those. In objective, independent tests, they’re proven to be no better than randomly drawn lines, and that has been demonstrated. Repeatedly.
Can you please supply a link to any of these demonstrated independent tests that support this?
While I’m not a subscriber to “Delta Phenomena”, a LOT of FX and Com. traders utilise Fib Charts in various retracement, fan and expansion guises…
Below is a link to 400+ pages of successful Fibonacci systems demonstrated over 8 years…
And while I agree that it could be seen fitting an Indicator to data… Fibonacci numbered levels become support or resistance in too many instances to be just “nonsense”…
Bollinger, Chaikin, Donchian and Keltner Channels must be “randomly drawn nonsense” as well.
Possibly L-C but take for example the human female menstrual cycle (28 days). It has been objectively observed (and I can look it up if I have to) - That if you put a number of women in close proximity, their “cycles” will adjust to coincide with that of the “alpha female” in fairly short order.
Quite how that would be a “natural phenomenon” “provable by the laws of physics” I have no idea.
Thousands of female turtles accessing the same beach on the same single night of the year in order to lay their eggs ? - How is that in accordance with the laws of physics ?
In my country, Lapwings will have a full clutch of fresh eggs on 5th April, as will Rooks. Carrion Crows , Magpies and Jackdaws will have a full clutch of fresh eggs on 20th April - etc etc.
Do not underestimate the compulsion of “Evolution”
I was going to mention “Bollinger Bands”, but decided that as they represent a certain number of standard deviations from the statistical mean, There could have been some “scientific proof” of that being valid
You are quite right tho’
2 SD’s will often turn the action back towards the mean whilst 3 SD’s will almost invariably do so !
Why ?
I cant buy into the astrology staff am only 20 years old got a whole lifetime to do some digging. My only question is why you guys would even block me out of my own topic…funny thing is that you are all experienced traders.
Ok Patrick, where would you like the thread to go now ?
I dont have an idea but if you would quit being cocky just because am a newbie maybe you would have nothing to gain but i would really appreciate it.