Just a quick question, I have recently started learning how to trade, and I want to dedicate as much time as I can to master trading. I know I will always have to keep updating my knowledge and continue to learn as much as possible, theres one thing I have been contemplating recently though, will there be an introduction of a single currency anytime soon? or in the years to come?
I would hate to dedicate years of study for it to then be made useless, when the world operates on a single currency!
Can anyone see this happening? or had any similar thoughts?
Definitely the wrong website hahah, and thats a pretty terrible attitude. Imagine if you went on in life not doing anything because you could think up of one idea that would nullify your efforts in doing it.
Whether or not the world has a global currency in years to come, studying forex brings you no harm unless you aren’t doing something else more important because of it.
It’s unlikely to end soon, would mean every country would have identical interest and inflation rates. You also have to take in factors such as commodities into that equation as well. More likely to see the entire globe use the metric system(i doubt that would happen) as opposed to currencies disappearing.
I don’t think its a terrible attitude to think long term though, you have to be analytical when conducting fundamental analysis, so by me questioning a future outcome is not cynicism in my eyes, being aware of all the possible outcomes should be considered useful, imagine taking ten years of your life to study something intricately and then the subject became no longer relevant. What would you do? go to a job interview and say “hey i’m a master in something that is no longer useful, please employ me” lol You would then have to start your education process again in a new subject or take your job in Mac D’s.
I’m far from a cynic - I have positive thoughts about forex, which is why I want to dedicate my time to it.
The only doubts that arise in my mind, would be the regulation of the forex markets, which we can see has started already in the US, and the possibility of a single currency one day.
I like to hear other peoples thoughts on these issues, because it gives me a greater understanding from other peoples perspectives.
I have thought about it don’t worry, I am a cynical person too. Do you think the English language (now being taught everywhere) will be the only language to exist in 50 years? So I shouldn’t go say learn Spanish ?
I definitely get your point - I see forex as a great opportunity, I just consider that all great opportunities somehow come to an end.
I wouldn’t say don’t learn Spanish, but I can see your thought behind the question, most countries are now encouraged to speak English for better prospects in life, how long before the original language and culture is abandoned?
It may make it less attractive in the future, but i’m thinking if the opportunity is caught now, and in the future if the amount of leverage was limited to say 1:50 like the US, by then you should have enough capital to use less leverage anyway.