The evolution of my Forex trading learning process


According to the picture below, I have finished 25 lessons out of 360.
It seems like it will take forever to finish all the lessons.
Obviously, my goal is to finish all the lessons.

But, this learning process (just reading) seems a bit boring. So:

  1. I think it would have been useful if the course also contained videos, not just text, pictures and quizzes.

  2. I would like to ask about the demo account.
    I know that I can open a demo account at any time, but still, when would it be good to start (like after how many finished lessons) practicing on a demo account, considering that I am in the process of learning at the School of Pipsology course?

  3. Somehow, during the School of Pipsology course, they also teach us how to practice on a demo account?
    I know that no one and no course is stopping me from practicing on a demo account, but I would like to start practicing on a demo account guided by a course, such as School of Pipsology course.


Hi Mihai

Let me be 100% honest with you.

I’ve done a lot of courses and the School of Pipology was by far the best one. I was studying the course on and off since November and only just finished a few weeks ago. My honest advice is to not open a demo account until you’ve finished the course, as I did find myself at periods going to my demo account and places rubbish trades. The reason for this was because I assumed I had done enough of the course to just crack on. I was wrong as I hadn’t finished all the lessons and each section teaches you important parts of trading, without all the knowledge you won’t get far.

Like you, I did find the reading everything style of learning a bit of a ball ache, but I do think that probably helped me take more in than of I was watching a video. I actually found that the little jokes etc they placed in the training helped make it a little more exciting than others I had done.

Remember, trading is not an easy thing to do and therefore you have to learn a lot, and when you’ve learnt a lot you need to learn more. Learning to trade is without a doubt as difficult to learn as brain surgery, so its not for the faint hearted.

Stick in there and you’ll be fine.


My recommendation would be to complete the School of Pipsology before opening a demo account. You can work through it at your own pace, but I believe it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the market before jumping into demo trading. Additionally, the School of Pipsology covers important psychological aspects of trading such as patience, which will be helpful when you start trading.

Trading Pyschology Articles - Follow this link

Best of luck to you!


  1. The first goal is to finish the whole School of Pipsology course.
  2. Something else here until step 3 ?
  3. Create a demo account.

What I am doing is using School of Pipsology along with YouTube and books. I’m also already demo trading because I need to apply what I learn as I go through the lessons. It helps break up the dry parts of reading and I also get to understand the concepts better since I have some very basic understanding from demo trading. I can’t really understand a concept without getting some experience.

Nice one!
It’s tempting to jump right into trading and start making profits, even on demo accounts, but it can backfire if you’re not prepared. I think it’s important to gain a solid understanding of the market and trading strategies first. That way, you can avoid getting overconfident with lucky profits or getting discouraged by losses on a demo account. Finishing Pipsology school is a great step towards that knowledge.

Only after you finish the course.
I went through the course three times if you feel like finishing it only once is a difficult task.

True that learning how to trade is as difficult as brain surgery. However, mastering it is even more difficult than any profession in the world.

Well said! I think the exact same way ahah.

I think you can do both studying and practicing on a demo account simultaneously. There are no strict rules that after a certain lesson you need to create a demo account and try it out.
Just do it in parallel. I believe it will be the best approach to learning how to trade.

Actually I didn’t complete this courses rather I watched youtube videos and read some articles to gather knowledge.

I downloaded a demo account and earned knowledge by watching videos and applied the earned knowledge on demo account and this is how I learnt trading.

Would you mind sharing some of the videos that you found particularly helpful? It would be awesome to know which ones you recommend so that others can benefit from them too.

Yeah watching videos in my view is the best way to grasp information, also they are often more instructive that text because they contain visual and sound information.