The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED


Definition: To expose and disprove false or exaggerated claims.
Also Known As: disprove, refute, demystify

If you infer arrogance from debunk that is your prerogative.

You do not need a consensus to prove something is correct.

Why do you feel the need to make a personal attack on me instead of just focusing on the topic?

I see your point in this example.

Can you turn the concept of “trend” into an invention?

Did you see the chart from the DOW THEORY that was posted in Tymen’s thread that I quoted in this thread? If yes, did you see the phrase “concept of trend”?

off topic.

Maybe not, but it really helps. And you ain’t even close. The consensus pretty much remains with the fact that trends exist, in many areas, and not just forex - and many of us can see them, and make money from them. And your attempts to “debunk” this long held concept have failed so far. Keep trying though, maybe something you say may change things, I for one await that moment avidly.

The purpose of this thread is to show that TREND is a concept that only exists in the mind of the trader and therefore a MYTH.

See above: The Dow theory… “The [B][I]CONCEPT [/I][/B]of trend…”

Are you trying to say that “trend” is not a concept?

Look at it from a practical aspect: Since “trend” is familiar to most traders, then why does the market continue to exist? If a particular instrument is in an uptrend, why would anyone sell? If a particular instrument were in a downtrend, why would anyone buy? Isn’t the inherent disagreement over what the current “trend” is one reason why markets exist? If there is disagreement and not consensus then based on logic that was used by a poster in this thread, how can there be a “trend”?

Inventions and concepts share pretty much the same definition though? Both can exist in the mind, and also in a usable form? And as I said before, it is the invention / concept of a trend in multiple minds which is the really powerful bit here, and which makes that invention / concept something we can actually use. Well, some of us can anyway. And some of us can’t, so make statements such as you have been making. But I bet there’s lots of stuff you can do that I can’t, so don’t beat yourself up too much.

If you say it’s so, then it must be so. What other explanation could there be?

Some people seem to take exception of my using the words DEBUNKED and MYTH.

Question: What is a myth?
Answer: A myth is a story containing within and having about it certain identifiable characteristics. These are, specifically, that:

* It is a religious story — no matter from which culture — and will therefore involve the existence and activities of a supernatural being, such as a god, a demigod, a goddess, or several such entities;

* It will seek to explain at least some aspect of the origin or manner of things (where people came from, how rainbows first came to be, why whales have blow spouts, why people and animals feel hunger) if not of the very universe itself;

* It is not an isolated tale but connects up in some significant way with other similar stories within a culture, involving other deities who collectively form a pantheon;

* Its authorship is communally shared, that is, attributable to no single person, and it came into existence through oral tradition, and therefore usually has more than one version;

* It is believed to be essentially true by those in the society for whom it is one part of a cultural mythology.

The main reason I used the term myth is because “trend” usually has more than one version: short term, medium term, long term. In the other thread they are talking about “efficient trend” and “inefficient trend”. By having multiple definitions it allows the “believers” to explain away any inconsistencies. This is common practice amongst the Elliot Wave crowd. It is a type of “revisionist history”.

The other reason is because many traders believe “trend”, as applied to trading, truly exists OUTSIDE OF THEIR MINDS.

What can a trader learn from quantum physics?


Rethinking the understanding of how the market works?

Is that a trick question with the presupposition that “trend” exist? I can’t speak for Banks, Institutional Dealers, or Stop-hunters. Have you researched that question? Any answers?

I apologize if I missed responding to your questions. There has been a concerted effort by some to derail this thread and damage my reputation.

Yes, I agree with you.

If people dislike your views they are free to stay away from this thread instead of starting fights (trying to anyway).

Whether I agree or disagree with you doesn’t matter, you have behaved well as far as I can see and I’m sure mods will see that if it should come to that.

Description of Straw Man

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person’s actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of “reasoning” has the following pattern:

  1. Person A has position X.
  2. Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
  3. Person B attacks position Y.
  4. Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.

This sort of “reasoning” is fallacious because attacking a distorted version of a position simply does not constitute an attack on the position itself. One might as well expect an attack on a poor drawing of a person to hurt the person.

How does that apply?

I did not present a distorted view of “trend”.

There is no use lowering myself to name calling. It doesn’t help my argument to make things personal. I have not violated any posted forum rule. No action against me or this thread is warranted.

Your conclusion is most likely accurate, IMHO. I concur trading is all about the [B]final personal benefit[/B].

The short M5 2-bar break out entry was at 124.38.


Amazing how price just ran away from that imaginary line that doesn’t really exist.

Yep, no useful information here. Nothing to learn from at all. Because it doesn’t exist. Not one bit. Nope.

All hail the mighty jaquille!

The line only exists if you put it there.

It would be preferably if your posts remained ON TOPIC with any nastiness.

For goodness sake, some members take this stuff far too seriously. We’re not discussing life and death issues here! As I said in my opening post, this is a bit of fun, nothing else.