The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

No one has made a claim their knowledge is superior. History is full of theories being debunked. It is not a crime. In fact, millions of dollars are spent in research that is trying to debunk theories. I even think a Nobel Prize or 2 have been award for debunking theories.

No one has said there is only one way to trade, at least not in this thread.

You are making this personal rather than about the topic. Perhaps you have something valuable to say about “trend” but it got lost in the personal stuff. You are welcome to try again.

If I get personal, then in the meaning that I reply to person’s arguing. If you start debunking others behavior as religious, I just point out who it really does. You don’t have to use the word superior to give others the feeling you say it like that.

Well, you asked for it. My personal(!) definition of trend is:

A trend is a price move. I will also once explain why. As somebody pointed out here correctly, trend is not originally an investment case. Trends exist everywhere, if people as group define a new mass move. Exactly this happens in forex as well. If people as mass group can change price, we have a new trend. Period.

That’s easy, huh? Now, if you might like to distract anything with time frames or time in general, look in Tymans thread and read on. He teaches you things about smaller and larger, stronger and weaker trends.

Your feelings belong to you. I have nothing to do with them. Your reaction is your choice and responsibility. Don’t blame others.

A trend is a price move? Is a price move a trend?

Oh, if you hurt somebodies feelings, it is not your issue? If you debunk on Tymans thread, that is his fault? See that’s arrogance. I am very obviously not the only one who feels like this. If you drive the wrong way, don’t you guess it would be better to turn around than to wait the others do?

A trend is a price move? Is a price move a trend?

Did you read that period? Did you read that exclamation mark? I mean, is it really that difficult to understand what I wrote?

To just be nice and answer your questions: No, a trend is not a price move. A trend can be a new fashion. Yes, a price move is a trend. My personal definition, though. If you define an Easter egg a trend, go ahead please. I won’t have an issue with it. Perhaps I would not trade on that. :smiley:

@ jaquille:

Just to clear a bit what I think about feelings. It has to do with responsibility. It is not always the issue of the sender, neither the receiver. This whole communication case is a complex thing. I do also make a lot of mistakes and in the past it was even worse. That’s why I try to point out at start that it is my opinion and my definition and not related to everybody’s definition.

If you write, for instance: “It is not necessary to give the movement of price a name or label.” … that looks like you are acting as god himself. How can you be so arrogant to tell people what they should do? If you would write: “[U]I guess[/U] it is not necessary …” would give the whole meaning a completely different touch and leaves an option to others to do what they like.

It’s all about speech. Plus I agree to Mr. Tang. It has nothing to do that we are friends. We are just on the same page. The whole thing is among semantics. How you call it, trend, pa, Easter egg is subject to your definition. However, a trend in it’s common definition is there in my opinion, if price moves. Simple explanation above.

At least let me guess one thing: If you act among the markets as here, you are already a member or you will become one of the club sooner or later. Not sure on this, though. Just my nose. To be successful in the markets needs a trader with patience, confidence, open mind and only a bit greed or fear. I have to work on myself daily with that. To have a brick mind is the sure path to margin calls, if you ask me.

Man, no one needs to say anything valuable about trends. THEY ARE VALUABLE. Period. Do we need to prove it? NO. You are the one who needs to prove they are not.

I have patiently read all the 27 pages of this thread, and honestly I haven´t found any useful idea. This is my second and last post here. Good luck! :smiley:

The only person who’s feelings you can hurt are your own. Blaming others for your feelings is co-dependent dysfunctional behavior.

Where do you get that I am telling someone what to do? That’s not what I wrote. Saying something is not necessary is not arrogance.

Now you are getting personal again. This is amusing that you call me names but I don’t call you names, yet I am the one being called arrogant.

I do not need to prove anything. I have shown that the premise of this thread, stated in post #1, is true.

I will join right now. :slight_smile:

Good bye Jaquille. Have fun.

I was going to start ignoring you but I guess I don’t have to now.

It is apparent that the tactic of personal attacks are being used with the intention of having the forum admins shut this thread down. The forum admins should issue warnings to those who violate the forum rules.

jaquille, please believe me when i say that i am here to understand you, and not to fight.

i might be the most logical and objective person you will ever meet.

i don’t take sides because i simply do not care. i post here because writing my trading beliefs out helps me solidify them in my mind and makes me a better trader. sometimes i post here because i am bored or lonely, because trading can be boring and lonely.

in fairness i have stated my purpose here for you to judge.

let me remind you that my motivations are based purely in curiosity.

now in fairness, what is your purpose on this forum?

Concepts turning into a useable form i.e. reality? Happens all the time, I believe they are often called inventions - a car springs to mind, if you don’t want a trading example?

Lol, you have shown nothing, apart from the fact that you love a good argument and know how to push people’s buttons. Oh, and that you can’t draw a useful trendline.

Merely stating over and over again that you are right does not make it a reality - it remains a concept, in your head alone. If a collective of people were to agree, then it may become a reality, just like a trend. But I don’t think that’s going to happen in this instance.

Just saw this - yes, I agree, and which is what my points were based around - if enough people agree that a trend exists (and therefore also agree on the definition), then it is a reality, ah la Crowd Theory. Discuss.

Clint, that picture you got in ur avatar looks like Beckham, is it?

sometimes i think that you think you are the smartest guy in the room.

i am interested in how he perceives his own intentions, and by answering the question for him, you are making me and my question a part of this circus of a thread, and i do not appreciate that, Clint.

It’s a picture of (a very young) Clint Eastwood.

I’m sure you’ll get the answer you asked for.

As for the circus, I think you joined it without any help from me.

And here I was thinking you don’t guys have any ‘fun’ in here ;). Oh well, more trading time for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Best Regards,
Matt Jones .

Jaquilee, another point / question for you. Why did you add “DEBUNKED” to the title of your thread, even before it had properly started - let alone ended? This implies an assumption that everything that follows will “debunk” the said trend trading theories, and could in itself be seen as a display of extraordinary arrogance on your part. I think you could only rightly add this word at the conclusion of the thread, when it has been closed, and only if there is a consensus that your theory is indeed correct (and that’s not looking likely to be fair - in which case you should add “PROVEN”).

Until this point perhaps you should either remove the word, or change it to something like “DEBATED”. Then people may have less reason to think you are just an arrogant sod who only likes to hear the sound of his own voice, which some appear to be implying - of course, I would never personally say such a thing you understand. That is, if it isn’t actually true of course?