The finest in trend trading

About patience.

It is sort of the biggest pieces in everybody’s lesson. If you have no patience, you will lose. Sooner or later. Likely sooner.

So, whoever feels time pressure has to go back right to start (without earning more money) and take a break. :stuck_out_tongue:

Most of the time is spent waiting for something to happen anyway.

But there are other choices than just betting on boring currencies or joining flame wars:

  • going to beach
  • eat
  • don’t eat
  • looking at beautiful girls (opposite if the reader is a girl + straight)
  • speaking with beautiful girls (opposite if the reader is a girl + straight)
  • flying around
  • shopping

Most of the time is spent waiting for something to happen anyway

yes, they sometimes wait and dream that they can debunk a thread easily :stuck_out_tongue:

nice :smiley:

That was my bad, I read your post, then went and made a snack, putzed around on the internet, and then replied to your post. Sometime between reading it and replying to it I probably twisted your words around.

Either way, I’m sure any difficulties will be resolved with the volumes of examples and Tymen’s excellent teaching style.

Hi, Buckscoder

You posted this over on the [B]Bunko[/B] thread:

That’s either a verse from the Bible, or a saying based on a verse from the Bible.

Proverbs 16:18

[B]Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.[/B] (English Standard Version)
Pride precedes a disaster, and an arrogant attitude precedes a fall.[/B] (God’s Word translation)

Hi Clint,

I replied via mail, because I won’t disturb more here in thread. :slight_smile:

Thank you for being the bigger man in this case and opting to end the babble with jaquille. Sorry to see he couldn’t be the first.

Things may seem difficult right now but don’t fret just yet. Tymen is one of the best when it comes to explaining (I refer to the candlestick method threads) and though things are broken down and seem all over the place right now, I can bet a pretty pip he’ll get it all together concisely.

I look forward to discovering the definition now. I’ve already come to see the differences between my previous conceptions of a trend and what Tymen is suggesting now.

Ur welcome. At least in this thread. Tyman is doing a great job here, what I can see. I guess I know what I am talking about.

Take things step by step. If you’re new you won’t understand everything right away. I’ve been at this over 6 months and still wish I understood things at a deeper level. But going back 6 months, I had trouble deciphering pip values so it’s a good feeling knowing I’m making some progress.

I guess from a math point of view I would define trend as a general monotonic (everywhere increasing or decreasing) behavior in price action within a specified time frame.

Wouldn’t then an inefficient trend, simply be consisting of two trends, in opposite directions?

Yes, as the subtrends diminish, that is get small, there should be a more stringent tolerance, to be able to determine the trending from the noise. If subtrends are like atoms, discrete, then they should there should be a limit to their size. Anything else is subatomic! :slight_smile:

This might be a next generation idea to the theory, but would should also consider trends in relation to their surrounding supports and resistance lines. For example, if price action is smack dab in the middle of a support and resistance, and trending up, this might be an indication of either certainty or uncertainty in the trend continuing. As if gets close to one, more/less certainty.

Just newbie thoughts.

open mind, patience, simplicity. You might be a new trader but you’re spitting out gold nuggets on this forum :eek:

write those concepts on your wall with a jiffy marker if you have to. You just summed up the perfect attitude of a winning trader. Those 3 concepts in unison will create confidence as you continue to trade, just don’t forget them!

I’ve subscribed to this thread and I’m also going to write some things down on my wall with the marker. Actually, it’s not my wall it’s a whiteboard - lol. Anyway, the information shared in here is gold.

Best Regards,
Matt Jones .

Tymen great thread so far. Its nice to see people talking and learning. I can’t wait to see your trendline indicator and how it works.

[B]My apologies to all that I have not posted today[/B]. :o

I have been hit by a mass of interuptions (I did not even trade) and also had to go shopping.

I will do my best to post tomorrow since it is 1.30 am here now.

Please bear with me in this very difficult subject - it is not easy to plan the curriculum. :eek:

Because of the lateness of the hour I cannot reply specifically to each post, much as I would like to. (tomorrow!!)

I am glad readers are learning something.

For those who think matters are complicated just now, I can assure you that major relief is coming.

Everything gets simplified, [U]without losing accuracy, [/U]as we go on!! :slight_smile:

[B]Please keep posting!! [/B] :cool:

Excellent information takes time to sink into dense grey matter

Take your time, Tymen, do what you need to do.

Your thread is top quality so you don’t need to rush it