The finest in trend trading

You are trading against the higher time frame trend. Big no no!

Thanks PTB,

but when I look at the H4 chart in the moment of my entry the trend is UP
when I use M30 like home chart i look at H4 for long chart



If I may suggest, have a look again at drawing CBL, It looks like your CBL is from the body of the candle but should be from the wick

yep you’re right, thanks


[Attach] 12070 [/ attach]

[Attach] 12074 [/ attach] [quote = gregart; 189027] Salut les gars,

VOICI des nations unies sur l’UE Ă  long billet M30 en Dehors de la Forme de cette bougie d’entrĂ©e CE QUI NE PAS VA?

Merci pour reponses Vos


[Img] [ / url] [/ IMG] [/ QUOTE]

Salut, JE Pense Que j’identifierai cette contraction «plus» A la une saucisse, et les tables tables de la pente de la mi BB celĂ  aurait du t’alerter sur le retracement. (Je me fais piĂ©ger aussi 
Regardes Bien la bougie vert et le doji Ă  cotĂ©, et tu souvienne, Si tu unis les deux, superbe UNE “Pinbar” 

Si tu Qc 2 mn va voir le fil de Tymen sur les lustres, C’EST mùtres interressant.
Bon courage, plein de Pepin, (sans os 

Pin bars-introduction.pdf (175 KB)


This is something I look at on every trade. About 1/2 the time it offers no improvement, but no harm. 1/2 the time it saves me a few pips on entry. It’s extra work, but every pip counts. I can’t say it’s saved me from a stopout yet on a quick pullback from a valid cbl entry, but in theory at least, it could. I’d say try it in demo. It takes some practice. If you like it use it, as it violates none of Tymen’s rules. If you don’t like it or it doesn’t work for you then don’t use it.

Hi everyone. I’ve recently found this thread a week ago and I’ve gone through every post and the information here is great. Thank you greatly tymen1 for the information. It is a very interesting to read your opinion and your system.

While going through this post I pulled most of tymen1’s out and some others so I can keep it in a separate document. I edited the document regarding trading without indicators so I can reference and re-read it again as I study the material.

I’ve attached the document to this post if anyone is interested in reading it (about 110 pages). It basically has tymen1’s post and some others in a neat and concise manner. The document is pdf. I put a cover page and index giving tymen1 all credit for its contents.

Hi Hordane,

Man this is terrific. Thanks for putting the tyman
I mean time into this. heehee. It is a long thread. Concise is very helpful. Even a table of contents. I’m impressed. If you have not started, follow Gravitons thread also. It will probably need a mini book by the time it’s done:)

Holy cow!!! :eek:
I bow down before you for this excellent piece of PDF!

You can clearly see that you put a lot of work in it!!!
This thread needed this sooo much man and im so happy to find this!

Final word: Exellent work and a big thanks for putting my graphics into this.

Hordane; Hi everyone. I’ve recently found this thread a week ago and I’ve gone through every post 

Great work Hordane. I’ve saved this In my Forex folder. I’m sure Tymen will be very appreciative.

It’s very quiet here now that Tymen is in the process of moving house. Luckily the chat room is all abuzz.

It is exciting to see this methodology evolving in real time as it were. With Tymen’s rules for entry and the insights and experience of Graviton; I feel this will become a trading approach par excellence.

Looking forward to your summary of Graviton’s quantitative system for determining (and, presumably, making decisions based on or, at least, having decisions influenced by) the values and rankings determined by that system. I know the basics 'cuz they were summarized several times in the chat room but what I never got was how to use the numbers once I had them.

As for the excitement
yes! And the cooperation and sharing that is going on is FANTASTIC. I’m looking forward to the day when I can contribute, too.

Please remember to keep posting chart, trades and questions here so that we can keep the learning on permanent record

The chat room does seem to have taken over. Lots of discussion on trades and to & fro about entries, but no visuals to analyse.

OK, guys, I had worked on this last week but it looked like it wouldn’t be needed, as everyone was happy to use the BP chat rooms. However, today we discovered that upwards of 30 people into these rooms closes them off to other entrants.

So I am unveiling

This chat room has no user limit and also features the ability for any user to create sub-rooms for private chats, start a forex blog, message others outside the chat room, post whiteboard features like charts and screenshots - even upload music to listen to (I got us started with AC/DCs Rock N Roll Train, which is as good a song for forex trading as any)!

I have to give credit to Shr1k, who was the first to work with me on creating chat rooms and whiteboards for our Forex trading. The Ning network I’ve set up for BB DNA is very similar to the one Shr1k set up for another strategy (MMTT).

The network is free to register with and the homepage is here:

Bollinger Band DNA - FOREX Trading using the Tymen Bollinger Band Strategy

The direct link for the chat room (which you can bookmark) is:

Bollinger Band DNA Chat

You can feel free to join us (many are already there) and start your own whiteboards, if you like.

Happy Trading!

John (Merchantprince)

“Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it.”

1 Like

It’s a great setup, thank you for doing this!

Tymen really sorry to go back on this thread but as i’m a Newbie I couldn’t quite see where you got the morning star from ?

Hi all ,as said on the chat I post three of my trade for share and comments about them, you’re welcome for give you’re opinions, good or bad, we are here for learn :slight_smile:

First is EU entry on squeeze BB level based on H4, cause i want test other TF:

second chart, nice one on WTI H4(petrole):

third is an long cable M15, I had take only TP1 and TP2, not able to wait for TP3, big error !

Hey gregart.

Trades 2 and 3 are really good.

Well done.

Out of curiosity, what’s the symbol for WTI?

hi people
I’m new here pweez. Someone help me around. I don even know wea to start. First big profit will go to your account for helpin me. I promise