The finest in trend trading

Whew I finally made it !!

What an amazing thread. I don’t think I have ever seen such a group of people working together like this before.

Tymen1, wow is all I can say for all of your hard work. I must also add a big thank you!!

I have not just been reading your thread but also doing all of your exercises. I did just like everyone else and added the gmma then deleted it. Added the macds then deleted them.

I feel like most of your students that I have a decent grasp of the bb walks. The next step is figuring out the crossovers as i call them without getting faked out for a loss.

Practice and chart study is what I shall do with you away at the moment.

Now on to that amazing chat room!!

I am back!!

Ready to teach new stuff. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

First of all, I wish to know the answer to the question I asked before leaving…Is the Bollinger DNA method successful for you?

[B]That is, are you getting a very high win/loss ratio?[/B]

[B]This is a very important matter, and will determine where I move on from here.[/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I am also going to deal in depth with the 5 stage entry method developed by Graviton using the GFT platform where the entries are averaged.
I like this entry method (with a few slight modifications).
It definitely give a better stop loss execution with the potential loss of only one contract whereas the 2 contract approach that I have used here (first explained by Boris Schlossberg) results in a potential loss of 2 contracts.

My special thanks to [B]Kockneerebel [/B]and [B]Master Tang[/B] for holding the fort while I was away. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

My thanks also to [B]Graviton[/B], using his much experience to answer some of the difficult questions that came up. :slight_smile:

Welcome back Tymen !!

it was a long but most welcomed time of waiting becouse we have time to practice all the stuff learned here.

so, speaking for me i would like you to continue with Bollinger DNA method.

thanks in advance

Thank you for that, [B]bradu75[/B]. :slight_smile:

I am still looking for more answers regarding the success or failure of the DNA method.

If it looks good, I shall proceed with some special rules to finally seal this method.

If not, I shall proceed on to the macro strategy I mentioned that uses the full 3 CBL approach and exploits trends to the full.

First attempt at backtesting, let me know if I got the strategy wrong.

YouTube - The Finest in Trend Trading backtest

+157 pips in 1 day.

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Hi tymen,

happy to see you back, testing your strategy since 3 weeks, I think it’s not enough for give an conclusion (if conclusion exist in forex :slight_smile: ) but results seems very interesting and profitable, and I am more and more quiet with, thanks again for all your efforts.

Sharing discussions on the chat room were very interesting too thanks to all contributors for that too.



A huge welcome back Tymen. Of course, I would vote to go for exploiting trends to the fullest in the Macro method, but many are having good results with the BB DNA, including me, so I’ll go along with the crowd on this one.

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Dodge, just watched your video. Great fun! I believe on the loss on your video you may not have had much opposite band contraction and the entry candle may not have been smaller than the extreme candle as required for the 1 candle entry. I may have missed it though as I was watching it on my laptop small screen.

In any case, there have been many days where I’d be a happy camper with +157 pips. Thanks for the video.

Thank you to [B]Graviton[/B] and a welcome back to [B]Dodge83 [/B]after what seems a long absence!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
([B]DodgeV83 [/B]is our local programming and computer expert and will compliment the efforts of [B]IronHeart [/B]nicely).

[B]DodgeV83 [/B]did a lot of programming and video work for my first thread on candlestick trading.

OK, its very late here and I am still unpacking things and sorting the mess out.

Only just got the computer online a little while ago - no problems.

So I will continue posting tomorrow in between organising my new home.

To all, please keep letting me know of your opinions of the DNA method.

It was a pleasure to help. As you know, an instructor can often learn lots from well asked questions.

I hope your move went well and none of your favorite things were broken. Will you be buying a warm winter coat there?

I for one would like to hear all about the macro method (as well you integrating Gravs multi-lot positioning into your original strategy).

I am still working evenings and often do not find enough BB DNA entries that fit the strict criteria of the strategy when I am available to trade (trading off the 30m+ charts during peak hours doesn’t leave one very many chances to nail the entries). This leads me to stepping outside the strat and into dangerous higher-risk trades to try and get better returns – which in turn leads to disaster. :frowning:

After a few tips to clean up the original BB DNA method, I say “On to Macro!”.

The move went well but it is rather lonely out of the city - I will have to get used to it.
I will defintely be using an electric blanket - the winter chill has really started here!! :slight_smile:

I hear you!!

I see that I have a lot of work ahead of me!!

Thanks! I’ve learned a lot since I was last here, looking forward to working with you all again :slight_smile:

I like what I see so far and will be programming an EA this weekend to help with trade management after entry. Automatic rules to:

[li]Set trade to BE after hitting mid BB
[/li][li]Exit all trades after hitting opposite outer BB

will be very helpful to reduce the time required monitoring the trade, but I need to understand this strategy a bit more.

Look for an update soon!

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Glad to see you back Tymen!

And safe to say you won’t be sweltering anymore?

I would offer you a cold beer, but it sounds like you would have more use for a hot toddy.

So here you go!

As for success, it’s an interesting ride. I am working on a few different angles on the stop loss/take profit issues I’ve had.

There have been times when I have noticed continuation patterns that occur. Taking advantage of them has been my focus.

I’ll post some thoughts as I get the ideas more developed.

But so far, here’s a little hint. I have stopped implementing a t/p. Instead I have switched to getting stopped out to end the trade based on what I see in terms of continuation vs. trend reversal.

The idea is to try to let the trade run until a true reversal happens.


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A boring 10 minutes of +365 pips over a weeks time.

+189 pips if you don’t count the Friday trade.

YouTube - The Finest in Trend Trading backtest 2

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Yup these are my thoughts as well. Very interested in the Macro method, I feel like that was the path we started down oh so long ago.

P.S. When I opened this thread and saw that tymen had returned it changed my day!

That video alone made me switch to mt4. Nice work!! Would like to see more of these videos. Helps me to make sure i am doing it right also.


For full disclosure, I don’t think I’m doing it “right” in terms of following all of Tymen’s rules. I just got into this thread today so I’m still learning it all. Due to my pyramid method of trading (keeps the R:R ratio highly favorable) I might not be comfortable with a TP1 and TP2. We will see how it goes.
