The finest in trend trading

Not boring to me at all. I happily watch charts for 50 hours a week to see this much price action. Thanks for the presentation. It will be very exciting to see this develop over the next few weeks. Backtesting by others has suggested that only trading in the direction of the higher timeframe trend improved results. Tymen has said he will come forward with improvements to the 5 lot strategy. I can’t wait to see where this goes. I think something wonderful is going to happen.

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Welcome back tymen!

This surely has made my day too!

Looking forward to learning a lot from you for many weeks to come.

Moves are alway tough, no matter what our age is. So glad to hear you survived it. I have been having very good sucess with the BB DNA method…with very high sucess rate. I’m anxious to learn more. I too would like to learn of the macro method. I’m not greedy, I just want it all.:slight_smile:

Hi, Tymen, I’m with PTB, I am enjoying great success with the BB DNA Method and would like to learn more about it. But at the same time would also like to see this macro method. So, for me it is both!!!:):):slight_smile:

Great to have you back Tymen,

I have to admit it’s good the thread & lessons had a pause, because it gave me a chance to catch up on all the theory. Took the Pdf’s to work & reviewed them a few times. Now I just need some free time while the markets are open to put the theory to practice :smiley:

I hope your new home serves you well, I’d love to live out in the country, no neighbors to annoy!

Hello Tyman and welcome back. I had a conference with GFT tech about setting up a way to trade 5 lots without averaging. In my demo account we opened 5 seperate accounts and I simply add lots in each account if PA goes my way. So if price is at 1.00 I enter 1 lot in the 1st account with SL. Price goes to 1.15 I enter lot # 2 in the 2nd account and move SL of lot 1 to BE in 1st account and so forth. So far it seems to be working fine for me but if you come up with a simpler way to handle it that would be great.

Welcome back Tymen!

Don’t worry about being lonely in the countryside - you’ll have plenty of pretty little pips to keep you company :wink:

I cast my vote as well for the macro approach as that’s more my cup of tea.

Welcome back Tymen! With the few demo trades I did, yes the BB DNA gave excellent entries for with higher TF (4 hrs and Daily) trades. Combined with Grav’s analysis and selection of the best trending pairs to trade, it’s a top down approach that selects the most suitable pairs to apply the BB DNA method to. For the countertrend trades that I found that did work was when the BBs on several TFs were relatively flat at the same time. I remember a successful countertrend long trade I did on the EURUSD when the PA was at the lower BB from the 5min to the 1hr TFs all with relatively flat BBs.

My 1st instinctive response is to go to the macro with trend method as it has worked very well with Grav kindly giving his time and guidance in a live trading environment, when to enter and exit with trend.

Then again I feel I may be missing out on something valuable if you skip the countertrend method. I mean if you can do countertrend trades successfully (over 90% success, if I remember correctly) then surely we are all looking at the same countertrend price action? If we enter a countertrend trade when you do and exit the same time as you, then theoretically it should be a unanimous view if the trade is a winning one or not. :confused:

Maybe a Grav style MerchantPrince Chat room session or 2 to demonstrate a live countertrend trade or 2 would remove the scales from our eyes? :stuck_out_tongue:

With the EURUSD and GBPUSD trending so well in the last 2 weeks, I think it would be difficult to loose any short with trend trades, even if I tried! Therefore if and when such well trending pairs no longer exist, the countertrend method may well have a higher winning percentage than that experienced in the last 2 weeks or so.

Ultimately, anywhich way you decide to go, I am grateful. :slight_smile:

I have been trading this method and testing it for a while now and my success has been rather mixed.

Winning ratios have been anywhere between 70-85% but the large stop losses really get in the way of the account growing in any significant way.

To have trading success with this method, I really do think a large number of wins >85% is needed, which I simply have not been able to do.

I’m really indecisive right now on where I want to go with this. I know you have been having great success with this method, Tymen, but the macro method also sounds mouth-watering.

Ideally, of course, it would be great to finish what we started and be taught the macro method afterwards :stuck_out_tongue:

Like TraderAlan, I’m also very grateful for all the effort you’ve put into this.

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Sorry late start again. :o
I have been unpacking all day and keeping an eye on my cat, Sweetie, after he went for a real run into the unknown last night.
He wound up on the neighbours roof and it was difficult to get him down.

I am starting to feel the bight of the country loneliness - I guess I am really a city person but the noise and distractions are a real problem.
My indigenous friend, Marilyn, who spoke on the chat room will now never be back - rather sad, even though these people interupt your work.

It is dead quiet here in the country - too quiet, the streets are all deserted. :eek:
Still, some Christians in a car, picked me up while I was walking (the only person visible in the town) and they showed me their church so I will visit tomorrow.
Should be interesting, an indigenous church - maybe break this loneliness. :cool:

My aim here is to make many pips and I am going to finish the work on the DNA method and streamline it for greater efficiency.
Once we have gone as far as we can go with it, then I will deal in detail with the macro method.

So, in summary, I am going to do both.

I am going to do both methods, [B]IronHeart[/B]!!

With your programming skills, you need to team up with [B]DodgeV83 [/B]who is a very skilled and inovative programmer, and [B]NForex[/B] who we all know is highly skilled in graphics.
Not to forget the fabulous efforts of [B]MerchantPrince [/B]who does all those PDF’s and has set up that sophisticated chat room.

Then there is [B]Graviton [/B]with his 22 years of experience in trading.

[B]I feel honoured to have such a powerful team of people working with me!![/B] :cool: :slight_smile: :cool:

And then there are all the very senior traders here who trade very intelligently!! :slight_smile:

Now I see that there has been a huge amount of discussion about trends, both on this thread, and Graviton’s thread.

We see that as you go thro the time frames, sometimes the trend is up, and sometimes the trend is down.
This can be confusing!! :confused:

[B]Which timeframe do we use?[/B]

I have advocated the use of a triptych - 3 timeframes where one timeframe informs another.

Looking at the logic of the trends, and the danger of making a false entry on a short timeframe (where the higher one says you should stay out), I would like to reduce it to 2 timeframes - one about x4/x6 of the other.

So what I am trying to do is to attempt a simplification of the multiple timeframes approach to as to remove all the confusion.

[B]Diagrams are needed to explain this and that is what I do in the next posts.[/B] :slight_smile: :wink:

Firstly, thank you to all who welcomed me back…namely…[B]Bradu75[/B], [B]DodgeV83, Gregart, Graviton, IronHeart, o990l6mh Honorary FX [/B][B]Member, PTB, Trader Alan, Turtle22, Unrepipant, Green as grass[/B], and [B]Master Tang [/B]who offered me the hot toddy!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Pleased to see a few new faces as well. :slight_smile:

No start a close look at the effects of different timeframes and how we should interpret them.

I will take an example from the seaside, since that is where I grew up, and that is what I understand best.

We will look at and analogy with the waves of the sea in 3 parts, each representing a higher timeframe.

The 1st timeframe is very short - it is the little waves that travel about 1 metre or so back an forth on the shoreline.
They do this every 15 seconds or so, depending on where you are.

The 2nd timeframe is longer - it is the large waves, the largest being every 7th wave.
These waves propel the water in large sweeps back and forth upon the beach.

Finally, there is the 3rd timeframe which is very much longer - 6 hours in fact.
It is the tide, which is generated by the gravity of the moon first, and also by the sun.
The tide sweeps the water back and forth a very long way.

Have a look at the photos of Derby, Western Australia.
Look at the extremes of the tide (the longest timeframe) >>>

I will now use these extremes in a diagram in the next post to try to analyse what we are looking at. :slight_smile:

Here is my first diagram >>>

The drawing shows a beach and the sea.

The blue strip shows the sweep of the water - the little waves of about 1 metre in cycle from lowest to highest (peak to peak).
The white area in the blue strip shows the sweep from maximum (high water)
to minimum (low water).

Welcome back…those pictures of the beaches are making me jealous.


The country land has its benefits, closer relationships, meeting neighbors on their roofs, rides where the
People don’t kill and eat you…much different from the city life…;

Enjoy the contemplative time, where you can enjoy your closeness to your beliefs.


Now lets elaborate on this diagram by introducing the next higher timeframe, the large waves peaking at the 7th wave >>>

The large waves have a trend of their own, going up the beach.
This trend culminates in the 7th wave which sweeps highest up the beach.

However, while these large waves are in progress, the small 1 metre waves are still active, going every 15 seconds or so.
The large waves may take several minutes between them.

So each large wave has a lot of little 1 metre waves superimposed on top of it.

The little waves are shown in the diagram by the white areas in each blue strip.
The white area shows the maximum and minimum height of these little waves.

The blue strips represent the large waves - there are 7 in this diagram.
The 7th wave sweeps highest up the beach as shown in the diagram.

Therefore, there is a “trend” in the large waves.
After the 7th wave, the cycle starts again, the 1st wave being very low.

Now if we were to ENTER on this trend, we would do so at the MINIMUM of the FIRST WAVE.
We would exit on the MAXIMUM of the SEVENTH WAVE.

In doing so, we would be correctly following a trend.

If the time between the 1st and 7th wave is, say 20 minutes, then we would stay in that trend for NO LONGER then 20 minutes.
(if we stayed longer, we would revert back to the 1st wave and destroy our trend).

Thank you for your encouragement, [B]Red Hunter.[/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I have to do the final diagram showing the effect of the tides, but the time is very late again here so I must stop at this point.
I will do the next diagram tomorrow if possible, then explain the whole thing so it makes sense to everyone.

The timeframe formula will then be set and you will find it much less confusing!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Welcome back Tymen!:smiley:
I now know you will finish both methods, but i still had the feeling you would finish the bb dna! Its a great filter for candlestick patterns, when there is unceratinty, and with Gravitons more crucial pointers to get with the overall trend you have a great system. As a newbie dont CT, and dont bother with bb walks, thats my 2 cents:cool:!

I had the feeling Sweetie might test his new country wings, thats what mine did when i moved from the 3floor to bottom floor. Climbing trees to fight the crows, tease dogs, pick fights with foxes´, badgers ( hiss @ them from safe high ground ). Cats are lots of fun!:smiley:

Looking forward to this macro method, it will certainly improve the overall trading, and i believe Graviton is introducing some swing trading. We newbies are blessed with a trading abundance here! Great to have you back and a big thanks also to Graviton!

Sitting on the edge of my seat. Ha Ha, I can’t help it, I love this stuff. Good to see you back Tymen. I missed your pictorial style.

Cat stories: My cat Kasie climbs up on my desk and really tries her best to help me trade. She’s not very good at it yet, but she’s working hard trying figure it out. Maybe I’ll set up a demo account for her :slight_smile: