The finest in trend trading

I hope the above example has helped to clear some of the mysteries. :wink:

Now that this matter is hopefully cleared, the way is open for me, with Gravitonā€™s help and input, to develop that 5 point averaged contract entry setup. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thank you so very much for the examples and the clear explanations. Yes, indeed, they go a long way toward aiding my understanding. I will print them out, study them and pin them to the wall above my comuter - along with my printouts of the ā€œguys and dollsā€ - as visual reminders of what we should be watching for.


Good luck with your adjustments to ā€œthe country life.ā€

Hi Tymen, thanks for these example trades.

I just have 2 simple questions regarding the entry above.

The entry point is well past the mid-BB and is even close to the upper-BB, is this a recommended entry point in such scenarios? I always thought that PA should be below the mid-BB for an entry to be sought.

Secondly, is it no longer advisable to use the 1 candle CBL in squeezes?


I have the same questions as IronHeart, Tymen.

I hope this doesnā€™t sound out of line, but it appears that these are hindsight entries drawn on the charts and not entries we would take based upon the rules.

Are you still trading this method live or have you stopped using it? If you are still using it, is there any chance you could do a real time trade on the WyView Whiteboard that MerchantPrince has set up, when you are feeling better? That way, those of us who are still a bit confused could gain from your experince with this BB DNA approach.

Sorry if I appear slow, I am struggling right now to see where the BB DNA method has ended up. Thanks for your efforts to date. It must be a bit frustrating for you.

Tymen, if there is a time when we are not actively trading (that fits both our schedules) Iā€™d be happy to help you familiarize yourself with our whiteboard service.

Live Desktop sharing is possible through the whiteboard and everyone could watch your decision-making live, asking questions and seeing how you make your decisions to either take a trade or pass on it. The whiteboard site can do this with - literally - the push of a button. You donā€™t need to learn any new programs or install any complicated software.

I think our trading group would benefit immeasurably by trading alongside Tymen or Graviton even once, watching how they move from currency pair to pair and hear their voices as they explain tidbits of why they do (or do not) take any given trading opportunity.

Ah, glad to see that you and [B]Ironheart [/B]are on the ball. :smiley: :smiley:

The answer to your question is simple but I am assuming that you may know things that I know, when possibly you are not familiar with these set ups.

In the chart we see 2 thingsā€¦

  1. A very narrow squeeze - an entry above the mid BB is almost to be expected, therefore no at the mid BB.

  2. We have already been frustrated by the 1st extreme candle which came to nothing.

On this basis, we enter on the given CBL even though it goes past the mid BB.

This practice also comes from my experience with the macro method where entries of this type are standard.
Therefore, I knew it would work!! :smiley:

Are you still trading this method live or have you stopped using it?

I have taken a rest for now while I was moving and I am still settling in.

ā€¦, is there any chance you could do a real time trade on the WyView Whiteboard that MerchantPrince has set up, when you are feeling better? That way, those of us who are still a bit confused could gain from your experince with this BB DNA approach.

Consider this done!!
MerchantPrince has posted the same request as you can see by his post. :slight_smile:

Consider it done [B]Merchantprince[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I was going to post some live trades using this forum as I did in the candlestick threads.
But your ā€œwhiteboardā€ appears to offer much better facilities to do this.

Please note, however, I do not have a microphone or a video eye (or whatever you call it) so I will not be able to talk.
If such gear is needed you will have to let me know.

It will be a pleasure for me to instruct you all on a live trade through the use of this medium.

The only thing is that I will probably still have to use my 2 contract entry method since I have only just started devising an averaged multiple entry method as per [B]Graviton[/B].

[B]So how do we start?[/B] :smiley:

Hope you have recovered somewhat. Itā€™s great to have you back in action again. Your example is clear. ie. Donā€™t trade against a strong trend on the same chart! On the BB squeeze example, is it OK to cut the big candle in half as you previously showed us to get a better entry?

Now I am going back to devising the multiple entry method for GFT programs.

At present I am working with the notion of using the average true range to effect a first entry amount. :slight_smile: :cool:

Hello Tymen, I do not have much time right now, darling, I my parents ā€¦
I try to follow the thread, and I look forward to your return, hoping that youā€™ll get used to your country life.
I live in a HUGE village of 200 inhabitants, and I know everybody.
Before I was in a big city, Bordeaux, 2 million inhabitants ā€¦
Good luck, and Iā€™m sure your human qualities will open your doors and hearts of your new neighbors.
To return to our thread, I enclose a graph. and I request comments and reviews, is E / U today.
In advance thank you and good luck again Tymen.

I LOVE E / U: p: eek::slight_smile:
[IMG] [/ IMG]

The problem here is that we only cut the body in half, not the wick.

This candle is all wick so that there is absolutely no benefit in cutting the body in half. :slight_smile:

Hope this helps. :cool:

Which do you prefer, Bordeaux, or the place you now live in?

To return to our thread, I enclose a graph. and I request comments and reviews, is E / U today.

[U]You ask[/U] - which way should I trade in the squeeze ahead?

[U]Answer [/U]- You are on a 1 hour timeframe.
Go to the 4/8 hour timeframe (higher timeframe), and determine which way the trend is going.
Use the zig zag indicator to help you.

When you have worked out which way the trend is going, you are in a position to set the correct CBL.

Hi tymen,

I dont have any problems to trade squeezes I do it since youā€™ve introduced Denise and Rachel first time. I enter on 1 CBL candle in the squeezes as you told previously.

My question is what momentum is ???
why dont use your A Directional indicator to hold the trade in the sausage?

Also few words about chat
everything you going to explain in the MPā€™s chat or any other will gone.
there is no way to replace or study or even analyze your inputs

Tymen, I want to thank you for all of your hard work and your method that has taught me a lot. I just want to share what has been working for me by using your method.

Only trade from the squeeze.
Use CBL for entry on the squeeze.
Use higher TF charts to determine the trend. Those charts are the 20 min, 1 hr. and daily charts.
[B]If on the 20 min or the 1 hr charts a BB Crosswalk (cross trend to mid or outer bb) is in progress i will not trade.[/B]
[B]I enter on the 2 min chart[/B]
Exit is then based on the 2 min chart or the higher time frame charts. Based on the strength of the higher tf trend.

I have been using these rules and getting very good results. I know you have stated that anything lower than 20 min is noise but i am able to get 15 to 20 pips with very low risk.

I have also noticed that there are more bb squeezes on the two minute chart than on the higher tfā€™s. More squeezes with trend equals more pips.

Yesterdays short trades +218 pips.
Overnight trade +75 pipsā€¦

When i didnā€™t follow the above rules i was -63 pips.

Just my two centsā€¦

jonesboy, why have you chose 2 min chart instead of 1 min chart or 3 min ??
Do you know how to add 2min chart in MT4, let me see and try

I use 1min chart to define an entry if I like

1 min has to much noiseā€¦ movement. 2 min seems to correlate with the 20 min and 1 hr charts.

This will work with mt4 to get 2 min. charts.

Welcome back [B]Tymen[/B]!
Im happy to hear that everything went quite good for you. :slight_smile:

Moving to another place is always difficult, i know that.
Just make sure you keep your heart open for new things and everything will be fine. :wink:

I personally think that every change in life is good.
It doesnt matter if this new chapter of your life feels strange or a little painful at first.
It will soon present its opportunities.
Just make sure that you see them.

And since forex is actually something like ā€œ[I]developing an eye for opportunities[/I]ā€ iā€™m sure you wonā€™t miss them :smiley:
(Thats my understanding of the forex at the moment)

If you would just take a walk right now i am sure you will be presented many, many opportunities to learn something, get to know someone or just enjoy the very moment. Just use your forex-eye-for-opportunities.

Well, uhmā€¦ and if you cant find any just change the timeframe :smiley:

[B]Happy to have you back.[/B]
(I will continue to contrubute as much as i can!)

I dont know the deffinition of the candle but its something like demand and the amount of activity for particular period of time which is price it self :slight_smile:
anyway, I dont think that TFs with candles can be correlated one to other,
its probably waves that look similar in uptrend or downtrend

but I may wrong :confused:

btw, in your zip folder contains .ex4 file hmm

They are correlated, at the very simplest level the relationship is a function of the square root of the ratio between the timeframes.