The finest in trend trading

Thank you, [B]Jack B PIP[/B].

Welcome to the thread!! :slight_smile:
Yes, I am healing quickly!! :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve been studing Ken Leeā€™s Price action thread and thought I could apply some of those principles for improving trade efficiency here.

I have a much better and simpler way of greatly improving the price action,
[B]Jack B PIP[/B].

I think you will like what I am going to do - it is so simple!!
Coming in the posts ahead!!

I am going to turn my computer off for a while - too hot!!

I drilled huge holes in the bottom + top covers of my modem to keep it cooler!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
You can feel the hot air coming out of it.

Back in the evening with new material. (the MMACD program) :slight_smile:

3/4 candles ? doesnt it equals to the fibo level for the price reversal? :confused:

[QUOTE=cubanpip2010;173341]May I ask, it is possible to trade without SL? I mean, what about using personal decision to exit? I just donā€™t like the fear implied in this approach and donā€™t feel comfortable with that./QUOTE]

Of course it is possible but highly dangerous. Is it a personal decision if you lose power ? or your PC crashes ? or you lose internet connection ? this is why Tymen reccommends PCI s/l

A PCI stop is placed to protect us against the unexpected, it is never placed with the intention of letting our trades get stopped out in normal trading

Iā€™ve been following this thread since the beginning. Iā€™m looking forward to seeing how it develops, Iā€™m not really a fan of using a lot of MA lines but I will wait to see how it all plays out.

Good read so far.

Thank you for that little gem of information, [B]kockneerebel[/B].

You have explained it better than I can. :slight_smile:
Anyway I should have said that, but instead I missed it out. :o :o :o

I am glad you are getting something out of this, [B]ReaperKK[/B].

Love your avatar!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

As promised earlier, here is the computer program for the MMACD, without the signal line for now.
This is the GFT program written in CTL language.

[B]We need someone to convert this to MT4 language.[/B] :wink: :wink:

indicator A_mmacd_only ;

draw zeroline(ā€œzerolineā€, solid_line, dark_magenta,2),
mmacd(ā€œMMACDā€, solid_line, blue,2);

vars shortav(series), longav(series);

zeroline := makeseries (front(close), back(close), 0);
shortav := ema(close,3)+ ema(close,5)+ ema(close,8)+ ema(close,10)+ ema(close,12)+ ema(close,15);
longav := ema(close,30)+ ema(close,35)+ ema(close,40)+ ema(close,45)+ ema(close,50)+ ema(close,60);
mmacd := ((shortav-longav)/longav)*100;

I gave the instructions for loading this program in an earlier post, namely #261 on page 27.

Can I make a MMACD out of a normal MACD? I couldnā€™t get the programe for the GUPPY that Baby Pip posted to work on my MT4. Ivā€™e just finished making the GUPPY indacators manually on all my charts so I might as well do the same for the MMACD:)

I will now look again at that stop loss matter to clarify things.

Examine the chart below >>>

Now study the notes below very carefully!!

The yellow area bounded by the 2 black lines, is an area where the MMACD
starts with an upward crossover thro the zero line so you would go long.

However, it finishes with a downward crossing of the zero line again thus shutting down your long trade with a loss.
In other words, you have been stopped out.

You can set a PCI stop loss in this yellow area but make sure that it is well away from the price action!!
Note that the PCI in this yellow area would never get hit.

Once the MMACD crosses into the light blue area (short) you remove the PCI.

The light blue area bounded by the black and pink lines, is an area where the MMACD starts with a downward crossover thro the zero line so you would go short.

However, it finishes with an upward crossing of the zero line again thus shutting down your short trade with a loss.
In other words, you have been stopped out.

You can set a PCI-2 stop loss in this light blue area but make sure that it is well away from the price action!!
Note that the PCI-2 in this light blue area would never get hit.

Once the MMACD crosses into the grey area (long) you remove the PCI-2.

The grey area bounded by the pink line and the end of the chart, is an area where the MMACD starts with an upward crossover thro the zero line so you would go long.

The price action keeps going up so the MMACD does not return to the zero line till much later when there is a profit.
In other words, you will not get stopped out.

You can set a PCI-3 stop loss in this grey area but make sure that it is well away from the price action!!
Note that the PCI-3 in this grey area would never get hit.
ā€¦unlessā€¦there is a power, computer or internet failure.

Once the MMACD crosses back to the zero line, (much later), you then close the trade, count your profit and remove the PCI-3.

Note that you are setting a new PCI each time the MMACD crosses the zero line to form a new trade!!

You could add the shorts together and divide by 6 to get the average short.

Do the same with the long.

Now see if you can put that in your MACD.

[B]Note that the MMACD here is calculated as a percentage so that we can compare this indicator across timeframes and pairs.[/B]

I have delt with the 1st problem - that of setting a stop loss and the matter of the MMACD returning prematurely to the zero line giving a loss trade.

Such loss trades occur in batches.
Then the proper trends start again, and you soon make up for the losses.

Now I will show you how to [B]avoid [/B]many of the [U]dud MMACD trades[/U].

See next post.

Remember that the GMMA shows strong, steady trends when the red long term averages are well spaced apart.
When the averages are clustered together, the trend is extremely fickle and anything could happen.

Now look at the chart below >>>

In the area under the pink/red lines marked NO TRADING, what do the red, long term averages look like?

Well spaced?
Certainly not!! :wink:

This is an area where you would simply not trade!!

By not trading where the red GMMA lines are clustered together, you avoid the problem of all the premature MMACD crossovers.

I am now left with the problem of improving the efficiency of the trade.

This is a brand new topic which I will start tomorrow when the heat promises to be just as bad as today!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Please keep posting and asking questions if needed. :slight_smile:

Here is what it looks like with everything. This is a recent one hour chart of the Cable, with tymenā€™s indicators. If youā€™d entered and exited at the MMACD crossover youā€™d have 199 pips in three days.

Tymen, do you think the red lines show enough separation to have entered this trade?

hi to all
No MT4 programmer around here?

I dont familiar with Dealbook. Anyone can say how to add indicator in Notebook platform. Cant find the way to do that?

how to add tymensā€™s custom indicator on the chart? I have installed it. where is it?

oh, ok I have found out.
tymen tell me please
When I add an indicator(2 SETS mas) on the chart I get the message ā€œIndicator has no inputsā€?

wow! it is the key! thank you tymen!

Where are the live trades for this posted?