The finest in trend trading

Hi Evan
At the moment Tymen is teaching this system. No live trades have yet been initiated as part of this process. The emphasis here it to understand the components of a method that Tymen has researched, not to be acting as a signal service. Give a trader a trade and he will make a few pips, Teach a trader to trade and he can trade for ever.


I did everything as you said in your post #261

But the indicator now on my list. Can you help?

Here is a video I madeto show how to add the new indicators to Dealbook.

Thanks for your replies pertaining to stops Tymen, cleared it up wonderfully for me. I’m starting to think this trend method (what has been taught so far) would work better for longer TFs where the MMACD wouldn’t give so many dud trades or far fewer. Could be a perfect fit for me! :smiley:

I second the bump for an MT4 coder to post a copy of the MMACD indicator Tymen posted earlier for GFT. I’m still learning MQL4 and am nowhere close to coding anything properly haha!

thank you BlackSwan, its great post.

I have installed 2 modules. they located in modules folder.
But they didnt appear in the indicators list for any reason. I dont how to add 2 modules to the list of indicators to be able to place on a chart.
can you advise me please

[QUOTE=tymen1;173387]As promised earlier, here is the computer program for the MMACD, without the signal line for now.
This is the GFT program written in CTL language.

[B]We need someone to convert this to MT4 language.[/B] :wink: :wink:

indicator A_mmacd_only ;

draw zeroline(“zeroline”, solid_line, dark_magenta,2),
mmacd(“MMACD”, solid_line, blue,2);

vars shortav(series), longav(series);

zeroline := makeseries (front(close), back(close), 0);
shortav := ema(close,3)+ ema(close,5)+ ema(close,8)+ ema(close,10)+ ema(close,12)+ ema(close,15);
longav := ema(close,30)+ ema(close,35)+ ema(close,40)+ ema(close,45)+ ema(close,50)+ ema(close,60);
mmacd := ((shortav-longav)/longav)*100;

I gave the instructions for loading this program in an earlier post, namely #261 on page 27.[/QUOTE]


I hope I got it right the first time:

shortav = iMA(NULL,0,3,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,i) +

longav = iMA(NULL,0,30,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,i) +

//shortav := ema(close,3)+ ema(close,5)+ ema(close,8)+ ema(close,10)+ ema(close,12)+ ema(close,15);
//longav := ema(close,30)+ ema(close,35)+ ema(close,40)+ ema(close,45)+ ema(close,50)+ ema(close,60);

mmacd = ((shortav-longav)/longav)*100;

Open ChartStudio and then click on the tab that says “User Modules”. Do you see them there? If not you need to try to install them again. When you choose the build option what does it say in the output box?

good contribution :smiley: this is MT4 correct?

Yes indeed. That is the calculation code. Good to have someone else check your work. Download the MMACD indicator into your indicator folder and then you can load it on your chart.

ya, it looks like it works. the indicator does work for sure just gotta check the math but im off to get some lunch for now. You most likely got the math right, it was nothing too complicated :stuck_out_tongue:


ya the math is correct

The code was converted from one language to MT4. All it takes is one TYPO to really muck things up. Always DOUBLE CHECK the code and then have someone else review the work. Thanks for checking.

yes, I see them there
first is A_DIRECTION and
second is A_mmacd_only
Output box states that successfully installed . I cant see them on the list of indicators.

anyone can write how to install them to MT4?

Close MetaTrader.

Download and unzip the indicators to C:\Program Files<your metatrader folder name>\experts\indicators

Open MetaTrader.

Drag and drop the indicator you want onto your chart.

On YouTube watch?v=IX-CQfz2GUA

Guys, as I don’t use MT4 (I know, sacrilege!) I am attempting to manually recreate the MMACD out of a standard MACD. If I understand Tymen’s previous post (and that may not be the case) he mentioned subtracting the average of the smaller EMAs from the average of the larger EMAs.

So I did so and got the sum of the smaller EMAs divided by 6 to be 8.33. The sum of the larger EMAs divided by six is 43.33. Now are we to subtract 8.33 from 43.33, giving us [B]35[/B], and make this the value of our single line average in the MMACD?

MACD in my platform also has a default Signal Line value of “9”. Should this remain the same or should it be set to “0”?

The formula is this:

(Long Average - Short Average) / Long Average

Then multiply by 100 to make is a percent.

So 8.33 - 43.33 is -35.
Divide -35 by 43.33 which is -0.8077
Then multiply by 100, you get -80.77.

When you compare MMACD to MACD on a chart is looks like MMACD will cross the zero line a few bars before MACD does. This is with standard (12,26,9) MACD settings.

Tymen’s MMACD does not use a signal line. Not sure if we are going to add that later maybe?

Thanks for converting! :smiley:

thanks to all contributors of this thread, very interesting

thanks BlackSwan and to all,
I have contacted gft customer support they gave *.reg file for my registry. Now is everything ok!
I would like to change colors for A_Direction indicator.whould you gime me the name of the color (yellow, white, black, and dark blue (darker then original))I can use them in ctlide to change.

Great job BlackSwan