The finest in trend trading

I don’t know about any maximum daily downloads on MegaUpload or Rapidshare, that’s news to me. I just clicked Hord’s download link, waited the delay for the free account (30 seconds?) and downloaded it again just fine.

Thanks for your work, but I couldn’t download it either for the max limit. There are many sharing sites out there, but if I can suggest one it would be www dot mediafire dot com (sorry for the format but since I don’t have 50 posts yet I can’t include links)
Quick and easy! :wink:

DITTO - no problems here either.

I just went to the MegaUpload link for third time today to test and once again had no problems downloading Hordane’s PDF.

I have [I]no[/I] idea what you guys are doing wrong, but the link works fine. :cool:

Well, this is very strange. I clicked the link again a few minutes ago and this time I managed to download. Never saw this happening before.
Thanks again to hordane

Try and try and try again!! :smiley: :smiley:

[B]I am limiting my posts a little here as I research an excellent method to get the best exits on the BB bubble/sausage profit grabber.[/B]

This will be a method to get the best exits after the bubble/sausage concludes or continues to a new bubble/sausage.

I am looking closely at the derivation of the PSAR and will learn more about CTL programming in the process.
I thank [B]Ken DoubleU[/B] for the instruction he has given me so far - stuff that I could never have discovered on my own. :slight_smile:

I am looking at writing a program that is like a PSAR, but has a line outside the price action as well as inside it.
The PSAR only has a line on the inside.

An outside line is vastly superior for getting the best exits!! :wink:
The inside line is your stoploss protection.

Furthermore, the acceleration factor of the PSAR is basically a standard arithmetic progression.
My acceleration factor will take into account the slope of the outer BB.
As the outer BB slope decreases, the end of the bubble/sausage comes nearer.

This will be an interesting challenge for me. :smiley:

However, assuming that I get a good result, the work on this method must then be called finished and a PDF constructed.
[B]Otherwise we will never see the end of it. :eek:

This thread is now set to eclipse the Cowabunga thread, the highest rating thread on the forum.[/B]

Hi Nomad
I will try out your suggestions and see what works best for me.

I was looking to add the slopemeter to our Essential Downloads section on the chat site this weekend. Can Tymen or Ironheart confirm which one is the final edition? Do I go with jaunchy’s modified 5-digit?

As long as I know, the final version posted is only valid for 15m TF, as the slopemeter is mesured in a range of 1.5 to -1.5 pips and this won’t be valid for higher TFs.

It was mentioned that further investigation was needed to know the exact range on other TFs to use it more as a confirmation indicator that we are indeed entering with a right timing but… I don’t really know if someone is working on it besides Tymen and ken DoubleU as there are not much CTL programmers around :frowning:

By the way, nice new background on the chat MP, it’s much more inspiring with all those currencies floating ripe to the picking :smiley:

Yes, [B]Aserat[/B] so far only 15M has been covered with [B]Tymen[/B]'s slopemeter. I do have a new indicator to replace the current one, as and when [B]Tymen[/B] has figures that we can use for other timeframes. This new indicator will work on [U]all[/U] timeframes and use the appropriate factor automatically. :slight_smile:

But at the moment [B]Tymen[/B] is working on his better exit, so I will let this lie for the moment, until he is ready to continue with this aspect of his method.


I only program for GFT Dealbook but I think you can add the 5 digit version because I see that even Dealbook is now adding 5 digits to their charts (fractional pips).

It is true as [B]Aserat [/B]says that it is valid for 15 min charts only at present.
I will have to do some more work next week for the other timeframes instead of hanging around the chatroom!! :o :o


I am very interested and motivated, [B]ken doubleU[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I want to [U]understand every detail[/U] of the programming in this, so that I can learn more and use the learning if needed, to program the new exit indicator that I am working on. :wink: :wink:

[B]I will get the figures next week!! [/B]

I wonder if you can send me a [U]private message[/U] with the new indicator so that I can study the language beforehand.

Just to let you know I have just downloaded the pdf and had no trouble.Waited for about 45 secs then downloaded. With regards to the slopemeter I am using it on a 20 min timeframe with similar results as on 15 min.
Hope this helps.


Hi [B]Tymen[/B], just want to clarify what exactly it is that I changed on IronHeart’s [B]MT4 [/B]indicator. The original version works on 5 digit brokers, but not on 4 digit brokers. I modified the indicator so that it works on both.

[B]Aserat[/B], both indicators work in all time frames, the 1.5,-1.5 range is a setting in the indicator (called [I]pipOffset[/I]) and you can change it manually for other timeframes if you wish. However, we only have the optimal pipOffset for the 15 min timeframe, which is 1.5 so that is what we use as default. Hope this helps.

Hey! thank you Juanchy I didn’t know it was an adjustable parameter, at the moment I’m not using the indicator as I’m still working on BB DNA and Parabolic Sar Exits before I study the new method.

Anyway it’s great news as always to know that so much work is being put into this. I must confess I really really feel bad to not be able to contribute in any way to this project, only being involved makes me feel leeching grrrr :stuck_out_tongue:

[B]Tymen [/B]I am not permitted to PM but if you can email me, we can discuss the indicator etc. My email address below is to be interpreted!


where is the download link please!

Be a good leech!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Silly me!! :o :o :o

I will send you a PM , with my email address.

Ah - I am stuck.
That does not work either.

Maybe, Ken, you could put your program down here in advance.

That way, I can at least learn something. :slight_smile: