The finest in trend trading

Hi MorePips4Me, this indicator is very interesting - gives a good overview of all the pairs. Can you share it? I know you mentioned that you have uploaded it, but I can’t find it attached to your post.


Hey guys! I am a new trader who has been lurking (shame on me!) for about a month now. I’ve been mainly reading as much as possible and demo trading. I first wanna say thnx tymen1 for this wonderful thread! I have learned sooo much by reading through tha comments and I am excited ta hear what comes next. I do have a question though… It seems ta me that this method is geared more towards long-term traders (mentioned earlier) and I also remember you (tymen1) saying that this method shouldn’t be traded on frames under 20 min. My question is; how can this method be adapted to take advantage of retracements on shorter time frames w/o subjecting oneself to frequent fake-outs and profits being eaten up by spreads? Can tha specs of tha indicators be adjusted? Srry if I’m getting ahead of myself with my question as I am a noob… :rolleyes:

This GMMA is no different to any other indicator.
It is lagging.
Like all the others it looks great in tutorials on pre selected charts where it all fits nicely.
It is very different in live trading.
The only time these types of indicator are reliable is in tutorials where the charts are preselected to show an ideal scenario where they show a long trend has happened

I could post a thousand pictures of charts that show this indicator where the bands have just opened up, do you open a position based on this ?
If you think so, I could show you a thousand more charts where the bands closed back in again just after they opened up because there was not really a trend starting.
I could post a thousand more pictures of charts where the bands have opened up and stayed open for some time, do you open a position now ?
If you think so I could show you a thousand more pictures of charts where the bands opened up seemed to be staying open then suddenly converging again because there still was not a long trend.
How long do you wait after the bands look good in this indicator before opening a position based on it ? 20 ticks ? 40 ticks ? 100 ticks?
When is it safe to assume the trend this indicator is showing will continue ? I can tell you the answer to that question. Never. All it can show you is what has already happend not what is about to happen.

So, you couldn’t wait until the entire presentation was done to try to shoot holes in it?

Come on man.

Troll elsewhere.

Well if you don’t like it, don’t use it. You don’t have to mess up this thred with unnecessary posts just to tell us so.


I’ve been staring at these Guppy moving average lines, and the MMACD for hours trying to figure out how best to avoid the weakness of the MMACD - the fact that it can give false predictions. I just know you have something up your sleeve and it’s driving me nuts that I don’t know what it is.

I just know that the catharsis I’ll feel when I finally get the information is going to be so worth it.

Anyway, like I said before - about 2 weeks before this thread started I started trying to figure out my own method for trend trading - I hadn’t found anything that was as successful as the GMMA/MMACD, and so I think I’m with everyone (well… mostly everyone) when I say thanks for making this thread.

Troll ? who the hell are you to call someone a troll ? For one this is not even your thread, secondly telling the truth about lagging indicators is not trolling thirdly, no I didnt need to wait untill the presentation was done, The GMMA s not new to me I have gone through tutorials on it before, tried it back tested it and found it to be no more helpful than any other lagging indicator for the reasons I stated.
That is not trolling that is a statement of fact.

He did mention before that a signal line would be added and i think that discussion/lesson should be coming soon.

usually tutorials on the GMMA tell you to make a 200 EMA line to run along side it.

Your post was inappropriate at this time.

Not yours either. Bringing in such a dissenting opinion this early is disruptive.

I think lately there’s been enough about the fact that indicators lag on this site. Nothing new there.

I don’t think the GMMA is new to anyone that has done any research.

If you have an alternative to it, start your own thread. Call it “GMMA Debunked”, or something, but let Tymen do his thing at his pace without posts that interfere with the thread. Or save your thoughts until the end and bring your concerns up.

Tactfulness is a lost art.

OK, I am back - it is still stinking hot here and I think I will go windsurfing on Thursday. :smiley:

Firstly, thank you [B]Master Tang,[/B] for your very loyal support!! :slight_smile:

I will answer the comments of SDC shortly, but first all the other answers, then the new topic at last!! :slight_smile:

So starting from where I left off…

Answer to exercise…

RenaLa is correct in her answer about which is the entry candle.

Sorry, Hellogoodbye4201 and Anonymousdave - you are both incorrect. :o :o

Here is the answer in chart form >>>

The rule is simply …enter or exit on the first close after the crossover.

I understand this SDC. :slight_smile:

However, look at the learning exercise above (more of these coming), and as Soul786 has said, [U]a full PDF (uninterupted) describing the trading method [/U]comes at the end of my threads.
(same as my candlestick thread).

[B]2 advantages of travelling this way…[/B]

  1. It is important that readers get to participate and not just be spectators (for example, you own posts would not get a look in if it was just my monologue on the method).

  2. Readers can bring great ideas and improvements that I did not think of.
    These ideas are very valuable.
    Many heads are better than one.
    This is how my candlestick method was developed.

[B]NO - sorry.[/B] :o

Although this is a very nice idea, it cannot be used because of the material that is to come.
The charts need to be as uncluttered as possible to allow for what is to come.
In the end, even the GMMA will be removed from the charts and be there for observational purposes only.

For now, the rule is… [B]one chart = one timeframe = one currency pair.[/B]

Other charts need new workspaces.

The reasons for all this will become obvious as we go along.

Thank you [B]simonjf77[/B]. :slight_smile:

We have a lot more to cover yet!! :wink:

Welcome to this thread [B]Beehjae[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thank you for your compliment.
I trust you will gain much from this thread. :wink:

I think so!! :smiley:

But a greater magnification of the entry area would help clarity. :wink:
Then we can be absolutely sure. :cool:

Yes, that is correct.
Looking forward to it?? :smiley: :smiley:

We seem to be on the same timezone, GMT+8?

I am in Perth, Western Australia.

Where are you?

I have a question that I’m not sure if anybody has asked yet…If somebody has, I apologize =(.

When you draw trend lines…you’re drawing a line that is not vertical and not horizontal but rather diagonal. As far as i know, vertical lines help cut off periods and illustrate points of interest to the trader; while on the other hand, horizontal lines represent point of price action that interest the trader.

What I am having a hard time grasping…is where the legitmacy of a trend line comes in? Why would a diagonal line drawn on a graph have any valid suggestions as to where the price might go?

I’m probably just confused about something, but if you could answer that I would appreciate it.

The answer is simply that the MMACD retracements on timeframes shorter than 20 minutes will be too frequent to make any sizable profit.

A 20 minute timeframe is plenty short enough!! :wink:

If you ask all the [U]experienced traders[/U] on this forum, they will all tell you that longer timeframes are vastly superior.
Their recomendations will be at least 4 hour, preferrably daily.

[B]You would do well to heed this advice!![/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Can tha specs of tha indicators be adjusted?

Yes, Leon Wilson has produce a lag resistant multiple moving average for much shorter time frames.
But it fails badly on longer time frames.
I personally do not recommend it. :eek:

But if there is enough demand for it on this thread, I will write you the computer program for it.