The finest in trend trading

[QUOTE = Brickman; 175546] nada Da. :slight_smile: [/ QUOTE]

I am very impressed by your mastery of programming, but what amazes me most is your willingness to help.:slight_smile:
again thank you to all participants of this thread

Hi friends,

i have a problem with the uploaded indicators by brickman.
When i load the template i dont see a line where the MMACD should be.
I can just see the 0 Level.

Can anyone explain what i did wrong? I dont see it.

(screenshot attached)

aah, didn’t have them set on fixed, the slight difference between the 2 must have made it auto adjust differently, thanks Brickman

Hello there friends, I’m a new trader into the Forex Markets, and I was a bit confused about the Entry Points we have on some of the new charts Tymen provided.

In post #641, on page 65, we see that Tymen applies the new MMACD indicators. This results in the origin crosses occurring at 2 different points.

However, they line up [B][U]within[/U][/B] the candles he has proposed for entry.

I was of the belief that we must enter the trade when the candle at which the ‘0 cross’ on MMACD occurs has [U]closed[/U].

Post #643, on the same page demonstrates the type of entry I am talking about - the one which I believe to be the correct one. He enters the trade at the candle AFTER the one where the ‘0 cross’ has occurred (the one with the line through it).

This discrepancy has occurred about four times during the course of this thread which has confused me somewhat, and it would do wonders for my comprehension if it was resolved.

Finally, I have one last question regarding the charted in Post #647
Would the entry points on this chart be:
For the OLD MMACD - At the yellow candle after the doji candle?
For the NEW MMACD - At the doji candle?

If so, then how come he goes on to state that we have a 5 pip advantage in this trade? If we are trading short, then since the NEW MMACD dictates that we should enter the trade on the doji candle, aren’t we at a pip [U]disadvantage[/U], since we could have entered the trade at the higher yellow candle after the doji according to the OLD MMACD?

I am very sorry if my questions are overwhelming or come off as ignorant, but I am just a tad confused. :confused:

Thanks in advance for your development of such a wonderful system - even I, a 17 year old potential trader - can follow along with relative ease, as well as much enlightenment in the process! :slight_smile:

Tymen or others who use Dealbook
I have loaded the new macd fine. but the bollinger band is not coming up on my main chart but under where the macd is.
What am I doing wrong?

Jack B Pip,

When you are selecting the indicator from the list, you should see a small checkbox under the list, which says “Add on new subgraph”. Uncheck that, and you should be right.

Thanks mkbrooks - That did the trick

The candle with the line through it is the trigger candle so you would not enter the trade until that candle closes/following candle opens (which would be the same price).

Hi Brickman.
Thanks for trying to help.

How do i “load” an indicator?
I just copy it into my Metatrader4/experts/indicators right?
Then i have it under custom indicators. Which i have.

But when i try to drag and drop it into a chart i can only see the 0 level again.
Im missing something? :frowning:

(screenshot attached again)

First I want to say what an awesome thread this is. Tymen is the king. I also want to thank Brickman for the indicator.

However, I seem to be having the same problem as NForex in that in some charts there is only the 0 line in the MMACD. I know I have it loaded right because it works in most of my charts, but depending on the pair and the time frame it does not appear. The most common seems to be 4H. The smaller time frames don’t seem to be an issue though.

Thanks again to Tymen and all the great contributors to this wonderful thread.

try scaling out on the Higher TF’s

thank you for your contribution brickman

actually i have unzipped and copied the indicator to "experts>indicatior> " folder and tpl to template folder

when i load the template the mmacd new window is showing only zero line
i couldnt find the mistake
pls help me

I have loaded successfully. try loading inicator from custom indi file

i have tried from adding custom indic file

but i didnt get

To not display the blue line, I think we see in the color tab and change the top line, which sometimes displays black by default, it suffices to indicate the desired color
Best regards

It seems that I got the new MMACD to work on the 4H by switching to a different broker’s mt4 platform. It still doesn’t work for the weekly or monthly, but I’m assuming they are not too important for this system.

There does seem to be something up as you’ll notice in the picture that the range on the 4H MMACD goes from 9000000 to -9000000. I’ve circled them in red. This is with FxPro and I have now switched to Alpari.

SAME problem with ibfx also
the screenshot looks the same

i request help from our
technical support team

that’s what I can see the MMACD new color and gold …
when you do drag and drop the link in the window that opens, open the tab color, and on the top line changes color.
sometimes it is black by default (black on black and you see nothing but the fire :eek:), just choose another color::o
best regards:)

My background is white ( problem is not due to color didilut )
if i load the template in other platform mt4 its working well
i thinking the problem is with the digit !!!

hi tymen. see the picture below please

do you think this can be used with your system too? this seems to give faster entrys than mmacd… and faster exits. please give me your opinion

the red arrows are mmacd entrys and the blue are the other indi entrys.

as soon as tymen saw this pics i´ll erase them so they don´t disturbe the thread.