The finest in trend trading

I have a question regarding the entry and exit strategy. If the crossover of MMACD occurs when the candle already is at the BB extreme, do I still enter?
Also do I exit as soon as the candle reaches the BB extreme or can I take a look at the Red and Blue GMMAs and see that the trend is still strong and therefore can stay longer in the trade?:confused:

As I look at the “new” charts why not exit when the macd is at a high peak or low valley? Not a very good way of expressing it but that looks to be safe and conservative. d.

MT4 programmers pls post indicators for bb and mmacd new

Here are the instructions for using Photobucket…

Yes - the BB will grow and the price action may walk the bands.

Also do I exit as soon as the candle reaches the BB extreme or can I take a look at the Red and Blue GMMAs and see that the trend is still strong and therefore can stay longer in the trade?

When price action reaches the outer BB, a judgement call must be made as to whether the price action is going to continue to walk the bands to give an even better exit.

One way is to use the parabolic sar as a PCI stoploss.
When the price action reverses and crosses this line we exit.
This is one of many exit techniques I will be looking at.

Forget the GMMA.

I will have much more to say about exiting a trade as we continue.

That does not work [B]Dobro[/B]. :frowning:

Have a look at the chart below >>>

There are 3 peaks, A B and C.

Will you exit at A when there is a better peak B coming?

And how do you know A is the lowest peak when we have peak C?

And how do you know if there will not be a lower peak than C?

[B]Watch out for hindsight!! [/B] :eek: :eek:

Awww. I was looking forward to using those beautiful GMMAs. I guess they are all looks and no substance when it comes to profitable trading.:frowning:

As I said, “Safe”. I can’t read the prices on your charts very well but it appears that “A” would have garnered the most pips. Not all that were available but the most. But I will wait for the full explanations before demoing your presentation. d.

bollinger bands are great with a fast entry indicator… but macd or mmacd is not the fastest indicator out there:confused:

most of the entrys we get with the mmacd would be at the out line of the BB… so we would be entry the trades at the support and resistance BB lines… buy at resistance and sell at support???

there´s something i´m missing here? or there´re some entry rule that wasn´t reveal yet?

Unwanted spam post!! :mad:

No, there is nothing you are missing. :slight_smile:

The signal line (not yet in the program) will give you earlier entries but also a lot of whipsaws.
That’s why I have refrained from putting it on this material just now.

The stochastic is a faster indicator but it is quickly saturated.
The standard MACD is the same.

We will be relying on the BB walks.

I dont think anyone answered yet, but here is the definition from investopedia:

A condition where a security’s price heads in one direction, but then is followed quickly by a movement in the opposite direction. The origins of term is derived from the push and pull action used by lumberjacks to cut wood with a type of saw with the same name.

My definition of [B]whipsaw[/B]:

When price moves in a direction, after which it reverses in a short period of time; possibly multiple times before establishing a general direction over which the term ‘trend’ may be attributed.

It may have taken me a while to caught up with 67 pages of reading but it was well worth it, keep it up. I’ll be eagerly awaiting the next lesson.

Just wanted to express my sincere gratitude to My Tymen and everyone else in this thread. All the members on this thread are very helpful. This is the best teaching I ever saw on any forum period.

i’m following along slowly

I have not had success with any technical method I tried xtractions but I don’t think it works I tried ruilima (and I know that works) but personally I coudn’t get it to work for me.

this method has given me hope thank you Mr Tymen sir and thanks to all the other contributors.

Truly great work you are doing here

[QUOTE = joe09; 175497] Je voulais simplement exprimer ma sincère gratitude à mes Tymen et tout le monde dans ce fil. Tous les membres sur ce fil sont très utiles. C’est le meilleur enseignement que j’ai jamais vu sur une période quelconque forum.

*Je ne fais que suivre lentement le long de

*Je n’ai pas eu le succès avec toute autre méthode technique xtractions J’ai essayé mais je ne pense pas que ça marche J’ai essayé ruilima (et je sais que ça fonctionne) mais personnellement, je coudn’t à le faire marcher pour moi.

*cette méthode m’a donné l’espérance vous remercie, Monsieur monsieur Tymen et merci à tous les autres contributeurs.

*Vraiment grand travail que vous accomplissez ici [/ QUOTE]

You know Joe, you never find any one method, made especially for you.
A thread like this by design exeptionelle, brings you an education and an approach that enables you, hopefully to help you create your own trading system and adapted to your personality.
Good luck:)

very nice, danka:D

I have a question for anyone. I overlaid the “New MMACD” and the old one and the 0 lines don’t line up, why is that? Am I missing something obvious here?

…and by the way, the bell when something crosses the axis is a great feature once I figured out what the sound is and where its coming from.

Thanks Tymen for this strategy
thanks Brickman for the MT4 indicator
