The finest in trend trading

Hello everybody, you do not feel the wheel begin to inflate the head ???:mad::mad::mad:
some seriously, try to continue to learn, and after everyone’s opinion will, without judging, but trying to make the best use for him …:o

Here is that same chart with the GMMA + Bollinger bands + MMACD >>>

This chart is confusing and cluttered.
Lets clean it up.


pls go back on topic :slight_smile:

Here is the new chart with only the Bollinger bands and MMACD >>>

You cannot see the entry lines clearly on this chart and the exits are with the Bollinger bands.
So to do justice to this chart, I post magnifications of each colour.

Yes, I already said all that. :slight_smile:
By the way, it is 35-1 not 36-1.

Unlike roulette the price action is not random it is driven by known factors.

I have already said that too!! :slight_smile:

Now if the roulette player is playing on a wheel weighted by a magnet, but he does not know where the magnet is, he would be like the forex trader who has not learned how to use the tools at his disposal, even though they could both be playing with vastly improved odds neither of them is, and both of them are going to lose.

OK, good point!! :slight_smile:

The roulette wheel in your picture is a high profile wheel. The green colour is much darker now so as to hide amongst the red/black in a fast spinning wheel. They are no longer made like that because they are too easy to predict using visual ballistics.

[B]Now let this be the last of the posts about roulette and program codes.
Everyone wants to get back on topic and so do I. ;)[/B]

If you look at the complete chart above, you will see that the 1st section is light blue.
We now look at the light blue section in detail >>>

The entry = E
The exit = X

We will use 2 reverse candles in each case as a cue for an exit on the BB.

Next chart is the 1st yellow >>>

This one produced the predicted loss because the MMACD returned to crossover too quickly.
We will need to develop a strategy to counter this. :slight_smile:

The next chart is orange >>>

Same codes as before.

Well I do apologise for causing distractions, to be honest I thought school was out already.

Now the 2nd yellow section >>>

Again, a loss!! :eek: :eek:

We now have the 1st purple section >>>

Some important notes here…

The BB exit method I have chosen is a tag of the BB, then 2 reverse candles with a close and exit on the 2nd reverse candle.

This is only one of many exit methods when the price action walks the BB.
A trend line is another for example.

To be fair to the other exit methods, we have chosen to exit at the blue lines - 1,2 + 3 but re-enter again when the price action drops to the open of the 2nd candle.
The final exit is given when the BB itself starts to change shape.
We do not re-enter after this. :slight_smile:

The last re-entry netted us only 3 pips!! :eek:

Now the 3rd yellow section >>>

Another rapid return and predictable loss.

We go on to the 2nd purple >>>

In this chart we also exit when we have a tag of the BB, then 2 reverse candles (yellow candles). Exit on the close of the 2nd candle.
We re-enter when the price action drops to the open of the 2nd candle.

We do not look a gift horse in the mouth and when we see the beautiful long red candle extend way beyond the BB, we make a final exit.

The green area >>>

Same rules apply.

The grey area >>>

In this chart we see no 2 reverse candles.
The entry is clear, but the exit is contentious because there are many methods of exiting on a BB walk.

So to solve the problem of what we do, I simply say that our entry = exit and, therefore, we make zero pips for this section.

The final yellow area >>>

Here we make some pips again even though the return MMACD crossover is very quick. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

That completes the charts!!
(it was also very exhausting work editing and colouring all those charts and making sure everything was accurate). :eek:

Now I will post the complete chart with all the pips on it >>>

The grand total is +765 pips.

It is positive!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Compare this with the first effort which was -1131 pips negative.

We have certainly cleaned up the efficiency. :slight_smile:
But we can still do better!!

We need to decide how to better manage those rapid returns which result in large losses on those sections.


See if you can come up with a working suggestion for a better way to manage those rapid returns.

We could add level lines to the MMACD to filter some of the false crosses, or use a high TF and use that for direction bias.

Loosing trades are the false UP trades, maybe, it will be careful to trade in the long term trend by adding an ema 200 for example, by this way, we were only took the short trades.

my 2 cents

Great thread Tymen 1. Thanks for all the effort to date. Hope all is well Down Under.
Before I attempt to answer the question may I ask what do you exactly mean by “tagging the bollinger band” as part of your exit strategy?

In response to your question here’s my response…

  1. Use candle stick reversal patterns seated on BBs to exit or
  2. Use trailing stop losses to exit earlier or
  3. Exit when the pricree action of the retracement candle exceeds that of the previous extreame.