The finest in trend trading

My thoughts on the thread remain the same.

We may be able to immediately see the wave structure in the charts, but it wasnt always the case. I was just suggesting a technique that I found personally found useful when trying to get my head around the use of muliple timeframes for trend trading. It may help some to see the wood for the tree’s.

I may not agree with much of the material, or how its presented, but that doesnt stop me from trying to help someone by giving an alternative view of the same concept.

You’ll notice I’m also reccommending the same book as Tymen, Phillipe Cahen is an exceptional gifted technical analyst, and one of the few authors writing in this field offering information of genuine value.

simbafx…thanks for the reference to the Zig-zag indicator. I’d never used it (didn’t know about it) but it looks like a handy tool. Sorry for posting this “to all.” I don’t know how to send a private message.

not so fast please, what about triptych ???

What I’m especially noticing is that you think every post Tymen has ever made should be deleted, and then you post in his thread.

That, imho, double faced behavior requires an IQ above mine to make sense of.

Whatever… Back to topic.

We have already established the matter of choosing the trading direction by using the longer term timeframe.

We now look at the timing chart which gets us much earlier and better entries.

Have a look at the very latest price action on the daily of USD/JPY >>>

The MMACD has just crossed the zeroline and started a long trade.
The price action on the last yellow candle is still active as I type.

At present it is at 90.74…it has just finished and has closed at 90.69

Hi RenaLa
The video will explain tryptych

This book was on my list of achnowledgements in my opening posts of this thread. :slight_smile:
I have carefully researched the material in the book and used some of the ideas here.

The original version in english is out of print now, but the publisher will print and bind copies on request.

There is no problem getting the book here in Australia. :smiley:
It was simply on the shelves and easy to order if it was not on the shelves.

It is a small, expensive book but I do recommend it for reading.


Trading Psychology link which is

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HTTP 404

Lets now look at a timing chart - a 1 hour chart >>>

It is not a hard and fast rule to select a 1 hour chart - you could also select a 2 hour or 4 hour chart.
But selecting a 5 minute chart is ridiculous!! :smiley:

Using this chart as a timing chart we get a much better entry at 89.99.

The difference between this entry and the daily chart entry of 90.69 is 70 pips. :wink: :wink:

That’s a whole trade in itself!!

[B][U]Question[/U][/B] - If a shorter term timing chart gives us earlier and better entries than why not go all the way and use a 5 minute timing chart? :confused:

[B][U]Answer [/U][/B]- We would get a million and one whipsaws and we would have no idea where the true entry is.

[B]The longer timeframes give us better direction but later entries.
The shorter timeframes give us uncertain direction but earlier entries.[/B]

How to set up a triptych on your monitor…

If you have 3 monitors that is easy but here I will show a triptych on one monitor >>>

The centre chart is our home chart - a daily chart where we maintain the trade.

To the left is the timing chart - a 1 hour chart for earlier and better entries.

To the right is the trend chart - a weekly chart for determining the trend direction.

Clicking the maximise icon at the top right causes the selected chart to fill the monitor.
Here we can see all the action at once.

The alternative is to have different workspaces for each chart.
Then you have a full sized chart immediately but you cannot see the other charts.

The other great alternative is to have 3 monitors!! :smiley:

Here is a sample of the zig zag indicator with a 6 period input on the daily chart as kindly posted by simbafx

The construction of the zig zag is fully outlined in Technical Analysis from A to Z by Steven B Achelis.
He warns not to construct a trading system based on this indicator since it has only perfect hindsight but the future is a big question mark.

Dealing with trolls etc is best left to Tymen (aka Gandalf) rather than adding more irrelevent posts to this thread

Thank you, [B]kockneerebel[/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

It is simply a matter of reporting the post and asking the Admin to delete it.

A request for troll watch also goes in. :slight_smile:

I am completely disappointed,
At the beginning we were searching for the definition of the end of the trend!
Now we have set the rule: to exit at close price of second retracement candle.
In my understanding it is incorrect, because the third candle can be a candle in opposite direction of the retracement candles. We can see the examples of such situations in the posts № 251, 291, 294.
So what we come from?

We have now achieved a much better grasp of getting efficiency into the trend trade.
We have covered a lot of ground in a short time!! :slight_smile:

[B]So far we enter on the crossover of a MMACD and exit on the BB.[/B]

The MMACD crossover on a timing chart is relatively easy.
Determining the direction of trade on a long term trend chart is not so difficult.

But the best exit on a BB is another matter altogether.
We now need to look much more closely at the matter of BB exits and find out what is the best way to achieve such an exit for the best possible profit.

This is a new topic and promises to be a very interesting one.
There is going to be much discussion and debate here!! :smiley: :smiley:

It is late here and I will start this new topic… tommorow. :stuck_out_tongue:

Great topic today.

thank you tymen, since you are finish for today, I would like to ask
why my MMACDnew indicator didnt cross the zeroline (usd/jpy dayly chart)
look …

[U]to Black Shaw[/U]

I see the cross with zoom applied :slight_smile: :smiley:

As said before, you need to fix your internet.