The finest in trend trading

Thanks to all those who said thanks!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Mastergunner99 asks >

Can someone clarify for me at what point does one start looking at the timing chart to enter the trade?

By looking at the GMMA on the home chart, you can tell when the MMACD crossover on the home chart is due, since the MMACD is synchronised with the GMMA.

Now you keep all of your charts open and keep an eye on them. :slight_smile:

So when you see the crossover approaching you keep an eye on the [U]timing chart.[/U]
The timing chart will see the crossover either [U]before [/U]the home chart or [U]at the same time[/U] as the home chart.

Its a bit like waiting at your letterbox for the mailman to arrive on his bicycle when he is still coming.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Wow. I am absolutely enthralled.

So…what’s new?? ALL of your material has been rewarding!

Well, this thread is now over a month old and I certainly hope we are getting close to an endgame, along with a tentative PDF so many of us can begin trading this very intriguing strategy.

Denise has brought me some pips today, thank you :slight_smile:

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Better a patient man than a warrior

Once again, thread is now a month running… all I’m sayin’… :cool:

And I thought we were nearing the end, LOL. Oh well, Its already looking very profitable and we keep adding more, seems like by the end it will be an amazing system. Cant wait :smiley:

I’m not trading - hence, not financially profitable - but I am certainly profiting from the education.

And, as for the relatively “slow going” commented on by several people, I am happy with the pace. Much faster and I would have a hard time keeping up — we all have our priorities and capabilities. Tymen’s style/rhythm suit me just fine.

Where is tymen … we all miss you here to teach us wisdom

I’ve already looked at quite a few charts, just from what I understand right now and my previous trading knowledge I can tell if I were to trade this I’d most likely make a profit, is there room for improvement? Most likely consideriny Tymen isn’t done yet. As for the teaching style, it has its pros and cons as does everything. I’m personally a fast learner so simply reading the PDF would probably be enough, though I do enjoy detail alot and that is what this thread is doing right now. Many of questions are being answered and everything is covered thoroughly. I can’t complain lol.

you all gona be millionaire I cant wait untill tymen1 end this system :slight_smile: I will buy a yacht ;))

well maybe a yoghurt :slight_smile: with the right MM and R/R

I miss him too. He said he is moving, we must wait

Yes, I am preparing to make the big move of home.

Therefore, I have many distractions right now.
I will try to squeeze in posts as I can.
When I move in earnest, I will be off the air for a while.

But then I will come back fully dedicated without any of the interuptions that this city brings.
Being cooler, I will be able to work for much longer. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Yes, the trends tend to be very efficient!! :slight_smile:

Yes, there appears to be a clearly visible and easy to recognise end to these trends. :slight_smile:

You have observed correctly, [B]pkmurphys[/B]. :slight_smile:

Clearly, we will be making much use of these clean bubbles in our trend trading. :wink:

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Yes, we are getting closer to the end of the indicator trading section.

We have to cover this topic of exits on the BB thoroughly and then look at the MMACD signal line.
After that, I think we can put things together and see how it goes. :slight_smile:

A PDF, and then its time to deal with naked trend trading!! :smiley:

Did she? :stuck_out_tongue:
Very good!! :smiley: :smiley:

Are you trading live or demo?
I do not recommend live because we are not finished with the concepts yet.
But as I have just said, we are coming to the conclusion. :slight_smile:

Yeah!! :smiley:

A lollipop!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Late again and have been shopping today. :o

I will try to get some good decent new material in tomorrow - if you please hold off with the questions right now!! (they take time to answer). :slight_smile: :slight_smile: