The finest in trend trading


Classify the following examples as either BB bubbles or BB sausages:smiley: :smiley:

There are 10 examples.

Cases 1 and 2

Cases 3 + 4…classify >>>

Cases 5 + 6…classify.

Cases 7 + 8…classify.

Cases 9 + 10…classify.

After this, you will never look at Bollinger bands in the same way!! :smiley: :smiley:

You will be able to spot profit potential instantly!!

After readers have participated with their efforts I will then look at the exits for each case.

That will then bring this whole section of trading with indicators to its very final stages.
It will be time to put the whole method together and make a few live trades.

A PDF for this will be produced if readers request it. :slight_smile:
Otherwise I will go straight on to naked trading. :slight_smile:

good morning all,
tymen, can you please explain what bubble type is on 1H chart of eur/gbp pair.
there are the free BB candles the price should go to the lower band by this rules but the seventh sense tells me that the price will grow? :confused:

Just to get things started
bubbles 1,2,6,7,8 & 9
sausages 3,4,5,& 10

5-S Because it had no expansion to fit the bubble definition even though it hit the other opposite side.
9-S Sure looks like a bubble but pa did not touch other side.
10-Tough one…it kept hugging the lower BB long after the opposite band started to contract but eventually pa touched the other side. I don’t think this thing knows whether it is Rachel or Robert. Sign of the times.

please take a look at this chart eur/gbp 4H

May be we should make the exit on the first reversal free BB candle?

How do we manage to spot whether they are bubbles or sausages in real-time?

This is actually very difficult to do, as what looks like a sausage at first may in time turn out to be a bubble, and vice versa.

case 3/4/5 - sausages
case 1/2/6/7/8/9/10 -bb

In Real time it does not matter. When the exit criteria are met it does not matter whether it is a bubble or a sausage

you should know is it bb or sausage to use the right metod for exit

at this moment in time I do not think that it is possible to predict whether the BB will become a bubble or a sausage. These patterns are only visible once formed. The simple exit method is the same in both cases. If PA gives an exit signal at the contraction of the opposite BB then a bubble form is indicated. If no exit signal is given, and PA continues to walk the BB, then a sausages form is indicated.

I can predict BB - the price starts to move ( it moves fast) and BB is formed
let me see if I can find an exemple
btw, what PA is?

PA = Price Action

sorry kockneerebel,
something wrong with my dealbook software, maybe I have to reinstall it.
its when the bb indicator opens its bands in almost in opposite direction (like almost 180 degrees).
then PA continue to move the bands change their position in relation to each other. But at the moment when BB is forming its easyly to recognize
well tymen will explain it in better way

no matter RenaLa I am sure that Tymen will have something to say

All you need
prepair yourself and hunt for Rachel and Denise they are fast difficult to catch … but sweet :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

if you have missed the enter - the start of hunting (PA movement) you can easily lose your money …