The finest in trend trading

OK, I will try this and send an apology to photobucket. :o
At the same time the Admin will feel my disappointment at their stuffup. :mad:

As a teacher I think I may have some clout getting them to change their minds about this new and useless idea. :frowning: :frowning:

its possiable that babypips dosnt have enouf space (memory) to keep full size imafges :frowning:

P is where the price action gravitates to.
Knowing this is power!! :wink: :wink:

second its difficult to recognize the point where opposite BB starts to contract (the girls are very smoothie like someone mention)

Just look for the first candle that ceases to touch the BB.
As you see it develop, you will notice the BB just starting to contract.

Examples will be following so do not worry.

tymen, please dont switch photobucket to image shock
my computer is very sensitive cant display the images from that website

I will not switch to image shack.
The problem belongs to Babypips as [B]o990l6mh (Honorary FX Member) [/B]has kindly informed us.
What would I do without him? :smiley:

So I will try the method he has shown to us all. :slight_smile:

i still cant see the power of point P.
Do you mean that we can open the long position at close of the free BB candle in Denise case bubble and P would be the exit point?

Uploading images using the method explained by[B] Sweet Pip[/B] and [B]o990l6mh [/B]has simply failed.

Not only does the image fail to upload, but the time taken to try is ever so much longer than Photobucket. :frowning:

[B]The Babypips uploading facility is yesterday’s computing and is 10th rate compared with a professional specialist site like Photobucket.[/B] :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I am not going to waste my time fighting with a useless facility that even has dubious success loading up PDF’s unless they are exceptionally small.

In this area, the Babypips Administration needs to get their act together and spend more money so as to add more megabytes so that we can return to the original image format.

They also have no hope trying to duplicate the amazing capability of Photobucket.
Uploading stuff really needs to be left to the work of the professional image servers - horses for courses.

Wait for the examples.
Meanwhile try to deal with your very bad spelling!! :frowning:

We now look at the BB sausages >>>

Here is Robert. :smiley:
Strong and handsome!! :smiley:
A true male model.
Forex model. :stuck_out_tongue:

As the price action, shown by the blue line, walks the BB there will be times when the candles will go inside the BB.
The 1st candle to go entirely inside the BB is an exit candle.

We re-enter if the price action rises again (going long) above the exit point.

Note the point K.
Price action tends to gravitate to this point after the BB exit.

its really difficult for me sorry

btw, I may wrong about babypips’s memory, as it uses only tags
as I see
back to lesson!

Now lets look at Robert’s cousin, Daniel >>>

We have here exactly the same price action as before, only going short.
Again, the exits are at the first candle that is free from touching the BB.

It is very late here and I am going to stop at this point. :slight_smile:

Next I will show actual examples of both [B]bubbles [/B]and [B]sausages [/B]and show the exit points on them as well as explaining why the exits are where they are.

In the case of [B]bubbles[/B]…we compare

the [U]stochastic [/U]with the [U]simple method[/U].

In the case of [B]sausages[/B]…we compare

the [U]parabolic sar[/U] with the [U]simple method.[/U]

I think the simple method (the same in both cases) will become our favourite!! :slight_smile:
We need no indicators for this approach, it works always, and it gives very good exits.
What more can we ask for? :smiley:

[B]This material about the BB bubbles and sausages is [U]absolutely must learn study material.[/U]
It will be used extensively in all the exits with the indicator method and the naked trading method.[/B]

thank you tymen, each lesson I get more toys :slight_smile:

Nice work, Tymen.

Looking forward to the simple exit strategies to go with my bubbles and sausages:)

Sorry for the off topic.

Make your voice heard: 301 Moved Permanently

done!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Now what is the big difference with the [B]BB bubbles[/B] and the [B]BB [/B][B]sausages[/B]? :confused: :confused:

[B]The difference is very, very important!![/B]

The difference is this…

[B][U]BB bubble…[/U]

When the opposite BB contracts, the price action ceases to walk the bands and goes inland.

A stochastic and a simple method are both great for determining exit points.

[U]BB sausage…[/U]

When the opposite BB contracts, the price action continues to walk the bands.

Therefore, only a simple method (and maybe a parabolic sar) are used for determining exit points.[/B]

Here is an example of the price action of a BB bubble >>>

I have used a colour scheme to make the direction of the price action obvious.
The price action goes inland immediately after the black line which denotes the contraction of the opposite BB.

Note the significance of P.

The price action, after having turned from its BB walk, now travels to the opposite BB !! :wink: :wink: :wink:
This is not always the case, but happens very frequently!!

Knowing this is very useful!!

Here is an example of a BB sausage >>>

The price action continues to walk the BB past the point of opposite BB contraction.

It does, however, proceed to point K, the opposite BB.

Point P = point K.

Here we have 2 bubbles in tandem >>>

In each case the point P was not approached.

Another obvious bubble >>>

Note how the price action gravitated to P.
(nice to know for trading tactics!!) :smiley: :smiley:

Here we have a very clear example of a BB sausage >>>

The price action continued walking the upper BB way past the black line - the BB contraction point.

Note how the price action eventually gravitated to K on the opposite BB.