The finest in trend trading

tymen, if you are in such business you MUST know what to do!

She has emailed me asking for advice on what to do - not asking for money (therefore a genuine ask).

She has nothing except the clothes she wears.

So I have sent her the telephone numbers of the Rwandan consulate in France and UK (none in Spain).
I have also sent her the papers to fill out for a Rwandan passport.
I have told her NOT to go into prostitution for money.

What else can I do to help her?

send clothes and money

She risks being kidnapped for prostitution and being drugged.
I do not want that to happen, she has been thro enough.

teach her to trade

I tried to search for any threads for a user with this name and BP forums couldnā€™t find anything. Do you happen to have a link bookmarked anywhere?

Look at the thread by [B]Tess [/B]and [B]Jocelyn[/B] - a naked trading thread.
It comes with much acclaim. :slight_smile:

Also searched for threads by Tess/Jocelyn and could not find anything for naked trading. Iā€™d be curious to get some hints as to where weā€™re going. :wink:

Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t have much in the way of advice but i have lots of friend around Spain and I will be going down there myself in 4 or 5 weeks. (Iā€™m Canadian but am currently living in Ireland) So if anyone does figure out any way I can be of assistance, please let me know.

Hello Mr. Tymen, in which region of spain is your correspondent?
I do not know if I could do something, but Iā€™ll try and see ā€¦ For advice, I think your idea to make contact France is a good idea, unfortunately, our government does not mind very open right now, but try anyway:o

send her to portugalā€¦ our governement is very blind in imigration mettersā€¦ anyone can come and stay with no problemsā€¦

Hi Tymen

This is the first time I have posted on the forum. I have followed this thread from the beginning and also your thread on candlesticks. I prefer to listen and learn until I have anything of value to add but at this stage my experience with trading is not at a point where I feel I can add any value.

Firstly thank you for all your hard work and generous sharing of your knowledge.

With regards to your friend. I currently sponsor a young girl also from Rwanda. You are correct in saying that she is in a very vulnerable situation at the moment. Maybe an option to think about is to tell her to contact Tear Fund immediately. They will assist her financially, at least in the interim until a more permanent solution is found. But at least it will keep her out of potential trouble as you mentioned.

Again thanks for all your help.

Hi Tymen,

I have 2 very close friends who speak native Spanish.

Iā€™ll do my best to be of any help in terms of translation.

Canā€™t help with the Spanish problem from where I am. Sounds like she is one of possibly hundreds or thousands in the same situation.:mad: Itā€™s actually an objective of mine if and when I become financially independant (thats why I want to learn to trade full time) to use the resources for helping some of the 95% of the worldā€™s population that are less well off than us civilised world folk. I am a Christian and go to church regularly here.

Such nice people on this thread. All trolls really gone. :slight_smile:

If I can get her address (she is about to leave the humanitarian camp and go to Valencia for fruit picking - horay, no prostitution), would you be prepared to visit her with a view to possible helping her out with a few things?

Can I continue this with private messages (Hmm maybe not - you need at least 50 posts)?

I told her this in a phone call tonight. :slight_smile:

Horay, she plans to go fruit picking at Valencia - no prostitution!! :slight_smile:
Called her on the phone tonight.

i speak a little spanish so if there is anything i can do to help, just let me knowā€¦

She speaks excellent English.
I am really looking for someone close by to visit her.
She is crying and afraid. :eek:

Thank you!!
Contacted her by phone tonight - will tell her that in my next email. :slight_smile:

A man after my own heart!! :slight_smile:

There are quite a few of you on this forum which pleasantly surprises me!! :slight_smile:

Sorry I am using this thread to make my private concerns known [B]but many of you do not yet have 50 posts which means I cannot use the private messaging system with you.[/B]

It is time to go back to forex for now. :wink:

David after Godā€™s heart. OK Iā€™ll end that stuff here but extra posts help me get to the magic number. Also wouldnā€™t want that C word to affect attendance on this thread!:eek:

thats great news, i hope she manages to steer cleer of some of the ā€œgangstersā€ that have spread accross europe recently (many of them russian i hearā€¦)

if she speaks good english she may have the chance to make it here to the UK, if this is something that interests her?..its very easy to make money and get an education hereā€¦

we are know as ā€œbenefit britainā€ after allā€¦

let me know if there is anything else i can help with ( i am working on the 50+ post count too lolā€¦)

I tried also but found nothing.
The pictures and charts in the past posts from the Analyst Arena appear to have been deleted.

Also searched for threads by Tess/Jocelyn and could not find anything for naked trading. Iā€™d be curious to get some hints as to where weā€™re going.

This one is easy - go toā€¦

I will copy/paste your post into my next email to her.
She has her heart set on Valencia for fruit picking Spain (poorly paid work).

I really hope that someone will go and visit her personally and take time to give her a little guidance - that would be the best solution. :slight_smile:
(I am too busy to do that right now!!).

Our prospective trading without indicators (naked trading) will take on 3 sectionsā€¦

[U]Introductory section[/U] with charts showing support/resistance lines and a new way to get in.
A real stop loss (SL) and a 2 contract trade with 2 profit targets. (TP1 + TP2)

[B]Section 2 [/B]which will use a revolutionary way to handle the price charts to let profits run with a fixed stop loss.
Here we greatly increase the [B]risk/reward[/B] ratio. :slight_smile:

Section 3 which is still needs a little bit of fine tuning.
This section uses very revolutionary ideas to win just about every trade you take.
Here we greatly increas the [B]win/loss[/B] ratio. :slight_smile:

[B]After this we can contemplate a section combining the increases of both risk/reward and win/loss.[/B] :smiley: :smiley:

It goes without saying, but Iā€™ll join the chorus and say it anyway:

[B]Youā€™re The Man! [/B]:smiley: