The finest in trend trading

Haha. That’s assuming Tymen has accepted offers for help for him to move. Maybe he likes his privacy.

Hmmm. The less in the know the better, is it possible to setup a password protected thread that Tymen’s chosen few can access? Then again, maybe not such a good idea as I may not be lucky enough to be one of the chosen!:o

As I am a newbie,

I searched for a simple,reliable and profitable method from a reliable person !!!
In india forex is not familiar and its terrible to find persons like tymen
I heard about the word “FOREX” (by a investment company giving 30% returns)
but I dont know what it mean. Just i googled it ,collected data , read it
In that situation I opened a account with Marketiva, there while i am chatting one friend
reffered "BABYPIPS " in August 2009

I have learnt all things about forex only through BABYPIPS and good,memorable,valuable
friends in BABYPIPS.COM


I will be very thankful to god for giving babypips and forex friends here

I have found like “Hagar found the well of water in the wilderness” (this situation suits me
correctly) Gen 21:19,20

Thanks a lot for tymen and Babypips


Yikes, common sense!! No place for that in forex. d.


You have taken the short cut to the experience of long time losing traders who finally realize that their problem was reliance on indicators.
In your case, you have been thro the experience but have been spared all the losses!!

This is a great learning experience that should stay with you!! :slight_smile:

But if the naked method is as simple and powerful as you say …

Yes, I think it is an amazing method!! :smiley:

[B]Shhhhhhhh!![/B] (quiet!!) :smiley: :smiley:

Thank you very kindly for the offer, [B]Merchantprince[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I already have sufficient help as it is. :slight_smile:
A month is the longest it would take - I envisage the moving will be a great deal less than that.

It depends on how quickly the telephone company (Telstra) can get the relocation done.
They tend to be slack.

I have already checked for a very fast broadband connection (Australia is very backward in this area) so that part is fixed up.

My cat Sweetie, is the hardest piece of furniture to move - cats do not travel well as a rule (at least mine does not!)

So the naked trading (more correctly - trading without indicators) should start earlier than I expect.

[QUOTE=tymen1;177495][B]Never use a longer term average to determine the trend of a series of price actions.[/B]

I have been trying to catch up on this thread, it just keeps outpacing the amount of time I have to read it. Great work, great teaching skills,… getting people to think about what they are doing,… learning how to analyze and build their own strategy (if needed after this one ) by showing what you went through step by step is just AWESOME!!! Thanks a million.

So, I have a question from post #931. Can you explain this a little more? I think I understand, but could use a little more clarity. Is the series of price action you are talking about a small series? Hence, a long term average won’t be as responsive?

Thanks again.

That was already in my syllabus from the very beginning - I had that planned beforehand. :smiley:

The idea being that you readers develop the same disdain and contempt for indicators generally as I have developed.

Thanks Again for all the work Tyman

You are welcome for now, but the good things are yet to come!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


This is purely honest work here, [B]ninety9[/B].
It is 100% genuine. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

So much so, as I said, I am reluctant to post it!! :eek:

I made that hoax you refer to some time ago as a celebration of my 2000 posts. :slight_smile:

This is generally the finest way to go. :slight_smile:

I remember [B]Boris Shlossberg[/B] giving his recommendations in [B]The Analyst Arena [/B]section of Babypips. (he is now on the GFT team).

The trading plans he posted always were just naked candles, trend lines and support/resistance lines.
They were really good trade opportunities with the risk and reward clearly laid out for each trade.

Look at the thread by [B]Tess [/B]and [B]Jocelyn[/B] - a naked trading thread.
It comes with much acclaim. :slight_smile:

I will be taking a very specific variant of the naked trading method - specially geared for trend trading.
A variant that I have never seen posted before and I believe to be very powerful. :slight_smile:

Hope this raises your anticipation!! :smiley:


The weapon is our trading arsenal that I have failed to mention - patience!!

Patience will come into our indicator-less method automatically as we go into it. :slight_smile:

Well, I was thinking of Melbourne in the end actually.

Tassie might just be tooo cold!! :smiley:

Thank you for your kind compliments, [B]didilut[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

We may be speaking English here but the naked trading method will bypass English and speak your language with pictures and profits!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I already use such.

but as it is, we cannot spend our whole lives indoors (I am an outdoor person).

The heat here in Perth, as anyone who has passed thro here in summer knows, is not just heat.
It is a [B]burning [/B]heat!!

It peels your skin and can turn you into a lobster in about 3 hours. :eek:
Even my brother, who lives in the tropics of Australia, says that the burning heat of Perth is far worst than what he experiences.

Perth has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. :eek:

After living most of my life in this burning heat, I cannot take it anymore - health reasons.
I think the skin burn builds up on you over the years!! :o :o

Arghhh !! :eek:

You know about it personally!!

But I will be back!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Great idea!!

I will work on that. :slight_smile:

To be sure, I will give you first access!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Good for you, [B]sijeeva[/B]!! :slight_smile:

Soldier on!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

[B]There is indeed something all of you readers can do to help me[/B] - not in the form of travelling or offering moving assistance, but rather in the form of some [U]advice [/U]on a subject difficult to me.

[B]I will explain…( [/B]it really belongs in The Melting Pot but then the relevance disappears).

Every so often you come across a situation where your realise how fortunate you are, living in a first world country. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
We really have it easy, owning everything we want and being able to trade forex.

[B]But I am also in the business of trying to help less fortunate people.[/B]

Recently, I have been in email + telephone contact with a 20 year old refugee girl from Rwanda in Africa.
She has escaped to Malaga, Andalusia in Spain after fleeing from the Rwandan genocide in which she saw her parents and other siblings brutally massacred.
She is being housed in a humanitarian camp run by a Catholic order.

I have spoken to the Catholic worker who runs the camp and spoken to her personally.
She is now due to be removed from the camp and the Catholic order will pay one month rent for her + others in a room. After that, she is on her own.

She has emailed me asking for advice on what to do - not asking for money (therefore a genuine ask).

Now I am on the other side of the planet.
She has nothing except the clothes she wears.

So I have sent her the telephone numbers of the Rwandan consulate in France and UK (none in Spain).
I have also sent her the papers to fill out for a Rwandan passport.
I have told her NOT to go into prostitution for money.

[U]My question…[/U]

What else can I do to help her?

She risks being kidnapped for prostitution and being drugged.
I do not want that to happen, she has been thro enough.

Are there any Spanish readers out there??
Or anyone who can give useful advice?

[B]Any help here is appreciated!![/B]

So, I have a question from post #931. Can you explain this a little more?


When you are trying to determine the overall trend direction of a price chart, then the thing to do is to go to [U]a higher time frame[/U] :slight_smile:

The trend [U]direction in the higher time frame[/U] is the direction you should trade in on your [U]home chart[/U].

The idea that you can just keep your home chart and place a long term average on it to determine trading direction [U]does not work.[/U].

If you do that, you will fail and lose.
There is a correct way and a wrong way to determine trading direction.

The [U]correct way[/U] - go to a higher time frame.
The [U]wrong way[/U] - stay with your present timeframe and put a long term average on it.

That is the point I was trying to make. :slight_smile:

hi tymen (thanks for the time you have taken to prepare this thread, much appreciated)

its a sad story you mention about that girl, i live in europe and have visited spain many times, and there seems to be an alarming number of african refugee’s working as prostitutes on the streets etc…

i speak a little spanish so if there is anything i can do to help, just let me know…

EDIT: just thought about how many refugee’s are let in here, the UK, only for vaild reasons and extreme cases…

i know they have a scholarship programme, where if they come into the UK they must attend a school to learn the language and basics (English, IT, maths etc) if they do these things, they are given some sort of VISA or dual citezenship here, i guess it depends on her age, circumstances etc etc

could be worth trying?..