The finest in trend trading

Had to smile at that.

Its tymen-style! :slight_smile:
You never know whats going to happen. :smiley:

“Tymen-style” is unpredictable, very ironically like the Forex Markets he teaches about. :slight_smile:

Yeah agree. We have to trust in the power of the force. :wink: The journey is more important than the destination. Tymen has a very entertaining way of teaching much like a TV soap opera. Always can’t wait for the next episode.:stuck_out_tongue: It’s the pinnacle of teaching skill that all teachers aspire to.

So true!! :smiley:

Well, here is the next episode!! :smiley:

This is a long post (I cannot break it up) - please read very carefully.

Take a look at this drawing of price action >>>

The blue line shows price action on a chart.
The pink line is an SR line.

Now at first the price action is going down and we expect something to happen at the SR line.
In the past, price action has been bouncing off this line so that is what we expect to happen this time.

It does!!
So we enter long at point E.

Now the big boys do not like us tagging along for the ride.
After all, they are in the business of making money - which means they have to take our money from us!!

So what do they do? :eek:

Imagine holding a towel at one end and having a dog grab the other end in its mouth.
If you want the dog to let go of the towel, you will have to shake the towel, even give it a big flick.
If the dog does not let go, you will really have to shake the towel up and down with a strong snap to it.
Eventually the dog may let go.

[B]Now the towel represents the price action.
You are the big boy banker.
The dog is the small retail trader such as us.

You can see what the banker does - he snaps the price action back and forth to make you let go.
He accomplishes this by shaking the price action back and forth, thus causing you to hit your stops!!
If he can get you off his price trend, then he has your money!!
He will then run with it.[/B]

Lets look at the diagram…

At point E, you enter long.
The banker tricks you and causes a retrace at R - you were not expecting that - you were expecting the price to go the green line shown.
Hit stop loss 1. (one shake of the towel)

But you are smart - you stop loss is far away, you are still in the trade.

The traders expect the price action to bounce again at S but the bankers take the price right thro - another load of stops hit!! (another shake of the towel).

Traders now expect the price action to go short.
But the banker plays tricks and snaps the action back to long - more stops hit. (shake 3 of the towel).

At point T another bounce is expected.
The banker tricks you by going straight thro and going long like there is no tomorrow!! (4th shake of the towel).
By this time the banker hopes to have everyones money.

We need an approach that can avoid all of this!!

[B]Clearly, indicators cannot take into account these type of emotions and actions.
Indicators are great if all we are dealing with is robot style price action.[/B]

But with traders emotions at work, the price action rachets up and down and no lagging indicator that measures just closes can hope to keep up.

That’s why, with indicators, you will be at a great disadvantage competing with those who trade price action right up to the second.

That is why the real power of this thread starts only now.
[B]But the material beforehand was a necessary pre-requisite to understand what we are going to do.[/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Now look at the next diagram >>>

For traders who entered at E, the bankers would be rude at point R with a sudden retrace causing stop hunting.
Then they would see all the suckers at S by sending the price thro the SR line, hence hitting more stops.
Then they would laugh at point L when they suddenly snap the short action back to long unexpectedly, causing more stops to be hit.

Then finally, a trick at point T when the small traders expect a bounce and there is none - final stops hit.

In this case, the big boys have had 4 shots at trying to take other peoples’ money off them.
This could happen to us quite easily if we used only indicators or if we are not wise to these actions.

So what is the solution…?

The solution is to see the downtrend at point D (in blue).

We have a method for tracking point E but we do not enter because we know what will happen.
Our specialized method causes us to enter at point P when all the action is over!!

We then go along for the trend ride and make a profit!!

[B]So what is this fancy specialized method that we are going to use?[/B] :confused:

[B]Ah ha!! [/B] :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

That is for next time!!

[B]Wait for it!![/B]

Ahhhhhhhhhh! The suspense is already killing me! :smiley:

who is sitting on the edge of his chair?

Does it have to do with observing how the volume changes at these key points? Large volume spikes may indicate the big boys feeding the reversal to do stop-loss hunting.


For those of you following this thread who are relatively new to Forex like me, Tyman posted a link at Post #1447 to “Alternative Trend Trading”. As I was waiting Tymans return I read through this thread and believe it to be a great primer for whats to come. If anyone wants to read a synopsis of this thread there is a PDF on post # 5 of “Technical Templates 2” from Johnnykanoo. Sorry I don’t know how to post a link yet or I would have.:cool:

Hi tymen, I am impressed by this psychological approach of trading, the trade reflection on bigger TF was interresting as long seemed unperturbed by small manipulations of the trend, you proved it here !

thanks a lot


would you please update your MT4 code, greate and add the code for the zero line for MMACD indicator? PLEASE

Hi RenaLa
you can add the zero line yourself. Open the MMACD properties, Open the levels and click add

kockneerebel, would you make sure no big boys on this thread, please :slight_smile:
thanks anyway

HA HA HA laughter and sarcastic HYTCHCOKIEN (birds are not far :eek:…) of Tymen me the shivers, but gives me warm inside, and brings hope.

as I understood, the zero line of tymen’s MMACD line is not the regular zero line of MACD indicator.
here is tymen’s code (or part of the code) for zero line for dealbook:
zeroline := makeseries (front(close), back(close), 0);
… so on

Also tymen has mentioned in one of his posts how he created the zero line

Do I understand correctly?


I am talking about programming things, I am thinking that the position of the zero line is very important. In case the position of the zero line is incorrect, it can cause the delay in entry or early entry which is not good.

Just i would like to verify this with tymen and some programmers. One of them I know is IronHeart :slight_smile:


The MACD already has a zeroline!! :slight_smile:

It is just not so clear in the final output.

The code I wrote here…

zeroline := makeseries (front(close), back(close), 0);

is just to make the zeroline a bit easier to see.

Be aware that this is just for the CTL code of the GFT program.
If you are using MT4, the code and output will have a different appearance.

Look below …

This is the standard MACD >>>

And this is the MMACD for which I wrote the code >>>

The only differences are that the MMACD that I wrote has slightly thicker lines and the zeroline is a clear dark line.