The finest in trend trading

Hi Alan
May I suggest that you look at your chart again. Your first was short, but previously PA had approached D S/R1 for a long trade. Your short is in the middle of S/R lines. Your 2 went straight through the S/R where we should be looking for the reversal. When the reversal came PA approached D S/R 2 for a nice short trade. Always helpful to post your charts as this helps everyone learn
best regards

Ahh I see now. Thanks. I think I was just looking for the PA peaks and dips when selecting where to draw the CBLs and not paying attention to the approaches to the SR lines as well.

I guess my last 2 CBLs in the main chart, Short CBL2 and Long CBL2 were done correctly as a matter of luck? Can you confirm this? At least then I know what correct ones look like! :o

Hi Alan
hind sight is a great thing. have a look at where PA interacts with S/R and draw some new CBL’s. then post a new chart, if you want, for feed back

Great stuff, [B]kockneerebel[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Back again - just for a moment.
Keeping things on track.

Yes, I realised from the other thread that people’s examples are great for teaching, so here’s my 2nd. This is the main chart GBP/JPY. Same as my last chart being 2 long and 2 short CBL/trades, 4 in all. Hopefully this one I have sufficiently considered the SR lines when choosing where to clac the CBLs!:smiley:

Trade 1: Wickedly profitable trade, hit TP 1, TP2 and even TP3!.:smiley:

Trade 2: A loss, this one didn’t make TP1 and went back to hit the stop loss.:eek:

Trade 3: Good result. Hit the TP1 and TP2.

Trade 4: Profitable. Hit the TP1.

Did I choose the CBLs correctly this time? Will post the 4 CBL calcs in my next post.

Here are the screenprints of the 4 zoomed in blue areas of the main GBP/JPY chart from my previous post.

Trade 1:

Trade 2:

Trade 3:

Trade 4:

Again, please let me know if these CBL calcs are correct.

Here is a trade I just input on 4h EUR/USD. Price bounced off resistance @ 1.3449. SL @ 1.3461 per low of first candle of countback. Enter @ 1.3568 per CBL method. TP1 @ 1.3696 @ 1st S/R. TP2 @ 1.3806 @ 2nd S/R.

The idea behind the SR lines and finding appropriate count back lines is not to make heaps of pips.
I do hope your practise is on a demo account.
It does not matter if your trades hit the stop loss.

It is the practise of this approach that is important - to get aquainted with it.

Let me post an example myself >>>

Here I have set 3 blue SR lines from the daily chart of AUD/JPY

Here I go to the 4 hour chart and add 1 more pink SR line >>>

I have chosen 4 trade areas, 3 long, 1 short.

Here is the 1st trade and its associated stop loss >>>

The price action goes completely short, (see main chart, previous post).
As a result, the CBL never cuts thro a candle and the trade is not filled.

The 2nd trade >>>

The CBL and associated stop loss are shown.
Observe that the TP1 which is the SR line, is very close to the initial entry at the CBL.
There is little profit in TP1 here.

But TP2 is much better!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Here we have the 3rd trade >>>

At the beginning the price action was going up and a CBL for short was set up (red lines).
The stop loss is shown.
Also shown is the TP1.

After price action hits TP1, we move the stop loss to break even as shown on the chart.
However, after TP1, the price action went up, going against us.
So eventually it hit the break even stop loss.

Result - TP1 profit only.

Here we have the 4th trade >>>

The CBL and stop loss fall into place nicely and sometime later the entry is triggered.

To see the rest of the action I have to zoom out, so much so, that I have to revert to a daily chart!! :cool: >>>

The CBL entry is a short green line, the stop loss is the dashed red line.
The TP1 gets filled, the TP2 is still yet to come!! :smiley:

A well organised set of trades there, [B]TraderAlan[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I think you have the understanding of this nicely!! :slight_smile:

Did I choose the CBLs correctly this time? Will post the 4 CBL calcs in my next post.

I have checked your charts - they are correct. :slight_smile:
But make sure that you also draw in the [U]final entry line[/U] that goes to the right.
The part of the CBL is missing in your efforts.

Hmmmmm. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
I will keep this reply short/sweet and straight to the point, as I do not wish to waste my time with this character. :frowning:

Gambling is ill gotten gain (no work or services rendered) determined by an event with random outcomes.
If gambling is not based on pure chance, then it is no longer gambling!!

[B]However, the above contradictory quotes are best summed up with SDC’s own statements………[/B]

Originally Posted by SDC >

This is a total newbie question, I havent traded forex before and am just now looking into it. I would like to ask you guys………

Originally Posted by SDC >

Hi guys my name is Ian I would like to start forex trading………

Originally Posted by [B]Dancat [/B](a very experienced trader) >

You can barely spell the word Forex, let alone recognize what’s factual & what isn’t.
Like the previous poster said, you got plenty of learning still to do.

Originally Posted by [B]On the Bid[/B] (a very experienced trader) >

Wouldn’t a little extra studying & application pay more dividends for someone still wet behind the ears?
It’s not like you can’t do with it judging by the trail you leave on here.

[B]For this very reason, I cannot recommend anything this character posts.
He is simply inexperienced and consequently full of errors.

But the matters get worse………[/B]

Originally Posted by SDC >

If someone posts on a thread I start whether it be this forum or any other that I am a member of and attacks something I said, disputes it, finds fault with it, or in any other way starts an argument, I call that healthy debate.

[B]Answer by On the Bid[/B]

The words you’ve chosen there perfectly illustrates everything that’s negative & distasteful about a trolls presence on any public forum.

This site isn’t about attacking or arguing. Neither is about attention seekers slithering onto a thread with the sole intention of disrupting & causing unecessary confrontation

It’s about the exchange of information, ………& the persuit of growth & achievement.

Sadly, individuals like you………, represent the negative side of information exchange.

Originally Posted by [B]Mastergunner99 [/B](a very experienced trader) >

Tymen’s worth on this forum is immeasurable.

Yours, SDC, is nil.

If you desire to go head to head with Tymen, you will lose and you will find yourself without the ability to further interact on this forum.

Answer to SDC by [B]Petefader [/B](a very experienced trader) >

If the Admins deleted your post, THEY must have found something that broke the rules.

[B]Finally, a comment to SDC by [B]o990l6mh (Honorary FX Member)[/B] >

Well, you are fast beginning to fit the description of a forum troll.
If you don’t like Tymen, then stay away from his threads. Simple. I’m sure we’d all appreciate that.[/B]

As I see it, SDC appears to be a person who displays a completely unteachable spirit.
Even though he is a total newbie, he considers himself eligible to teach (without qualifications).
In refusing correction, he even rebuked the master trader, [B]Rhodytrader, [/B]in a particular thread.
He has attacked me on a number of occasions, calling me deluded and mocking my Christian faith. The Administration has kindly removed those offensive posts.

[B]To sum up, I have had enough of SDC coming on to this thread bringing friction and discord.
I am too busy trying to do what I do best, teach.

Therefore, he is NOT WELCOME HERE.

If he does post here, I ask readers to ignore him and I will ask the Admin to delete his posts, something they have already done on a number of occasions.[/B]

Thanks for that!

Got it:D

Still had trouble with those entry direction choices Alan was making, but Knockee got him straightened out I see:)


Thank you, [B]Master Tang[/B], for continuing to post here. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I give you the charge again, together with [B]Kockneerebel[/B], as I leave. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:



At this point in our thread, things start to hot up and get exciting!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

If we can now get more pips profit for less risk, we are well on the way to developing a quality trend trading method.

Some very unexpected surprises are yet to come!! :smiley: :smiley:

Then we will work on improving the win/loss ratio as well and so we will end up with a super trading method!!

wetting tongue

Get your moving over with already and get back to this! :smiley:

Our 1st step in improving the risk/reward ratio is extremely simple…

After drawing the SR lines from the daily and 4 hour charts, we move on to the [U]1 hour charts!![/U]

We use the 4 hour chart as [U]our home chart[/U] and the 1 hour chart as a [U]timing chart.[/U]

[B]Lets see what happens when we do this… :)[/B]