The Forex Portfolio - How to Gain Consistent Profits by Staying in the Market 24/7

I trade price action so it’s completely subjective. I don’t have hard lined rules of entry or exit that one could right down and repeat. I simply have concepts. This is a methodology, not a system. If adopted, you’ll likely have your own version that suits you best.

Apologies if this question has been asked before, but what leverage do you use on your account?

50:1 if i remember correctly

Yes that is correct :slight_smile:

In my demo account, I opened twenty some position last Wednesday night (during Chasing Amy), and was down over $400.00 on my 5K demo a couple of times, but I held on to the positions and cashed everything out for a total gain of$80.00. Obviously this type of management is not what you’re teaching, but I do intend to give this trading style more of a real try. I have to say that I like the conceptual idea of getting into trades in the direction that the market is telling you it’s going, and spreading the risk around a little bit. Although I do like my trading style, I also like not feeling stressed over missed entries at specific times in a narrow window. I also think that any trading style can be personalized, and there are probably some really interesting variations to entering the market. I’d really recommend this style to newer traders, to help get a feel for things as well.

My schedule was just crammed these last two days. I wasn’t able to get in and do my daily analysis. I just looked at my equity. Nothing looked off so I didn’t make the time. Finally today I sat down and got back to work.

That’s the flexibility that this methodology can allow.

thanks mg, the thread was a good read; i added for my personal trading style to only trade the pairs with a positive (or a very small negative swap), it makes me feel more comfortable to stay in the trade for a longer time … i only wish my broker would offer more pairs to trade

just one question: what is your average position size ?

It’s one unit per dollar in my open equity.

If he told you his average position size, that would give away his average equity …don’t think that’s gunna happen :wink:

just curious how many were short on Yen today… Specially long against EUR…

:56: :17: :46:

I was looking to short both eurjpy & gbpjpy. EURJPY didn’t give me a sign, but I did open a short on gbpjpy because of a bearish shooting star after a pullback on the daily, and the duck were aligned…but considering it was the “beast” with pending high impact news and I’m not using stops, I thought better of it and closed it right away for -20pips. I’m glad I did :wink:

Wish I’d closed mine too!

I was long after we had a minor break out but lost my nerve with the pending ECB rate decision. Although I banked some pips it was not where near the possible 200+ move that occurred after I closed. <punches wall> :slight_smile:

Are you his lawyer or something?

Do you need one to figure that out?

Ok so this is directed at MG99 but anyone can throw in. How do you decide to close a losing position? If price moves against you enough to change your bias? A set pip amount? Do you have to see price move against you as strongly to get out of a position as to get in? I was up 7% yesterday now I’m at 1.2% floating profit. My unrealized is -4%.

It’s never a set pip amount. It’s generally based on price action patterns. Next weekend I can post another example.

Just askin’ is all…

I’m out at 1.31200 due to the NFP in 2 hours. +90.

Goodluck everyone hopefully if your trading longterm and have as many pairs as MG99 the news wont affect you much :slight_smile: