The Forex Portfolio - How to Gain Consistent Profits by Staying in the Market 24/7

It’s when Electronic Arts develops a forex game that runs automatically & just racks up all the profits…

Electronic Arts = EA = TONS OF FUN…wooohooo :slight_smile:

EA stands for Expert Advisor. And it is exactly how it sounds. Basically, you make some code and then bam! You got yourself your own, personal, Expert Advisor that will “expertly advise” you and your portfolio to hundreds of trillions of dollars*!

*, ZWL only

Sounds good, how much? :slight_smile:

Wait, it only works on ZWL? :frowning:

This looks like a very smart way to trade. Comfy to! I have been looking at the charts now and I must say… It looks like a lot of the pairs are in some sort of a consolidation. The thing is to enter the trade in the right direction, but not necessary at the at the start of a trend? Right direction is key? Stupid question :57:

It’s improbable to tell when the start of a trend will be. So move in once it’s already going.

This morning around 9am Market Watch Time I closed two trades which were floating just over +100pips from leaving open over the weekend (which were both around 60-70+ pips on close Friday) and I opened 3 more trades this morning. Currently im floating in more negative pips than positive however Im on the trend train and have no concerns about leaving my trades open for as long as needed.

The reason I closed the two trades at 100 pips this morning and didn’t let them run either was because I opened 3 positions of each trade so still have the other two running on both.

Positive energy to everyone for the week ahead! :57:

Just bought EURUSD, convinced its hit a major support level which i believe is 1.29800

Entry at 1.30300
Stoploss at 1.29600
Takeprofit at ??? 1.3700 please!


It is a significant support zone, but other than that what’s the rationale for the trade? You’re going against a strong down trend that remains unbroken. If anything, its a short term trade to 1.31 and if that breaks with a close above 1.32 than you could get your 1.37. But that’s a lot of ifs and maybes.

i know its a countertrend trade so thats why i put ??? for takeprofit because i need everyones thoughts :slight_smile: 1.3700 was a joke because that was the high before it went into a downtrend :stuck_out_tongue:

??? means you know its a counter trend trade… and 1.37 was a joke on a thread mostly about swing / position trading… :slight_smile:

I’ve given you my thoughts above, good luck with the trade.

The methodology at present discourages counter trend trading, so you’ll be hard pressed to find useful commentary on it that would be in line with this thread.

Hey Mastergunner,

I am new to trading. I have been studying alot and just opened my first demo account. Your methodology intrigues me, especially because I work full time and have a family. My question is… does your methodology produce (or need) repeatability?

Most of what I have read states that one should have discipline entries and exits according to a set of rules. If i were to trade using your methodology right now I don’t know that I would feel like I knew why I was winning or losing. Thanks.

I’m not sure what you are asking me exactly.

Do you determine entry and exit points based on a strict set of rules? From what I can tell you try to spot trends, while using candlesticks and sometimes fibs to determine retracements/reversals. If no entry/exit rules, how do you know what to change and improve upon for your next entry (if price moves against you), or how can you repeat the good trade you made?

I bought 5 pairs last night based on daily candlestick patterns (demo w/ 100,000 USD). Using your methodology I opened positions of 100,00 units each. With 50:1 leverage that was ~10% true margin (I think this is what you call it). At any given time what is your true margin (used margin/total equity)? What leverage are you using? I got nervous (even though it was a demo) because of my large exposure and closed out the trades before I went to sleep.

I apologize if I am not communicating my questions well. Still trying to get a firm grasp on all these concepts. Thanks for your response.

Before addressing some of your questions you should address a key question. Will you be trading a $100,000 live account? I ask because you said it was uncomfortable. You need to demo with what you will trade live… It’s a very common newbie mistake to demo unrealistically.

Thanks, I will change to 10k$ as that is what I have to trade with when I go live. In this case, I think leverage and # positions open (also gains/losses of those positions) determine true margin, no?

That’s right. For me, 10-20% margin on 10-20 trades is not the scary thing. The % of equity drawdown is what I worry about. One thing I’ve noticed with this methodology is that the risk does not feel disproportional to what you have in day trading. I suppose Mg99 somehow worked out the 1 unit per $ relationship, because it seems to work nicely.

Is anyone making money on a live account with this? and if so I am willing to compensate someone to trade my account, PM me with your stats. Thanks!

I’m not interested in trading your account but I have been using a very similar method to this for much longer than this thread has been active but only recently started trading again with my live account.

The answer to making money with a live account with this kind of method is [B]yes[/B].

You need to have control of your emotions and very strong discipline to trust yourself with this method which are the two most important things for me.

Once you have those in control then it will be a lot easier and your will be much more comfortable in entering and exiting trades.

This week at one point I had almost every trade I was in against me and not just by a few pips, some of them 100+ in negative. Today so far I have exited a small handful of those trades at a point where I felt was satisfactory and all of which were pips gained.

You got to remember as MG stated at one point in this thread, if your looking to bag 40-50 pips in a trade, this method doesn’t cut it for you and ideally shouldn’t cut it for you. I started on my live account again from last week and still have certain trades open from day 1 still running and for me personally for my style of trading I am not looking to close for quite a while yet.

If your completely new to trading and think it is something that is going to make you a wealthy person over night I suggest you keep practicing on a demo. I’ve been trading on and off for many years but from all the different methods I have applied in those years, this style has always been my favorite.


I’ve gone through the first 10 pages… And no specifics about entry or exit… Is this actually addressed somewhere in the thread besides the generic “support resistance” statement? Or is the gist of this material just about lowering position value so you can spread your trades over 28 currencies… Many of which trades are redundant as the currency pairs are highly correlated… Also how much does negative swap reduce profitability if you are holding many trades open for long periods of time?

Also mastergunner… What was your profitability trading in this fashion from January last year to November of last year…?