The Forex Portfolio - How to Gain Consistent Profits by Staying in the Market 24/7

To anyone interested, I will be hosting a live webinar going over this methodology and basic forex training.

Starts at 9PM EST.

Found this thread too late! Are you planning on doing any more webinars? Can you upload that one to Youtube? Is this one question too many?

Thanks for some great information!


[QUOTE=“antcurious;689712”] Found this thread too late! Are you planning on doing any more webinars? Can you upload that one to Youtube? Is this one question too many? Thanks for some great information! Anton[/QUOTE]

I have been hosting them on a weekly basis. Monday’s at 9pm EST. I can put up the next meeting link later this week.

Much appreciated!

Well the portfolio withstood the craziness from yesterday. There was a sharp decline in equity, but not a single stop was hit and overall unrealized profits remain in the positive.

I did add a ton of limit orders last night to see what becomes of this sharp movement.

Hi MG, good to see you back. This is probably a silly question, and to be honest I don’t really follow along much, but noticed you’d been posting. When we see spikes like the one a couple of moths back with EUR/CHF, that ran through stops and just crippled the accounts of many people, it really shows the incredible level of risk in this market, but especially to prolonged exposure. I realize that someone could have been wiped out just getting into the market a few minutes before the Swiss announcement, but this has made me even more protective of holding on to extended positions. Even small positions at -2000 pips can devastate an account. I was wondering if you had any insights or reactions regarding this.

Nice to see you back and genuinely happy to hear that things are going very well - take care.

I was in the market during that time. For whatever reason I was unscathed by it. Didn’t have a lot riding on the franc at the time.Moves like that are rare. First I’ve seen in over 7 years of trading. And I’m sure it’s bound to happen again.

I don’t think episodes like that negate the validity of the portfolio. Even if I took a full 2000 pip hit it would not have crippled my account. It would have resulted in about a 20% decrease.

It’s all about managing your risk. Taking smaller positions spread out across the entire market. I imagine those that lost big were likely unprofitable to begin with.

Hi MG99, just want to say hi and thanks for the great insights. I have read your methodology since monday and starting to apply the concepts that you shared with us on a demo account.

Will it be OK for me to post once a week regarding my positions (entered and closed positions) and some charts here for continued learning from you and other members here? (if you and other members don’t mind that is)

Also, not to promote anything (sharing purposes only), I have found your method to be somehow similar to a thread discussion in FF (Building an equity millipede).

If you have the time to read that thread, I would also like to know what you think about the method shared within that thread :slight_smile:

Thank you for this wonderful thread and I apologize in advance for any mistakes in this post as English is not my 1st language :smiley:

Yeah feel free to post whatever you’d like that you feel could add value to your own trading or to benefit others. I will read that thread when I have a chance.

Hi all, just want to share my end-of-week results and the trades that I took for the week, including my personal reasons to enter/exit the trade. I sincerely hope this thread will be active once again for continued learning purposes. It would be really great if MG99 and/or other practitioners of this method would comment on the trades posted here. Thank you all in advance and I would very appreciate any comments on any mistakes/misconceptions on MG’s method :slight_smile:

Account starting date: 16 Mar 2015
Account type: demo
Time since inception: 5 trading days
Starting balance: $5003.07
Current equity: $5009.50
Lot size: fixed 0.01 per position on MT4 platform
Current total running swap (in $): +0.00
Floating P/L: +6.43


-AUD/NZD: Short @1.03052 (entry date: 3/20) - Market order after 3/19 price candle closes below a minor swing low on 3/17

-EUR/NZD: Short @1.43568 (entry date: 3/20) - Sell stop 1 pip below 3/19 low (evening star pattern with previous swing low confluence)

-GBP/AUD: Short @1.92078 (entry date: 3/20) - Large bearish candle on 3/12 and 1.9430 rejection on 3/19 (entered 1 pip below low of 3/19)

-GBP/NZD: Short @1.98441 (entry date: 3/20) - Insibe bar that rejected off the 2.0000 level (entered 1 pip below the mother bar on 3/18)

Stops Placed: None yet

Frosty, I would get some stops in place asap. If that trade turns against you it could be costly. Take it from someone who has made that mistake even though he should have known better.
Good luck

All your entires are pretty spot on. A couple I have limit orders set for the break of the current candle as I tend to like to wait for an additional candle for confirmation.

About a year ago I started implementing stops and take profits for added simplicity. And j will frequently adjust the stop as I’ve done before, but not so much as a take profit but as a traditional stop, and now I’ve been adding in additional positions to compound strong trend movement.

This is a variation and not to be assumed that the original way no longer is effective, because it very much is. I have not run any tests to determine if one way is better than the other.

The basis of this methodology is more wrapped up around the concept of spreading your risk amongst the market and taking advantage of every major trade that presents itself.

Thank you for your reply Eddie. I was thinking about waiting for a strong potential reversal candle before placing stops, but that could prove to be too late and the position could already be in a loss. Maybe you or MG99 could provide us with a rough guideline on how to place them since I really have no clue on how to do so :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply MG99.

Since I am a really conservative (read: chicken, lol) trader, hearing about placing trades with no stops in place really worries me to the bone.

Glad to hear that you have implemented stops and take profits in your trading since I really would very much like to learn more about how you calculate or place them (again, if explaining them isn’t too much work for you). I would like to hear about how you compound / add additional positions if you don’t mind explaining as a rough guideline for us :slight_smile:

I do understand somehow that as we add more pairs to the portfolio that our risk will be mitigated by using the original method with no stop-loss, but having them, even if they are really far away from current price level, really helps to ease my mind.

Also, just out of curiosity, have you incorporated additional markets or currency pairs into your portfolio?

Sorry for asking a lot of questions. I sincerely thank you in advance for any insights from you :slight_smile:

Webinar starts now.


Call in.

323-920-0091 Pin: 315-6962#

Having displayed some eagerness, I now have to confess I paid no attention to the time difference, the webinar is on around 1am London time. Gutted!

Webinar starts at 9PM EST.

Learn to trade for free.

noooo i misted this webinar again.

will there be another one mastergunner99?

i am on this thread for over a year and would really like to attend one.

thanks, best of luck to you all.

[QUOTE=“drolja;693760”]noooo i misted this webinar again. will there be another one mastergunner99? i am on this thread for over a year and would really like to attend one. thanks, best of luck to you all.[/QUOTE]

Yes, next week there will be another. Tuesday at 9pm EST. Will provide the link later in the week.

Hello MG,

Will there be any recording of the webinar one can look?



thanks…will be there for sure !!!