The freedom it gives

My quest of been a successful person has led me to various forms of online business. I have been a victim of ponzi scheme fraud, I have engaged in affiliate marketing. But to sum it all, FX is the most excited business I have come across because it is you against you, you against your emotions no one to compete with.
To some amateurs who have not found an edge yet I advise that you give it the dedication and time because it is worth.

Welcome to the community, @Alikali2001. Sorry to hear about what happened to you. How long have you been trading?

@zianfx it has been 3yrs now

Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

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Thank you sir

Welcome @Alikali2001
I really like it when you say “…it’s you against you…”. That’s accurate!
Also, sorry to hear you’ve been through all of these problems. Actually I’m new at this too but you have access to very useful contents here on BP.

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Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!

hi and welcome
, most welcome to baby pips community . happy trading and enjoy your stay ,

hi and welcome , have a wonderful journey

I’m glad you learned from your past mistakes rather than let them discourage you. :open_mouth: I really hope forex works out for you! :blush: It’s definitely the most legit among the ventures you’ve mentioned. :open_mouth: If you don’t mind, how long did you study forex trading before going live? :smiley:

Thank you for sharing your experiences and I’m sorry to hear that you have been a victim of ponzi scheme fraud. Keep pushing forward and best of luck in your forex trading journey!

“my guess of been a successful person has led mew to various forms of online business.” elaborate…?

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Thanks @DownTheRabbitHole… Life is like pilgrimage, and as humans, we are always in search of a greener pasture. This search is always about what can give us freedom (money) and in the process of looking for freedom in other to break way from the shackles of financial slavery we get opened to the many opportunities out there. And some of this opportunities are like a mirage… there are not there.

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Got it. Hope to hear more from you.

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Thank you so much sir

You’re welcome. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

How long have you been trading sir? And are you consistent now?