hi all,
WHAT A DAY! ok, a day like today ultimately identifies the one draw back to my system. i do not view it as such, although some of you may, especially, if you are attempting to hit home runs. honestly, even when i played softball, and i have played a lot, i was a singles hitter. as i said, my strategy fits my persona. this strategy does not have a re-entry application. thus, when things keep moving only in one direction for a period of time, there is no way to take advantage. now, on the other hand, i did a lot of work in a short period of time today and am walking away, A WINNER, of 15 pips, AND THAT IS JUST FINE WITH ME. the trades:
8:45 entered short order, 1.2760
8:47 short, 1.2760
8:50 exit, 1.2766, had been to 1.2757, S/L moved to 1.2766, -6
8:55 entered long order, 1.2780
9:00 cancelled long order
9:00 entered short order, 1.2755
9:00 short. 1.2755
9:02 exit, 1.2749, had been to 1.2745, closed at 1.2749 to get me back to
0, +6, 0
9:10 entered long order 1.2785
9:10 long, 1.2785
9:12 exit, 1.27975, hit T/P, +12.5
9:40 entered short order, 1.2775
9:45 canelled short
9:45 entered long order, 1.2795
9:46 long, 1.2795
9:49 exit, 1.2785, hit S/L, -10, +2.5
9:55 entered short order, 1.2780
10:00 cancelled short
10:00 entered long order, 1.2815
10:09 long, 1.2825
10:19 exit, 1.28275, hit TP, +12.5, +15
november total, +305.8
OK, i’m tired, have a great afternoon all,
goji, bernie