The good exotic pair to trade

What exotic pair do you trade and why?

USD/ZAR, just curious about it, and i didnt perform well. i would like to hear about others. :)))

Thanks for sharing your experience with trading USD/ZAR! It can definitely be challenging to trade exotic pairs. For those who have traded other exotic pairs, what were your experiences like? Did you find any particular pairs to be more or less challenging than others? Any tips or strategies that you found helpful?

none at all

poor liquidity, very high slippage, typicaly both wide and very variable spreads, my own lack of specialist economic/fundamental expertise of the kind needed to trade exotics, and lack of necessity given how many “major pairs” there are

from my perspective, exotics seem to have many disadvantages, really, and no great benefit that i can see, for myself

i understand that many people disagree, of course

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