The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Lol, ah I see… :stuck_out_tongue: Well 50 pips in my books is pretty much spot on for my weekly goal, so I’d take it.

Stay with the cable and fiber then my friend. The Aussie typically moves about 70 pips on a good day. Which as far as I can tell is how far it moved down. I would expect price to stall, stutter,and die going into the weekend.

Hehe. You missed my point. GLGT

Hello Guys,

After following ICT teachings for a year, I have decided to demo trade for 3-6months just so I can assess my performance to see if I am qualified to go live. My goal is to strive to make pips month after month. In that case if I make 1pip increment to my account I will consider that as achieving my goal for the month. I will be looking for setups based on ICT teachings

I will be using a 3rd party monitor to track my performance and I will welcome any constructive criticism, suggestions and encouragement from those that will be interested to monitor my performance as well. Give me a good spank if there is any indication of overtrading and overleveraging in the trading style. That is why I want to go public just so I can discipline myself to sit on my hands when the appropriate setup has not formed yet.

For those that are interested please go here: Error | Myfxbook

Please to the moderators if posting a link on here is not allowed, kindly delete it as i don’t intend to flout the rules here.Thank you.

Closed at 1,0180 around 1600gmt. I love it when a plan comes together :slight_smile:

Together with 50 pips I took on the gbpusd, that’s a nice start of the weekend.

Great to see a lot more of the guys joining myfxbook to back up their pip haul claims. I believe this move will give newbies undeniable prove that these concepts work and people are making them work.

Make the check payable to bobmaninc I will send you the addy to send your money. Which would you rather have me or your broker take your money. Either way your still going to lose it :stuck_out_tongue:

Great to see a lot more of the guys joining myfxbook to back up their pip haul claims. I believe this move will give newbies undeniable prove that these concepts work and people are making them work.

I agree with u LiftOff, the stuff works like magic. It is not as though one is supposed to cram all the concept and apply it all at once. I only make use of the support resistance concept, daily/weekly high/low and the formation of fractals to trade for now. I hope to better understand the rest of the concept later on.

With an impeccable risk management and the basic concepts one can survive in this jungle-i guess.

ICT said that i got to make sure you are all registered.

if your not registered then you better get registered.
please send check for $1000.00 dollars to brinkfx…offshore account
Bucket INC. account number 123456-78

dont worry after i recieve all monies you will be registered. plus please enclose blank signed check tiny handling fee.

Has anyone read trade stocks and commodities like the insiders by Larry Williams? If so does anyone have the all the indicators he uses?

Trade Navigator supposedly has all those indicators. It costs quite a lot tho. You can have a free trial from their website.

Hey pipsaday,

I checked my file and both “Higher Time Frame Analysis” files (part 1 and 2) have no problem with audio when played on WMP. I have distorted audio in part 2 video when I play it with VLC player :frowning:

So I have version of them videos which are working perfectly but there is another issue with audio and video. They out of sync. Although [B]VLC player have an option to synchronize audio and video track[/B] I cannot play part 2 file on VLC because audio is badly distorted (perfectly fine in Window Media Player).

I’ve tired to find solution on the internet without success.

I can make the files available for you. Just let me know if you want them both or only part2 and give me you e-mail address so I can send you a link to download it.

Ps. Convertion “Higher Time Frame Analysis part 2” to different video formats with my AVS Video Converter failed. Program is returning error massage (?) Any other video file from ICT works fine when getting converted :(.


Kays my bro that is some awesome trading! :smiley: I am particularly interested in tracking your progress since more than anything I want someone from Africa to dominate :stuck_out_tongue: Lets show the big boys what we’re made of :wink:

I’m wondering though, with all this bearish action where are the comms hoping to push the euro…


It’s already stabbed below the Monthly trinity

If I want to be sure to be fully registered, should I send 1K for home, 1K for work, and 1K for my mobile?

my email is <[email protected]>
i just need part 2. thanks a lot krishen, appreciate it!

Just call it a hunch and I am not even looking at charts but I will guess the 1.618 fib extension of last months trinity

Thanks for trying Seb, my audio and video are out of sync which makes it hard to watch as questions/answers are too far out of sync. Part 1 was all good. If anyone gets onin sync please let me know.


I’m wanting 1.2100 for starters and hoping just below 1.1900 where it can find old support from way back in 2010 (June 6th)