The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

After the fact you say?

Snapshot premarket movement:

The Result:

Cable I tweeted with live trade… this was for sport and illustration. I think of it as ski shooting. :59:

Cable Trade 30 pips off with 30% of position.
80 pips off with balance of position. Result $9735.00 No Demo hindsight FF trolls. :cool:

Come correct or be corrected. :57:

Happy 40th birthday Michael !

I am right behind you turning 37 August 7th :slight_smile:

There it is folks… right out of the notes and reviews.

Nice catch also Kongzz! :33:

GLGT :57:

Nice one ICT.

The following comment from FF is exactly why I avoid the forum:

“He teach how to trade pivots after the fact and promote Chris Lori stuffs.
He can’t operate his tactics here since this ain’t a n00b forum.”

There are probably more newbies around here at BP, but I personally respect realistic people much, much more than arrogant & ignorant folks that think they are experts after spending a few years on FF.

Folks, you can claim censorship, moan and groan about the rules here and the lipstick the Mods occasionally do on the forum at Babypips… but one thing for sure and the ONLY reason why I chose this website to pitch a tent and share is the parameters the Forum Mods hold everyone to. We can disagree and still be respectful… that’s the vacuum you find in FF. The person that posted that was a repeat offender in obnoxious remarks and lackluster trading results shared as well. I like putting those “joes” in my crosshairs and hugging the trigger with one finger.

I appreciate the respect the members here have towards one another and I thank you personally for that. It helps me keep my ego in check and even if we see a flake or two fall in to the forum… just wait and the Mods will sweep the dust and debris from our path. :wink:

Here’s to Babypips… home of the considerate but we still have folks on here with far better threads and content than FF… without the egomaniacs and rude filth permitted there.


ICT you da man. Ignore the haters. You taught a bunch of us to see that move this morning and we all made a little money thanks to you. Thanks again for everything you do.

I like a little sport some times too… don’t let the mild manner and soft voice fool ya. :wink:

I’d be quite annoyed at being mentioned in the same vain as Chris Lori, AUD/JPY multi year carry trades, aaaarrrggghhhhh! Gimme a break!

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“speak softly and carry a big stick”. or, in your case, “let the precision of your shots speak for themselves”.
ict- your actions speak far louder than any words ever could!
i scored a hit last night as well!

Haha nice Mike, show those loud mouths! :stuck_out_tongue:

If they ever needed proof of the success of your tools, I always remember this post from Manta with his insane results:

Yes, that is 100% boys!

Thanks ICT! wouldnt have done it without your guidance. Happy 40th Birthday :smiley:

ICT, quick question…just curious to why you closed your trades out when you did?

I took the same trade on cable and I’m looking to hold for the weekly range if we get one. I was going to take some profits at ADR 5650 but as you can see we never got there…

USDollar is heading south from weekly OTE which I believe cable and fiber will be heading up this week…If i’m looking at the weekly chart correctly I seem to think today we put in the lows???

Was just sitting here wondering why you closed out at the prices you did…thanks for the help…

EDIT: I still have my trade running and have to step away while it keeps dropping…I’m not very good at determining when I should pull the plug, but my plan was to take profits at 5650 so I will just close the charts and let it does it’s thing…

Here’s something I’ve been having trouble understanding. If you’ve got pivots or trinities up and the price is outside how do you know if price is trying to go somewhere or if it’s going to bounce back?(in the buy or sell zones)

This morning I was eyeing the same setup on the cable forming and I didnt take it. It was partly do to me having to go to work and another part on the couple of losses I took last week. But I just wanted to say thanks again ICT and there are a bunch of people in the tradeing community that appreciate everything you do and I am definitely one of them.

I will throw together a video review… let me finish this wonderful Brocolli Cheddar Soup I am enjoying. It will be a shorty so no high expectations… :57:

You just made me hungry. Thanx.

juicy bits of sweet tender knowledge!


[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

Thanks for the video Michael. Its great to hear your input on the same day that I make a trade so I can get your thoughts when mine are fresh in my head. Anyway, just one quick question, and I know you might not answer for a day or so, so anyone else feel free to chime in with your thoughts…

Just wondering about the Eur/Gbp, and lets say that pair is moving up to a significant resistance level at the same time that the you might be going long on either the cable or fiber. You could potentially expect a rejection from that resistance level on the Eur/Gbp, thus indicating weakness of the euro relative to the pound, right? So could that give you a bias as to which pair might be the better buy at that moment (obviously in addition to SMT divergences…)?

For example, possible buy on the cable or fiber, and Eur/Gbp is moving up to a resistance level, then you would go with the cable for your buy, as the euro will likely show weakness as the Eur/Gbp bounces south off of the resistance level…and vice versa for the same buy scenario but the Eur/Gbp is moving down to a significant support level.

Does that make sense to anyone?


Just an example of what I’m talking about, if you look at 8/02/12 at 12:00 GMT, the Eur/Gbp runs up into a previous significant S/R level at 0.7910. At the same time we had a bearish SMT divergence between the cable and the fiber. The Eur/Gbp indicates weakness in the euro (relative to the fiber) since we could expect that pair to move lower after hitting that resistance at 0.7910, so we would look for the fiber to be the better sell. And even though the Euro made the higher high while the cable was making lower highs (which should indicate more weakness in cable), we saw the fiber fall ~270 pips while the cable “only” dropped ~185.

I dunno…am I making something outta nothin?
