The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Guys did you notice USDX coming from 79% retracement? We may see entry ote in cable/fiber to go short!

imgur: the simple image sharer

thanksā€¦didnt really realize the usdx toe to be honest but I was worried about usdx being in TT buy zone and supported by CP and htf SRā€¦ never the less I did also enter cable long at the big figā€¦ (got filled at 1.5597, sl at 1.5570) luckily my SL held strong until nowā€¦ however price was certainly flirting with my SL for a while;)
hope I could extract a few pips out of this trade to make up for mondays lossā€¦

just had a brilliant ideaā€¦ since Im struggling to grasp what the market is doing the past few days I decided to book a flight to a nice beach for next week instead;)
recharge the batteries before the september rallyā€¦
certainly a better Idea than some of the trades Ive done in the past 2 weeks hahaha

maybe NYO will tell us moreā€¦

Hi tycoon,

i think the ICT stinger is a type 1 trend reversal followed by a type 2 trend following signal.
makes sense considering a trend following enforces the trend reversal signal hahaā€¦


50% out at +30 pips,
25% target @ 1.56500 - Out
and the rest @ 1.5700


Nice spreadsheet! Thanks for sharing it.

took off half at 30pips for first profit
just closed the trade at 1.5665 which was the 200% extension

was tempted to leave a little more on till 3pm or till it took out yesterdays high but iā€™m very happy with my pip haul on 85 pip range,
winner winner chicken dinner! what a way to celebrate ICTā€™s birthday! where the Ice tea at???!!


Anyone else just feel that on Oanda?

It went down from 6:30-6:49am EST caused a gap in my data scared the sh1t outta me.

Thankfully, I got in just in time for cable managed to take half off at 75 pips. Letting the rest ride but stops moved to 60 pips

also have panda but no gap here?!?
still have 50% in mostly because I wasnā€™t at the screen when it hit the 200 extension;) waiting for a retrace and then Ill take the rest off

Im on oanda MT4, and it has already hit the 1.56657 or the 200 ext. so not sure where you fibbed from

As well their live support confirmed there was a momentary ā€œTechnical issueā€ More like major but I told them to thank that tech for allowing me to **** my pants this early morning

hmm this is strange that you had a gap on oandaā€¦

this screenshot I just took immediately before writing thisā€¦

I could only imagine that it could have something to do with location (Using Oanda Singapore)?
(edit: oh my bad just re-read your post again and noticed that youā€™re using oanda MT4ā€¦ the problem could also be there I guessā€¦ Im using a forex ltd demo mt4 for my analysis - because its GMT;) and use the oanda java thing just to manage the tradesā€¦)
Interesting either way!
Yes I came in after my workout and noticed price has already shot slightly above the 200 extension and dropped down again a littleā€¦ So I decided to eat dinner little quick and after I returned it was pretty much exactly at the 200 extension so I closed out.
happy to have made back the losses from Mondayā€¦
entered at the big fig and
took some of at +25pips
half at +50 pips
and the remaining position at +60

Im certainly happy with every win in my current stageā€¦
congratulations to everyone who caught a peace of the pie today;)

cheers and happy hunting

ICT Holy Grail Birthday Stinger today!

Happy Birthday my virtual Mentor!

Happy Birthday Michael,

I remember celebrating my fortieth in Dubai, It was actually kind of rough. I have a great wife who told me that life begins at 40ā€¦She was spot on!

Life just keeps on getting better, I have a new found passion as well as a mentor who is celebrating where life begins!!!

Thanks for everything Mr Huddleston!

Nice trade Tycoon! I was looking at that same level but of course I went about it the wrong wayā€¦lol
What time frame did you find the divergence in? 15 minute?


To Tycoon and everyone else who caught that GBP trade. I caught it as well, so Iā€™m thrilled, but I have two questions:

  1. My sweet spot OTE seems to have been higher than most, I entered at 1.5598 and luckily didnā€™t get stopped out early. What figures did you pull your fibs from for the OTE entry? And 2) The same question for the 200% extension, what figures did you pull it from? Thanks a lot in advance!

Happy Birthday ICT and thank you for the present. I set up a Cable long last a night also noticing a Grail forming. Got in at 1.5594 and woke up to profit at 1.5650. Congrats to all of the folks posting this morning who grabbed some pips.

Happy late Birthday!
Got to agree, life starts at 40 enjoy!

1.56172 to 1.55742
You probably fibbedfrom1.5683 which isnā€™t wrong but thatā€™s not the judas swing its anchored from imo
The sweet spot is general ict uses anywhere between the 62 to 78

Happy Birthday Brotherā€¦:slight_smile:

Hey Goodpunk, I would like to see you post some of your futures and mini trades. The only trading experience I have is with the spot currencies and I would love to see how others might apply these concepts across other markets.

Often times trades do set up outside of kill zones. Kill zones just help the odds of a trade working out. The biggest thing kill zones do for me is limit my time that i have to be sitting in front of the computer. I can analyse the market. Find a potential buy or sell price. Then wait for a kill zone set up to appear to get in. Its nice because I really only have to be at the computer a couple hours during the days that I like the price action.

My kill zones would be an hour before market open (London Open as well as New York Open) and up too two hours after.
So from 7-9 am gmt for London Open. Some time I will wait until 10 am. The same for New York Open only in EDT.

I think the kill zone for London close is a little more narrow. I havenā€™t ever traded it so am not real sure.

I believe these kill zones would work for most markets because the concept is universal in that these are the times that the big boys are pushing price around to get ready for the day. The one time that I think it might be different is in currency pairs such as audusd were the open for that participial currency is at different time. Even with that being so, the New York and London opens will still be important because of the amount of money that New York and London are able to throw around.

Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who has only messed with the cable and fiber. So not a whole lot of knowledge on how other markets and currencies move during kill zones.

Iā€™m really curious to hear ICTā€™s take on the trade we all made money on last night with the Cable. Iā€™m on board with all of the reasons you guys listed to take the trade, BUT the news event at 5:30AM, with the Bank of Englandā€™s announcement, could have just as easily gone against us. Was that a trade we should have been taking in the first place with the news coming out?