The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

JayByrd, At 2pm PST what time does your MT4 platform read in the “Market Watch” section? If it reads 5pm EST or 17:00 then I’m afraid there is nothing you can do. My MT4’s clock resets to 0:00 at 2 pm PST (aka 5 pm EST), New York close. This allows the indicator to calculate the Asian session properly. It seams that the indicator was not coded to account for your situation. Sorry and I hope this answers your question.

Unfortunately it probably does. It’s 9:40 p.m. PST and the market watch clock says 00:40. So if my math is correct, that would put 2 p.m. PST at 17:00. There has to be someone on the west coast using these indicators, right?

Thanks bmwtech for your time.

Guys I have to ask a favor. As most of you know I have had computer issues that led to the distruction of my trading machine. Well I am typing this from my new trading machine and want to ask if anyone knows how to recover data from my old harddrive or had the old torrent file along with the cot spreadsheet kubio posted a whlie back that I was working with. Please either pm me or email me at <[email protected]>. This way I can get back on track and keep pressing forward. I know I sent everything I had to everyone that asked (but one which I still feel bad about but to late now) so I know it is around.

Jaybyrd, I’ve been meaning to reach out since I saw your first post(#3676) regarding this asian range timing issue. I struggled with the exact same problem, 17 hour range etc,. for a while. I still haven’t solved it and I’m Central time which is -6 to GMT but my feed is the same as a lot of peoples’ -5 and I still can’t get it to look like ICT’s chart. The post (#3675) by Tansen right before your original asian range post might help you. He helped me get mine looking a little closer to everyone else’s. Maybe you can doctor something up on either side of the 0:00 line. If you get your’s solved more permanently any time in the future, let me know…I’ll do the same if I get mine solved.

I quit trying to use that indi for the same issue and I am on EST (ny time). I cant help you but know you are not alone. It seems if you try to adjust it to low it jumps to like 17 hours long (or close to it I dont remember the exact number but your close enough). Will be interested to see what comes of it

what times are you using as inputs when you edit the open and close times?

Ok here’s the asia range according to my understanding.


Starts Local Time: 5pm - Midnight EST
Relation to GMT: +4 hrs to your current time

Starts Local Time: 4pm - 11pm CST
Relation to GMT: +5 hrs to your current time

Starts Local Time: 3pm - 10pm MST
Relation to GMT: +6 hrs to your current time

Starts Local Time: 2pm - 9pm PST
Relation to GMT: +7 hrs to your current time

Set your asia range indi accordingly because to my understanding 5pm - midnight and thats for EST.
This is also in case someone else screwed up some of the pivot times.

Or use this Forex Market Hours - Forex Market Time Converter

oh also remember its DLS so thats why the relation to GMT is off by 1

Thank you…It does let you set up 2 different ranges, but there is a gap between them at 23:00 with of course 2 different highs and lows. I’m kind of a perfectionist about this sort of thing, so I want one range, but this does the trick. I set one range at 19:00 - 23:00, then went back into indicators, opened up another range, and set that one to 0:00 - 3:00.

Thanks again and if I figure out how to set up one range I will let you guys know. Please let me know if you come across anything.

I thought the Asian session was 4pm - 12 am PST (7pm - 3am EST).

Ah, back to chart watching and early mornings after a good long two weeks break to Singapore :smiley:

Got a lot of catching up on threads to do, plus have a look at what ive missed out on the markets, market reviews etc…

Was a good break away, but glad to be back :slight_smile:

Don’t say I don’t get you anything…

DailyLineBoxes will create a colour box around the range and extend the the lines for as many hours as you like OR just use the ‘extend Lines’ to simulate the ICT asia range box, you’ll have to play around with it.

Put a negitive number in the StartHours field for the box to start before 0:00 eg. -1 for 23hrs or -2 for 22hrs ect. (45.4 KB)

A really handy Indi for those pesky ranges.


Here’s a version of the Asian Indicator, that doesn’t need any settings expect to say when it is or isn’t BST, it ‘should’ work with any broker.

Let me know if it needs any adjustments.

You need to allow DLL for it to work, that’s what gets the GMT. (8.13 KB)

Guys, I hope you don’t mind if I put my first post with anlysis using some ICT methods here. I’m new so please let me know what may be wrong with my view here.

So okay, this is my view on the [B]Fiber[/B], the setup I’ll be looking for next week. I used daily and 4hr time frame graphs to get this.

Daily market structure: bullish (since 24/07 we are posting higher lows/highs)
Fib pulled from: low 1.2132 (02/08 - previous week low) to high 1.2441 (06/08 - this week high)
OTE 79% @ 1.2199
Big Figure @ 1.2200

  • Weekly trinity (the 1st line in buy area) + also: 2nd line right at 100% Fib - may that be good for SL point?
  • Monthly trinity (some mid line right there as well)

This is just the beginning of my trading really, so please point out what might be off with this setup, what I’m missing, etc. I didn’t notice any SMT divergences (yet?) but again, maybe I’m missing something?

I will of course be looking for some furhter confirmation of my possible entry, like kill zones, Judas swings, etc. on smaller time frames (1hr, 15min).

Does this look anything like a good trade idea? Thanks for any feedback!

Its how I was explained this but basically asia for me is 5pm - midnight EST, but take everything that everyone says in here subjectively unless you hear it from the man himself.

There is no wrong answer to this so don’t worry, but did you read the COT charts, DX, bond yields?
Your missing a big trinity there.
Granted these guys are telling you the long term perspective however a minor retracement in the DX or even the bond yields could spell an easy 100+ pips.

There MAY be some support around 1.2175 - 1.2200 however thats a big maybe because S&R lines are not absolute my support line I drew was around 2175 however it was previously violated which coincidentally is also around 1.2130~ which is also S2 of the Trinity for that fact you have only 1 convergence.

The COT report from what I remember reading was that they were offing some of their longs and accumulating shorts.
Long / Short
-14,563 / 4,505

The DX you can look @ yourself

But look @ the bonds, what are the yields doing? I can tell you one thing their not going or have very much signs of PerfCharts - - Free Charts

The thing is that is the predominant swing IF that was the higher time frame objective but if you look out on the Daily on the 3rd to the 8th what happened? then what happened a few days afterwards? What’s that trend?

The name of the game is to find as many reasons to convince yourself that this is going to go higher or be a valid place of support and one good indication is if, price refused to go lower, you see a lot of price just bouncing or if they break they gravitate but use that as a S&R, you see price also hanging around there a lot maybe giving you a good price pattern like a hammer. Which conversely should agree with the DX atleast is near a support or a large pivotal area for the pair and the futures.

I got to get a nap in before I head out but I’ll leave this here and this is open for others to correct me.

Sorry Last version didn’t get rid of the lines when unloading. (8.18 KB)

I Could not make the NYO analysis, anyone?

Irrational market is irrational.

my NYO analysis.

Teusday created made a High. Wednesday was a Lower High. Thursday is a Higher High that reached Teusday’s high. The market sentiment to me was bullish. Therefore this creates an M pattern on the highs (sort of like how you would look to sell on a swing high). Price had to retrace down to the OTE set on Monday to complete the M high pattern before it took off. I got in around 1.5580 and am taking profit at that blue line which is the last weeks weekly high.

Nice way to end off the week :smiley:

Hey guys, I have been studying the ITC approach to trading over the past few weeks and I must say a big thank you to Michael for the time and effort he has invested so far.

In my first week taking this approach I managed to bag 64 pips, super happy!, thanks again :slight_smile: