The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

The turning point for me was to not look at the forums and not watch any of ICT’s market review videos…I sat at my computer none stop for a long time watching the markets move…I started thinking on my own without any distractions from outside sources.

The best thing anyone can do is sit and watch the markets, you don’t even have to trade just guess in your head or on a piece of paper to which way you think price will go…Keep score on how many you get correct…After watching the markets for a long time you will eventually start putting the pieces together…

I do watch ICT’s video’s now, but with an open mind and I don’t let his opinions change my mind on trades setups I am watching for…

Totally agree with you Pip, I used to be on the thread every day, refreshing the page every few minutes to see if there was a new post that I could learn something from. Now I still check in once or twice a week, and still post occasionally, but its mainly just to look for ICT posts. Don’t get me wrong, I love the thread, and I still gain a lot from it, but I do think that there’s no experience like personal experience, and once you understand a lot of the tools and concepts, I think you can make the biggest personal gains (I’m not talking financial here) by being alone with the market :8:

Eventually we’ll all have to step out from under the protective wing of mama bird ICT and fly on our own…

Now, I got a long way to go until I’ll feel secure that I won’t crash and burn flyin’ completely solo, but that’s my goal for some day, to be a completely self-sufficient and independent professional trader who learned from the best:cool:


I had the same realization earlier this year. I actually tried to completely break from the forums, even went back and deleted all my old posts (I have no idea why I did that). But these forums are kind of like a drug, I still like to come back and read what everyone is going through. I identified with what you were going through earlier in the year because I had the same experience last year.

The goal is not to draw folks to my videos… the goal is to draw you a map and point the way… I take great pleasure in seeing the “independent thinker” in a few of you. Excelsior!

This is the intended goal folks… :57:

So what made you identify 5674 as a level to get in at, PipH? Pls share your analysis/insights!

Im pretty sure its because of the OTE. Check out the picture ive attached.

No offense intended, but at what time are you guys taking trades? Price hit that level at like 1AM in the morning… Not sure what killzone that is :o

Oh No, You Don’t get me I’m part of the Union :slight_smile:

Pure speculation on my behalf, no trading, although it is racing away for a nice 40+ pips as I post…

Im pretty sure its because of the OTE. Check out the picture ive attached.

Yes, it’s an OTE and yes, it looks like 1AM GMT, before LO. PipHangar did say it was a limit order, so i guess he was safely tucked up in bed or away when price hit that level.

Ok, that was one of the most confident trades I’ve ever taken!!! 30 PIPS to the good.

And here’s the analysis.

  1. OTE established on 1HR timeframe.
  2. Pivot resistance level 1.
  3. Judas Swing.
  4. Big volume, no progress in price.
  5. Big volume, progress in price so you know it’s going down.
  6. Oh, and divergence doesn’t exist, so I don’t know what the heck those thick black lines are! :smiley:

What sold me on this was that we had also hit the 200 extension of the Asian Range

Okay this AM took Eu Short @ 1.2383… s/r , HTF ote, KZ etc and managed to get filled @ 1.5715 GU short during the quick spike up on the back of news… Mind has gone to rubbish regarding where to TP so i Guess I will look @ 15:00 GMT for possible exits if still in the trades.

Just tp’d @ 1.2317… couldn’t hold any longer…

Nice trade ppfx. Question on the volume indicator: You said big volume and no progress, then on the way down you said big volume and there WAS progress in price. I see the volume but i don’t see the progress in the second example. To me it looks like price moved the same each time… Any comments? I haven’t messed with the volume indicator so very interested in what an “ol pro” has to say about it. :wink:

Slightly off topic perhaps, but my broker rolled out (as of today is marketing; I guess it’s been there for a lttle while) a new currency combination USD/BKT, which is meant to be a way to trade the US dollar against a basket of other currencies. Comparing the currencies in the basket (by percentage) to the percents when one wiki’s US Dollar Index, they are very very close - though my broker tells me they are not “exactly” the same, as this is not trading the USDX. It’s still a great thing to have in my broker’s package in my view, as it basically does mirror the USDX unless my broker decides to change the percentages.

I couldn’t agree more!

I think the best end state for all of Michael’s work would be for each of us to take what we like the most, throw away what we don’t, and create our own PERSONAL way to trade that best suits us, day in and day out.

This is the Asian Session…I don’t like taking Asian Session trades but when they look like this I will take them all day everyday…

I will keep this short since I am at work…

Like most have already pointed out it was the OTE sweet spot which I tried to factor in the spread but didn’t do it well enough since it left without me but went down to my entry limit order.

Asian KillZone, OTE, Divergence with Stoch on 1HR…plus I love these trades that come down really really slow into OTE, I have noticed many times once it hits OTE it blasts off the other way…

I was anticipating a short today and I thought if I was correct that the Asian Session OTE would set this up…well low and behold I got my wish and shorted the cable and fiber this morning’s LO…I got out of my short trades at 15:00 GMT…

Waiting for tomorrow to setup another short entry, but will have to see how it sets up tonight forsure.


My Trade Setup for one shot one kill was Shorting the Aussie at 0580 on Sunday or Monday, but as you can see it just came short of my limit order. I thought it would go higher then it did, but that’s the way it goes. If this trade sets up like I think it will it could be a position trades for several hundred pips…Look at the weekly charts OTE…

What does everyone else think???

Well seeing as how I am still in that trade. I think you are a genius my friend, pure genius :smiley: