The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Perhaps ICT is hoping to shortlist 12 candidates to fill those 12 monitor positions and set up an ICT hedge fund to take on the world :wink: With all the material that Michael’s released perhaps he’s sitting on some ‘X Factor’ forex judge panel running up a shortlist of likely forum posters…please say it’s true Michael…lol

Do you make trades from this platform or just analysis? You;ve made comments about notgetting on your accounts with your laptop and being attacked and i thought you said something about not getting on your accounts on your “system” either. I was thinking about getting a seperate internet connection just for my trading. in the future of course lol. and this was your second best post ever :D.

Maybe a VPN service could do the trick for you, if it’s security you’re looking for, for your trading?!
it could also be helpful to “proof that somebody else is doing the trading for you” - if you’re living in a country where you only pay taxes on profits generated WITHIN that country…
just saying…:wink:

not exactly sure if VPN or another Internet connection would be cheaper or better for you’re needs.


This is the trade i am looking at today, Long GBP@ 1.5450 for the following reasons

  1. Previous Week High
  2. ICT Holy Grail(Trend following div +OTE)
  3. SMT div between EU/GU
  4. Bullish Market flow

Also, on a side note, 30Y Treasury Bonds have seen a MACD Div + a break in market structure. If i were trading it i would look for short on retracements (Incoming risk on move, low bond price = higher yields = +Risk)

Let me know what you guys think or if i have miss out on anything haha :slight_smile:


Did you mean 1.5750? Cause 1.5450 is off by 3 figures.

I think that’s what Ivan meant.

I noticed the same stuff basically but was eyeing a little bit higher level, 1.5770. Adding to what was mentioned, there is also a S1 pivot laying there, previous Wednesday asian low was pretty close and to me that was exatly the point where we saw a lot of support/resistance a lot of times before (granted, it can’t be said to the point, so maybe 1.5750 is better after all). It’s also just 3 pips away from 62% retracement from last week’slow to the high and within we have a smaller OTE from today’s range (so far).

I missed the entry by inches so far, hoping for a one more pullback :slight_smile:

I guess you mean 1.5750, but yes, looks good :slight_smile:

Right there with you. Stinger on the Cable, missed my entry by about 1/2 a pip. This may be off to the races without me (us), but not gonna chase…


Add another one to that list of likely missed trades…

Been eyeing this since 7.30 GMT

Not triggered by 7 pipettes lol!

That 70 level is very significant - for those who havent seen it, pull up your monthly charts and mark your previous highs and lows :slight_smile:

Yea my bad haha… seems like a missed opportunity… gonna just leave the order there and see how it goes :slight_smile:

Well, lesson learnt for me - next time I will be putting my orders 2-3 pips above/below (depends on trade direction) these important levels and see how it works out.

But I still hope it will unfold, it’s going back down again :slight_smile:

Patience is a virtue. Entry triggered @ 1.5768. Nap time : )


Bleh… Didn’t for me. And somehow I am convinced it’s not going back again. What broker are you with Matty? Good to know so I don’t miss my future setups :wink:

I had a limit buy order for fiber (I thought it was the stronger pair from the SMT, failing to go lower…)
1.2475… not triggered by 2 pips

lets see if I find a way in during NYO

good luck and happy hunting

edit: was considering to manually enter cable as it is still ranging… but its out of killzone… and for some reason I am not fully convinced that it will rally up as well. (wouldn’t be the first time I’m wrong…) Instead I will double check for a possible reversal during NYO…
I am however obviously a little disappointed in me not setting my fiber limit buy order a bit more generously… would be up 90 pips by now. grrr :wink:


What broker are you with? Im with Oanda, my feed shows the low at 1.5766 - Bounce off previous months high (its amazing how these levels work)

Im long @ 1.577

Forex LTD, as that’s what ICT uses in his analysis (yes, I know he doesn’t use it for his trading). I am only demoing for now, so no biggie but still I hate it, coz that was supposed to be my first “fully aware trade” :wink: The low is at .5769 there but adding the spread, asking price was at .5772 in the lowest point I think.

Since i can’t post charts till required number of messages, 'm going to describe this demo trade. please guys feel free to comment.

short eur-usd at .2553, stop at .2570 outside ADR, above R2 pivot line at .2563 and LC high of Aug 24 at .2562. Currently forming a pin bar on m15 after stops at .2562 taken. It is 9.45 gmt, could this be the high of the day? first target R1 at 2521, second target on time, at London Close. Entry in area of OTE on the swing between high of Aug 23 and low of today

If somebody said they didnt feel it was a good trade, would that stop you taking it? Or similarly, if you didnt take the trade because of a swayed decision, and it worked out, wouldnt you feel worse?

Do the work, find a good number of confluences, and if you still feel unsure take the trade in a demo account (as i dont know your stage of trading yet). Come back and show whether it panned out or not, if it did, we’ll all congratulate you (me anyway), and if not some of the more experienced here can show you where you may have gone wrong.

As many of the tools and concepts that ICT has shared, i think the biggest one recently (and maybe the most important - especially for newcomers) is that ICT is not trying to help babysit you through the trades. He wants us to grow into our own traders who can make our own trade decisions on our own analysis. Im not trying to sound like a buzz kill here, but imo, you’ll learn much better by taking a trade and getting it wrong, rather than having others opinions of a trade before hand (not saying your trade is a bad idea)…

Anyway, good luck, i hope you take it since you clearly think theres some ground to it, and ill be watching for your results :slight_smile:

wouldnt be surprised if the market wont give us much until consumer confidence numbers are out…

lets see;)

IBFX, with a low of 1.57662