The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

I wanted to share how these levels we cover offer short term counter-trend trades that can pay us - despite being essentially “wrong” or against the prevailing market direction.

Note the Weekly chart on the left… not the reaction once Price traded into that Weekly Resistance turned Support. NYO OTE yesterday and slide into Weekly level noted in advance.

Find your Higher Time Frame Level - Stalk It - Execute - Take It Down - Repeat

GLGT :57:

Thanks SanJ, appreciate the feedback

So you tell me… The News effect with the tools today… Tell me what you see.

GLGT :57:

the “news” was priced in last week :60:

seriously, the more I watch your material, things just start jumping off the chart, its unbelievable really :slight_smile:

Thank you for the great info and insight!

Hi all;
I’m a newbie - tried learning in the past through different sources but one thing was clear to me; and that is I wasn’t getting it. I’ve done one run through of “What Every New And/Or Aspiring Trader … Still Wants to Know” video series. I cannot believe this material - it’s beginning to make sense. Yes, I plan to go through them again and practice each strategy/technique in demo i.e. today/this week it’s trading NYO etc. until I can put all of the techniques together and/or pull out whichever I need based on the market.

The thing I’m still uber shaky on is the process of determining directional bias. I’m hoping that as I attend the upcoming PTC daily reviews that it will click? However, if some of you seasoned traders have suggestions as far as the switch I need to turn on or off to get this, I’ll appreciate it. I know for most of you this is becoming second nature so bear with me.

I’ve known for a while that I wanted to do this for a living but did not know how I’d get there. For the first time I’m beginning to think and feel that it is possible. ICT, can’t thank you enough. I look forward to this journey and learning from you. I wish you every blessing.

Quick question regarding judas swings…

As far as the judas swing goes, if we don’t see an expected judas swing out of the asian range, does this invalidate the trade? This morning, for example, I had been watching the pound for a long entry around the 1.5750 level since it was an OTE on the higher time frame. I was expecting a judas swing out of the asian range, but it never manifested. I saw the OTE within the asian range but didn’t take the trade - oops. Should the OTE alone without judas be enough to be enough to warrant the trade, or is a LO judas swing some kind of a prerequisite?

I mentioned this a few pages ago, but just remember the directional bias is important depending on the time frame you want to look at and the type of strategy you want to trade ie swing trading, intraday, scalping etc…

The first thing id advise is to pick a time frame you want to determine your trend, as depending on the time frame, you can have a very different directional bias. As i said before, we could be in a bullish trend but that doesnt mean the markets wont trade downwards and there will be an opportunity to make money going short.

In terms of directional bias, go back and get a hold of the ‘Inside the Range’ webinar - i think its extremely helpful in helping with the bias. [I]In short, you basically want to look at 3 main things - where price has been, where price is, and where price is going[/I]. Depending on the answer to those things (and the time frame your looking at), it should give you a basic bias for that time frame. Once these questions have been answered, look to things such as market structure and market flow to affirm your decision of your direction. But always keep in mind, everything should be based around higher time frame key support and resistance levels, money can be made both ways if you keep these in mind :slight_smile:

Personally, i dont look at the Judas as something which validates or invalidates a trade. The judas swing is just something which is necessary to be identified to figure out whether a movement in price is a sucker play or a real move. I think more often than not, these judas swings are funded by retail traders while the smart money take the other side of the trade before the real movement in the direction for the day…

It’s our job to figure out the sucker plays from the real moves and jump and ride the tails of the smart money folks…


It can be a prerequisite as part of your trading strategy, but what you should have done today is that by 10 am GMT, you know that Judas swing from the Asian open has not materialised, and then you have plenty of chances to get in at 1.5780 ish, in the form of OTEs amidst high lows, remember the low of the day is most likely to have established by then too, and a swing like that into the Asian open to me puts me on alert for a long bias day.

I remember ICT in his last videos said that he would take a trade at OTE without waiting the price goes out of the Asian Range (Judas Swing) if Asian Range is 40/+ pips! And today was exactly this kind of day. :wink: So you could have gone long at 1.5768!


Thanks for all of the help everyone - makes sense that such a large asian range would be unlikely to get a judas swing outside.

Mooman, thanks for asking that one. I had dame question and it now makes sense with everyone’s answers. Thanks all.

how do you get a Long directional bias for today’s action. help please.thanks

Yup ; )


It’s quite a long answer to your question, longer timeframes being one of the main reasons, the answers are in the videos, it’s kind of the whole thing, go through it again, you’ll get there, if you can ask more specific questions they’ll be easier to answer.

What I’m saying is, I could put my analysis down for you and put 2 or 3 charts up, and if I were in the mood I just might, and show you my winning trade :slight_smile: , but, it would only be a small snapshot of the complete explanation’s that there are in the videos, and going through them will help you learn how to do analysis, it’s just a bit of a learning curve, well worth the climb.

can any body tell how asian range help us in determine the daily direction

I might be completely wrong on this one and even if I’m looking in the right direction I don’t see much, but what I see is that Consumer Confidence report coming out lower than expected caused a GBP to go slightly higher against USD. The event caused a slight increase in volatility here and there and some currencies actually seemed to have gone lower against USD in that time. Again, I guess I’m probably missing the point here so please correct me.

On that note I would like to say “Hello” to everyone and introduce myself as this is my first post here.
I’m completely new to Forex despite having gone throught all of the material from “What every new…” thread. However I’m beginning to demo already as my current profession has taught me that practice is the best way to learn - I’m a dental technician by the way :wink:
I currently live in London, UK and I’ve been introduced to Forex by my brother who is here known as Krishen - big appreciation for that!
At this point I would also like to thank Michael Huddleston for all the teaching and effort as well as everyone else here who’s sharing their knowledge and helping others out.


I found this years ago, no idea where, i quite enjoy reading it every now and then…

Whether I win or lose a trade, trading is my profession and it’s what I like to do. Great people have always faced challenges and failures – yet they become great. The past failures and challenges on the markets are never a deterrent to me. Markets wizards today were novices in the past. The road to success is bumpy indeed. Nevertheless, the resplendent reward of consistent success makes the pain of the past pale into insignificance. Whenever I visualize the joy of success, the glory of breakthrough, the pleasure of financial freedom, the luxury of attainment of goals – The benefits in trading are worth the sacrifices inherent in it. I’ll continue to move on.

Whether I win or I lose a trade, I’m still a trader and I’ll be a trader for as long as I live. A balanced trading life doesn’t preclude a normal person from having fun from other aspects of life. Trading is a holistic way of life: it’s a journey to self-discovery. A successful trader is someone who’s won one of the life’s most crucial battles. Successful traders worldwide, I salute you! You’re heroes and heroines indeed! You’ve discovered your true self. You’ve conquered your negative personality.

Whether I win or I lose a trade, I’ll never quit. Losers and winners are a normal part of the game. I was downtrodden and hopeless on the markets in the past, but I experienced a turnaround once I go to know the tips and tricks for survival on the markets, and I’m disciplined enough to follow them. Yes a trader may say he’s surviving the markets instead of saying that he’s successful. I was lucky to come across those with the right thoughts on the markets. For two real traders, there are ninety trading charlatans. There are too many crooks out there – too many wolves in sheep’s clothing. But I can’t be deceived anymore. I’m free from all their lies and marketing traps. I’m free!

Whether I win or lose a trade, I’m on my journey to trading mastery. Why won’t a warrior constantly pray for opportunities to show her or his prowess? I’m glad to be an experienced soldier on the battlefield of the financial markets. A soldier I am, yet I’m still learning. I’ll be a learning soldier forever, for the market is a complex thing. Trading being the second most stress-related job in the world, second only to disarming live nuclear weapons, can be approached with stress-reducing tactics. There are normal reactions to stress and these I know. Stress, just like risk, can be managed successfully.

Whether I win or lose a trade, I won’t show any childish reactions. I can be encouraged by a good trade, but I won’t be discouraged by a bad trade. Some others may abandon this way of life, but I won’t. People’ negative thoughts and comments on trading aren’t a headache to me. The outside world is very hard – harder than we may think. I’ll let go of the past and look forward to a brighter tomorrow. Trading is my niche; I’m comfortable with it. If you invest the time in becoming an expert then the financial reward can be huge. I’ll continue following the simple time-tested winning strategies. What good is the best system if in reality you’re incapable of ultimately trading it on a regular basis?

Whether I win or I lose a trade, I’ll be a successful trader. I just need to want it badly enough for me to be successful or it might be put differently, that those who fail as traders just didn’t want to be successful badly enough. I know it’s a fact that there’s no guaranteed method of being profitable in the markets. It should be clear, though; that the chances of success will increase if a chosen strategy is pursued consistently in a disciplined manner.

Whether I win or lose a trade, trading is an exciting world – a world of unlimited opportunities. Believe it or not, I’m moving up gradually higher and so you can. The me I see is the me I’ll be. Welcome to the world of financial freedom.

“(When it comes to trading mastery) You already have the mastery within you, waiting to be called forth… Mastery is walking the path, not the destination. Should you choose to walk it each and every day, what will you find?

So I took my first trade using some concepts I learned from the videos and the first 50 pages of the other thread. I made a 1.5% gain today, first time ever to break 1% on a single trade!

I’m locked in at 8 pips past break even. Not sure if I should get out or let it go? I figure that I have no risk so I’m good… Any thoughts?

I don’t think locking in 8 pips is ict’s idea of what he wants to create even by an intra-day scalping perspective… if you netted 1% at 8 pips you must be using astronomical risk considering we take 1% at 30 pips

Unless you say your only risking like 8 pips which is 2 pips short of what ICT say would be some of the least you should use because all a MM has to do is pair up one group of orders to gun you out.