The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Thanks. So am I right about the 5 year? Should we expect yields to continue to fall??

Another one -

For Crude Oil, (I know this is babyPIPS and not babyTICKS but the principles are truly universal), the CRB index is looking like it made highs and Crude did not follow. Is it safe to say, with my amateur skills, that we can expect lower Crude prices???

I see the 5y, 10y and 30y making higher lows, while the 2y is basically flat. A crack in correlation on the lows is a bullish signal, a crack on the highs viceversa is bearish. So in this case we should rather expect the yield to rise, which translates in a stronger dollar and weaker fiber and cable. Weā€™ll see about that! :wink:

??? Iā€™m confused. If the yields rise, doesnā€™t that mean that prices, thus the dollar, would fall?? As yields rise prices fall and vice versa.

So Michaelā€¦

I just saw your tweet, and I have to say I was anticipating something similar yet opposite of what you are looking for. Hereā€™s what Iā€™m looking at

Bullish confluences:
Stinger set-up on 1H
Bullish SMT divergence on the 1h cable/fiber
Pivot buy zone
TT ā€œbuyā€ zone (bottom of no manā€™s land)
OTE using swing low on the 30th, right at longterm S/R at 1.2530
USDX OTE from recent swing high, moved right up to longterm S/R at 81.50
Daily market flow up
30y treasury yield failed to make a lower low while 2y, 5y, 10y all did

Bearish Confluences:
DJI,SP,and NQ bearish divergence (NQ made higher highs while the other two failed)
4h market flow down

Now, I guess you were still anticipating a bounce around 1.2530 as well, but seem to be looking for that bounce to set up an OTE for an overall bearish day. Why would you expect that versus a bullish day? I thought when we saw a stinger form at a significant support level, we could expect to release some lighting to the upsideā€¦is this a ā€œfake stinger?ā€ We did have a swing high formed on the daily, so I guess based on the power of 3 vid, I should be shorting after thatā€¦but does that override everything I mentioned regarding bullish bias? Would love your thoughts on my analysis. Thanks.


Was wondering the same.

To add to your Bullish confluences, reflection pattern is in place (at around 1.2530 level) using the 9/03 - 9/04 swing.
We also had an ā€œoutside dayā€ with down close yesterday which, from the High Prob. Price Patterns vid, is indicative of a possible Bullish day to follow (although Monday did give an abnormally small range due to the holiday).

To add to your Bearish confluences - albeit on a macro level - seasonal tendencies does seem to post a short term high around this time only to setup long opportunities towards the middle-end of this month.

Have you guys looked at the Daily thoughā€¦looks weakā€¦fractal high, negative divergenceā€¦

See how much homework youā€™ve done for entering the trade, and you say you were pretty cool about it because of all the prep work, have you done the same for your exits? :wink:

Thatā€™ll be the second part of the story -

Thatā€™s what I have down, along with the daily pivot buy zone presenting the first part of the story by moving price up initially ā€¦ an OTE to get short? but then Iā€™m only scalping before structure breaks down on the Daily.

Reckon the USD at 81.65 and 81.80 are going to be key, (if it gets there obviously).

Best way to reduce your stress is to reduce your risk. If your normal lot is 100k, reduce it to 50K or 30K. Reduce it to the amount that you feel just above your comfort zone. If you place it too low, you may get totally detached and not manage your trade well ( I had done that).

Build confidence with your setups. After, slowly increase your risk step by step


Lol, what an awful LO today! Looks like an up day (buy zone), price crashes downwards and rapes everyoneā€™s stops (outside of LO killzone mind you!), then it casually returns back upwards again - AH, thatā€™s just how it goes! :slight_smile:

ICT Stinger show itā€™s power on fiber!!! :wink:
Made 30 pips and thatā€™s enough for today!

Guys watch market review 09 02 12 a few times, it really brings it all together and simplifies everything
Thanks Michael Youā€™re amazing

Well no, not quite, EUR, Iā€™m long at the OTE sweet spot, Iā€™m trading off the 1 hr chart, with S1 confluence with 20 level, all my stochs look great, but Iā€™m also looking at 1.2500, BIG level with S2 confluence at 90% retrace.

So on to execution, I go long at 1.2525ish, get stopped out, but Iā€™m ready to re-enter, not an advisable thing to do, but itā€™s what I planned, I figure out if lose I lose less if I execute my trade this way, itā€™s close actually, but I tend to do that anyway, whether itā€™s good or bad practice, probably on the bad side but thatā€™s another story.

I take profit at 50 level, I figure since it bounced exactly off the 500 level it is most likely to get to the 50 at least, so now Iā€™m in profit, now I shall move my stop to a swing low on the 5m/15m chart, see how it pans out, then leave my TP at 1.26080, and trail my stops at swing lows.

Hope that helps.

Lol good trade bro, I shouldā€™ve considered re-entering when I was stopped outā€¦ I think once it went against me I just lost confidence in the upwards move. Yet look at it now, sitting high and pretty.

Ahh, now this is what gave me that extra bit of confidence!

The blue line is EURUSD, the black is USDX, the red is GBPUSD, the overlay indicators, Iā€™ve been observing it for a couple of weeks, and Iā€™m taking as the blue line wants to cross the black line, and the red line wants to get to it.

Sounds a bit dot to dot, I swear itā€™s quite amazing so far, long term who knows, but Iā€™ve looked at it at the 5, 15 and 1 hour chart.

Is there any way you could share this wonderful overlay indi?

Index of /indicators

Thanks a million PPF!